Keithley Data Acquisition and Control, Inc

First of all, the Series 500 sup-. L· ports the PCs most commonly used in lab and R&D work: ... Boston, MA 02111. For literature on the Series 500, c...
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WHY IS OUR WORKSTATION DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM THE COMPLETE SOLUTION? Keithley Series 500 workstation data acquisition system is the complete solution to your control and measurement needs, present and future. Even a basic configuration provides enough power and capacity for most lab and test bench applications. As your needs become greater, you can set it up to perform more complex or varied operations later on. The key is: you configure it for your needs, whenever you need to.

software e n v i r o n m e n t in charge of b o t h interfaces. For special n e e d s , there's o u r Chem500 analytical chemistry software package for chromatography, spectroscopy, thermal analysis a n d colorimetry. A n d t h e Series 500 is also s u p p o r t e d



First of all, t h e Series 500 s u p L · ports the PCs most commonly u s e d in lab a n d R&D work: t h e IBM PC, PC-XT and Portable PC; t h e A p p l e 11 + a n d He; a n d the C o m p a q Portable. We even s u p p o r t the 8087 coprocessor.

A CHOICE OF • SOFTWARE. O u r Soft500 package w a s written to give beginners the accessibility a n d ease of u s e they n e e d to get results, yet it also offers m o r e experienced users the d e p t h a n d extra facilities necessary for more complex applications. Facilities like high-speed sampling, data storage, graphics, statistical analyses and m e m o r y - m a p p e d I/O for highspeed data transfer. O u r u n i q u e interrupt-driven architecture allows data acquisition in the b a c k g r o u n d a n d simultaneous real-time analysis, control and display in t h e foreground. W h a t ' s more, with our n e w Plus500 interface, you can also connect IEEE-488 instrum e n t s to your PC a n d p u t t h e s a m e

by t h e Macmillan ASYST™ a n d Lab Notebook™ software packages.

A CHOICE OF FUNCTIONS. With the Series 500, you can choose from a larger library of plug-in function cards t h a n any other company offers.

transducers: t h e r m o c o u p l e s , strain g a u g e s a n d RTDs; pulse counting; 4-20 m A current loop i n p u t a n d o u t p u t ; direct switching a n d sensing of AC a n d D C p o w e r lines; a n d p r o g r a m m a ble excitation for t r a n s d u c e r s . All with full software s u p p o r t .

ALL THIS, BACKED BY KEITHLEY QUALITY. Behind the Series 500 is Keithley's 40-year reputation for engineering excellence a n d low-level m e a s u r e m e n t expertise. We designed it to provide t h e least noise, the highest accuracy a n d the greatest thermal stability of any PC-based data acquisition system.

BACKED BY • KEITHLEY SUPPORT, TOO. We haven't provided a complete solution unless w e provide complete s u p p o r t . A n d w e d o . Your Series 500 comes with a one-year full warranty a n d 90 days' free software counseling. Most important, Keithley Data Acquisition an a Control provides you with a toll-free applications hot line, for the times y o u need a helping h a n d . For a demonstration or more information, call us toll-free at 1-800-552-1115. Massachusetts call 617-423-7780. Or write us at Keithley Data Acquisition a n d Control, Inc., 210 Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111. For literature on the Series 500, circle Reader Service N u m b e r 000.

Series 5 0 0 C h o o s e from 18 analog a n d digital I/O m o d u l e s ; isolated a n d non-isolated analog input; direct connection of CIRCLE 117 ON READER SERVICE CARD

KEITHLEY © WS5 bv Keithley Data Acquisition and Control, Inc., Boston, Mass.