ers, new Valve-Minder programmer and elec tric actuator for automating gc; Model 3000. TAFID system (thermal analysis—flame ioniza tion detection)...
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Pittsburgh Conference CAHN I N S T R U M E N T S Div. V e n t r o n Corp. 7 5 0 0 Jefferson St. P a r a m o u n t , Calif. 9 0 1 2 3 . 213-6347840 Exhibiting: #7500 magnetic susceptibility system; #7700 RM-2 recording balance; #7500 DTL millibalance; #7000 RTL millibalance; #7300 automatic range expander; other recording and manual micro- and ultramicro balances. CANBERRA INDUSTRIES 4 5 Gracey Ave. Meriden, Conn. 0 6 4 5 0 . 203-238-2351 Exhibiting: Systems for automation and data acquisition of analytical instruments. CARLE INSTRUMENTS, INC. 1 1 4 1 E. Ash Ave. F u i l e r t o n , Calif. 9 2 6 3 1 . 714-879-9900 Exhibiting: Three models of Basic gas chromatographs for education and industry, plus gc accessories including ultrasensitive microdetectors, mini- and microvolume sampling and switching valves, 5-in. and 10-in. record­ ers, new Valve-Minder programmer and elec­ tric actuator for automating gc; Model 3000 TAFID system (thermal analysis—flame ioniza­ tion detection). CHEMALYTICS CORP. Route 8 2 U n i o n v i l l e , Pa. 1 9 3 7 5 . 215-347-2454 Exhibiting: MC-2 mass chromatograph; MC2 A pyrolyzer; TDA thermal decomposition analyzer. CHEMICAL DATA SYSTEMS, INC. O x f o r d , Pa. 1 9 3 6 3 . 215-932-3636 Exhibiting: Model 1100 pyrochrom analyzer for peak identification of gc effluents; Model 800 kinetic reaction systems for rapid de­ termination of kinetic parameters in gasphase reactions, Model 500 IDENT-AID GC/MS interface for simplifying and enhancing ms identification; Model 100 programmable pyroprobe; Model 900 gas-phase elemental ana­ lyzer; heated transfer lines; and gas-phase reactor.

This Sweet MICROVOLT MULTIMETER is SENSITIVE to 1μν, STABLE within 2#V/day and easy on the budget at *545 1βΟ



CHEMICAL SERVICES, INC. 8 5 1 Lincoln Ave. West Chester, Pa. 1 9 3 8 0 CHEMTRIX, INC. P. 0 . Box 7 2 5 B e a v e r t o n , Ore. 9 7 0 0 5 . 503-648-1434 Exhibiting: Cathode-ray polarographic ana­ lyzer; potentiostatic waveform generators; pH meters; anodic stripper. CHROMATRONIX, INC. 2 7 4 3 N i n t h St. Berkeley, Calif. 9 4 7 1 0 . 4 1 5 - 8 4 1 - 7 2 2 1 Exhibiting: Liquid chromatograph s and liquid chromatography components such as detectors, pumps, columns, valves, and fit­ tings.

Users call it "the-how-sweet-it-is-meter". But it's really the Model 160 t h a t . . . MEASURES WITH DIGITAL ACCURACY Voltage - 1 MV to 1000V Current —0.1 nA to 2A Resistance - 0.1 Ω to 2000 Μ Ω 100% OVERRANGING ANALOG and OPTIONAL BCD OUTPUT MANY MORE SWEET PERFORMANCE FEATURES

COLEMAN I N S T R U M E N T S Perkin-Elmer Corp. Div. M a y w o o d , III. 6 0 1 5 4 . 312-345-7500 Exhibiting: New digital, double-beam, uv-vis spectrophotometer; new low-cost spectro­ photometer; mercury analyzer system; com­ plete line of uv-vis spectrophotometers in­ cluding linear absorbance and digital units; "all-solid" ion-selective electrodes; automated nitrogen analyzer; and vpo molecular weight apparatus.

CONFERENCE BOOK SERVICE, INC. 7 0 5 Prince St. A l e x a n d r i a , Va. 2 2 3 1 4 . 703-836-0053


CORNING GLASS WORKS, INC. C o r n i n g , Ν. Υ. 1 4 8 3 0 . 607-962-4444 Exhibiting: New low-cost digital pH meters; Model 240 atomic absorption spectrophotom­ eter; Model 619 fluoride ion meter; Corning analog and digital pH meter; ion selective electrodes," Corning labtop.

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KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS U. S. Α.: 28775 Aurora Road, Cleveland. Ohio 44139 Europe: 14, Ave. Villardin, 1009 Pully, Suisse

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