KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, ΙNC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 16, 2012 - KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, ΙNC. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (4), pp 29A–29A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60160a723. Publication Date: April 1960...
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SLJIoerlo new null d e t e c t o r and dc nriicrovol-tnne-ter Model 151 offers non-linear and linear ranges, 10~17 watt sensitivity, 2 χ 10~13 ampere current sensitivity. The new Keith ley 1 5 1 , incorporating a unique photo-conductive modulator of Keithley design, is useful wherever a suspension galvanometer can be used and where a galvanometer is not sufficiently sensitive, fast or rugged. As a null detector, has five non-linear ranges as well as linear ranges. Non-linear ranges each cover three decades, with full scale sensitivities of 0.001 to 10 volts. Center 10% of the log scale is linear, permitting extremely critical readings near null. As a microvoltmeter or dc amplifier, has eleven linear ranges in l x and 3x steps from 100 microvolts to 10 volts full scale. Input resistance on all ranges is ten megohms, yielding a maxi­ mum power sensitivity of better t h a n 10"17 watt. Currents as low as 2 χ 10"13 ampere can be de­ tected. Output of 10 volts at 1 ma full scale per­ mits use as a dc amplifier with gains to 100,000. Other Features. Greater than 60 db rejection to 60 cps ac signals; zero drift below 10 microvolts per day; short-term noise within + 2 microvolts.

MODEL 1 5 1 h a s 10-17 w a t t sensitivity, 2 χ 10" 13 a m p e r e c u r r e n t sensitivity.

SPECIFICATIONS Ranges: 11 linear ranges in l x and 3x steps, from 100 μν to 10 ν f.s.; 5 non-linear ranges of 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10 ν f.s., each covering three decades.

Response Speed: On 100 μν range, 2.5-sec; 1-sec. on all others. Noise: Less than 2 % f.s. on all ranges.

Accuracy: Linear ranges, ± 3 % of f.s. Non­ linear ranges, ± 1 0 % of input.

Output: 10 volts a t 1 ma f.s.; resistance, less t h a n 50 ohms.

Input Resistance: 10 megohms on all ranges.

Price: Model 151, Cabinet Model Model 151R, Rack Model

Zero Drift: Less t h a n 10 μν per day after warm-up.

$395.00 $385.00

For complete details, write:

K E I T H L E Y 1 2 4 1 5


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29 A