capacities to 69 cu. ft. in one, two or three door models. • Flammable MaterialStorage cabinets for dependable, economical storage. • Blood Storag...
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the Most Specified Brand of Refrigeration...Kelvinator Kelvinator Scientific has nearly 50 models of refrigerators and freezers designed specifically for the laboratory. Available in a variety of sizes with a broad t e m p e r a t u r e range, there's sure to be a cabinet which will meet your exact requirements. You can find units engineered and designed for: • Ultra Cold Storage with a temperature range down to -90°C/-130°F. •

Chromatography cabinets to meet the rigid d e m a n d s of liquid chromatography.

Lab Refrigerator/Freezer cabinets with capacities to 69 cu. ft. in o n e , two or three door models.

Blood Storage cabinets for whole blood and blood plasma storage.

If you're planning to purchase new or replacement equipment, doesn't it m a k e good sense to use the most specified brand of refrigeration — W O R L D W I D E ? For complete details and specifications write for free literature or call us at 1-800-558-7627 ( in WI414-682-8891 ) Telex 910-260-3507

Model 3500 high-resolution capillary gas chromatograph (shown with the model 8035 autosampler), designed for use with capillary fused-silica columns, features split-flow readout, column (calculated) flow readout, and automatic column standby temperature and is compatible with the 600 series data systems. Varian 402 sampling rate of ~ 1 0 m L / m i n . Manual mode operation is also possible. Faley International Corp. 419

Radioactivity flow monitor T r a c e II is microprocessor controlled and monitors radioactivity in HPLC ef­ fluents and flowing liquid systems. T w o counting channels allow single- and dual-label detection. T w o styles of cell assemblies a r e a v a i l a b l e — h e t e r o g e n e ­ ous, in which a solid scintillator is packed in a glass measuring cell, and homogeneous, in which a liquid scintil­ lator is mixed with the sample. Packard Instrument Co. 420


Flammable Material Storage cabinets for d e p e n d a b l e , economical storage.

Polymer microspheres Kelvinator Scientific's Ultra Cold Upright Model

Kelvinator SCIENTIFIC 621 Quay St., Manitowoc, WI 54220 One at the White Consolidated Industries



Microspheres of uniform diameter and narrow distribution for use in microsco­ py, instrument calibration, and light scattering include polystyrene (plain or dyed), carboxylate, hydroxylate, amino, or fluorescent. Diameters range from 0 . 0 5 to 4 5 0 μη\, and the microspheres have a high binding capacity and are surfactant free. Polysciences Inc. 422