Kelco covers xanthan gum (again). - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Kelco covers xanthan gum (again). Keico P:

Xanthan Gum / Keltrol / Kelzan / a natural biopol y saccharide for scientific water control

Second Edition

Between the covers of this book you'll find the most comprehensive treatise on xanthan gum ever printed. The second edition of our book on xanthan gum is ready. Since 1973 when KelCo published the first comprehensive work on xanthan gum, this versatile polysaccharide has been g o i n g to w o r k in an e v e r increasing range of water control a p p l i c a t i o n s . Food g r a d e Keltrol,and industrial grade Kelzan are solving water control problems involving suspensions, t h i c k e n i n g , e m u l s i o n s , stabilization and rheology modifications, where more traditional products have been falling short. So now K e l c o , the w o r l d ' s l e a d i n g p r o d u c e r of x a n t h a n gum offers the updated second p r i n t i n g of our x a n t h a n g u m source book. It will enable chemists to make full use of xanthan

gum's water control capabilities. The special section on rheology alone would make a valuable r e f e r e n c e in a n y t e c h n i c a l library. In addition to the book and Kelco Company 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago, III. 60606 Please send a copy to: Name Title Company. Address_ City Zip

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Application Area.

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data bulletins, Kelco representatives and laboratories provide technical assistance in your application of Keltrol and Kelzan. A n d to serve our c u s t o m e r s ' growing needs, we are building a new $37-million facility for the production of xanthan gum and other b i o g u m s in O k m u l g e e . Oklahoma. On a 66-acre site that allows for considerable expansion as needed. Now that's what being the leader is all about. For your xanthan gum book, just send us the coupon. After you have received your copy, any comments or criticisms of it would be appreciated. Because at Kelco, we want to make sure we've covered xanthan gum to your satisfaction.

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