KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (4 Part I), pp 47A–47A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50164a740. Publication Date: April 1959. Copyright © 1959 ...
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The Keithley 150 sets new standards in sensi­ tivity, stability and noise figure for dc microvoltmeters. It also serves as an amplifier, null detector, micro-microammeter, and (with an external voltage supply) meg-megohmmeter. Functions and measurement spans include: DC Voltmeter, 1 microvolt to 1 volt full scale Ammeter, 1 0 - 1 0 to 1 0 _ 3 ampere full scale DC Amplifier, gains of 10 to 10,000,000 Null Detector, with 0.5 to 2 second period.

OTHER FEATURES of the 150 include zero sup­ pression of up to 100 times full scale; optional floating or grounded input; high input resist­ ance; zero stability as a voltmeter within ±0.1 microvolt per day, and within ± 2 χ 10-11



ampere per day as an ammeter; short term noise within 0.03 microvolt peak to peak (0.006 microvolt RMS). The 150 is rugged, relatively insensitive to vibration, 60-cycle fields, or thermal EMF's. It is available in either rack or cabinet packaging. USES of the 150 encompass nearly every branch of research and engineering. Examples include measuring the outputs from strain gages, thermopiles, thermocouples, bolo­ meters, phototubes, ionization chambers, scintillation counters, and barrier layer cells. Other applications are found in cell studies, electrochemical potentials, corrosion work, molecular-weight analysis, Hall effect studies. DETAILED DATA a b o u t t h e 150 Micro Voltammeter are now available in Keithley Engineering Notes, Vol. 7 No 1. A request will bring your copy promptly.


dc voltage: 13 ranges in IX and 3X steps from ± 1 microvolt to ± 1 volt full scale. current 17 ranges in IX and 3X steps from ± 10-1» to ± 1(H ampere full scale. zero stability: within 0.1 microvolt per day, or 2 χ 10-11 ampere per day. noise: less than 0.006 microvolt RMS as a volt­ meter ; less than 2 χ 10"12 ampere as an ammeter. accuracy: voltage, ± 2 % of full scale on all ranges; current, + 3 % on all ranges. zero suppression: up to 100 times full scale.

Long-term drift of the Model 150 is shown in the above recording. A 1000-ohm resistance was connected across the input. Note the very low peak to peak noise, even at this slow paper speed.

response speed: 0.5 to 2 seconds.

gain: 10,000,000 maximum. output ± 10 ν and 5 ma for full scale deflections.


price: $675.00


C L E V E L A N D β,


Circle Να. 68 in Headers' Service Card VOL. 3 1 , NO. 4 , APRIL 1959


47 A