keithley instruments, inc. - ACS Publications

Product Capsules LOW NOISE. iJC&w&unee. REMOTE ... ated pH meter, 61A-3; reflection meter,. 61A-4 ... oscilloscopes, sound level meters, and pen recor...
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Product Capsules of scanning limits, and automatic re­ petitive charting with no mirror image. Borg-Warner Corp., 3300 Newport Blvd., Santa Ana, Calif. 68A Hot Plates. Bulletin available on the "Pyrodisc" portable hot plate. Diam­ eter: 8". Power rating: 600 watts. Power service: 115 volts, 50/60 cycle. Laboratory Equipment Div., Lindberg Engineering Co., 2474 W. Hubbard St., Chicago 12, 111. 69A-3 Interference Filters. Bulletin avail­ able on interference filters cited as pro­ viding isolation of narrow regions of the spectrum and featuring high trans­ mission. Farrand Optical Co., Inc., Bronx Blvd. & East 238th St., Ν. Υ. 70, Ν. Υ. 69Α-2


AC AMPLIFIER has selectable


and a 400 megohm, 3 mmf input VERSATILITY teams up with high input impedance in this new, improved broad­ band amplifier. Used as a general purpose preamplifier or as an isolation amplifier, it fits neatly in scores of tests at both audio and ultrasonic frequencies.

Kjeldahl Apparatus. Circle 74A for information on micro, electric Kjeldahl digesting apparatus with six separatelycontrolled 200-watt heaters. Operat­ ing temperatures up to 450° C. Ac­ commodates Kjeldahl flasks 10 ml, 30 ml, or 100 ml. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Vine St, at Third, Phila. 5, Pa, 74A



Laboratory Equipment. 180-page catalog available. Contains informa­ FOR WET PRECIPITATION CHEMISTRY tion on company's complete line of modern laboratory equipment. MetaTo meet the heavy shielding demands of strong gamma emitters, the Kewaunee re­ lab Equipment Co., 252 Duffv Ave.. Hicksville, L. Ι., Χ . Ύ . 36A-1 mote controlled CBR* laboratory is fitted with a portable lead enclosure. Designed Laboratory Furniture. Company now to permit technicians to work remotely offers a complete line of general labora­ with constant temperature hot baths, cold b a t h s , r e a g e n t r a c k s , c e n t r i f u g e , c o n e tory furniture to complement their mounts, working racks, reagent storage— line of Kjeldahl apparatus, fat ex­ as easily as with the hands. tractors, crude fiber condensers and Portable shielding never becomes radio- other specialized apparatus and furni­ contaminated—may be moved as required ture. Laboratory Construction Co., to another CBR unit. 1109 Holmes, Kansas City, Mo. 60A If you're working with radiochemistry, Laboratory Instruments. Circle indi­ investigate the Kewaunee remote controlled CBR laboratory — for greater personnel cated numbers for complete informa­ safety, lower operating expense, improved tion on the following: KBr sampling quality control, maximum space efficiency. technique for the Model 21 IR spectro­ photometer, 46A-1; the Model 146 flame photometer, 46A-2; "Using Water as an Infrared Solvent" reprint, 46A-3; WRITE TODAY and quarterly publication "Instrument News," 46A-4. Instrument Div., Perkin-Elmer Cor])., 800 Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 46A-1 to 4 CBR Laboratory Instruments, Circle indi­ CATALOG cated numbers for bulletins on the fol­ lowing photoelectric and electronic instruments: line-operated pH meter Model 110, 61A-1; line-operated pH *CBR-(hemical · Biological · Radiologicalmeter Model 115, 61A-2; battery-oper­ ated pH meter, 61A-3; reflection meter, 61A-4; electronic densitometer, 61A-5; multiplier fluorescence meter, 61A-6; colorimeter, Model 402-E, 61A-7; color­ imeter, Model 450, 61A-8; and color­ imeter Model 401, 61A-9. Photovolt KEWAUNEE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Corp., 95 Madison Ave.. Ν. Υ. 16, Ν. Υ. 5 0 9 0 S. Center St., A d r i a n , Michigan 61A-1 to 9


TYPICAL applications are: vibration and noise studies, work with accelerometers and hearing aids, and pulse amplification. A 5-volt 50-ohm output is provided for driving oscilloscopes, sound level meters, and pen recorder power amplifiers. FEATURES of the Model 102B are: accurate decade gains of 0.1 to 1000; selectable bandwidths of 2 cps to 150 kc or to 1.7 mc; noise below 10 microvolts with 150 kc response, and below 20 micro­ volts with 1.7 mc response. Two very low capacitance input probes are available: 5 mmf, 2 cps to 150kc response; and 20 mmf, 2 cps to 1.7 mc response. NEW CATALOG Β gives detailed data on the Model 102B and all other Keithley Instruments and accessories. Your copy will be sent promptly upon request on your company letterhead.


REPRESENTATIVES I N P R I N C I P A L C I T I E S Circle No. 89 A-1 an Readers' Service Cad, paje 99 A



72475 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 6, Ohio

(Continued on page 90Λ) Circle Να. 89 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 99 A

VOL. 29, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1957 ·

89 A