Ken Grabeau - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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4:00—64. Conductance Studies of Ter­ tiary Alkylammonium Salts in Ni­ trobenzene. J. Fresco, M. Gérin. 4:20—65. L'Extraction par Solvent de Solutions de Sels de Trialkylamines dans le Nitrobenzene. M. Gérin, J. Fresco. 4:40—66. Differential Thermal Analysis as a Technique for Following Aluminum Ingot History through Casting and Fabrication. H. P. Cleghorn, I. M. West. 5:00—67. Analytical Methodology Employed in the Analysis of Coal Gasification Products and By-Products. R. B. Denyszyn, D. E. Wagoner. 5:20—68. Interaction du Zinc avec les Sédiments du St.-Laurent. L. Pazdernik, R. Laporte.

1977 Gordon Research Conferences Three of the Gordon Research Conferences of particular interest to analytical chemists will be held this summer in New Hampshire. T h e conferences, which were established to extend the frontiers of science, provide opportunities for informal discussion and recreation in addition to the more formal presentations by scheduled speakers. T h e unique feature of these conferences is the opportunity afforded for exchange of information and ideas not normally achieved through the usual channels of publication and presentation at scientific meetings. T h e purpose of the programs is to bring experts up-to-date on the latest developments, to analyze the significance of these developments, and to examine what lies ahead in a particular area. This year, three separate full week programs will cover analytical chemistry, ion exchange, and separation and purification. T h e technical schedules for these conferences are given below. Those interested in attending should write for an application form to A. M. Cruickshank, Pastore Chemical Laboratory, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02881 (401-783-4011). Mail for the director's office from J u n e 13 to August 26 should be addressed to A. M. Cruickshank, Director, Gordon Research Conferences, Colby-Sayer College, New London, N.H. 03257 (603-526-2870). Topics of many of the other scheduled conferences of interest to analytical chemists include environmental sciences: air (Aug. 15-19), magnetic resonance (June 13-17), and toxicology and safety evaluations (Aug. 1-5).


Complete information and the detailed technical program for this year's conference are given in the March 11, 1977, issue of Science, page 1009.

Analytical Chemistry Donald R. Johnson, Chairman Merle A. Evenson, Vice Chairman August 8-12, 1977 New H a m p t o n School New Hampton, N.H. Aug. 8. Jack W. Frazer, Analysis and optimization of enzyme reactions by computerized laboratory systems; Norman G. Anderson, New separations and analytical systems for molecular anatomy. Analytical research briefs: panel of young academic researchers. Aug. 9. G. Brian Wisdom, New heterogeneous-phase immunoassays; Csaba Horvath, Nonpolar stationary phases in liquid chromatography; Jiri J a n a t a , CHEMFETS—chemically sensitive field effect transistors. Aug. 10. Edwin F. Ullman, New homogeneous-phase immunoassay techniques; Robert V. Coleman, Inelastic electron tunneling, a new spectroscopic technique; Walter J. Blaedel, Electroanalytical techniques with biologically active surfaces; William D. Bostick, Automated environmental analyses using a centrifugal analyzer. Aug. 11. James L. Wittliff, Problems of separation and quantitation of steroid binding proteins; Michael D. Waters, Toxicity testing of environmental chemicals using in-vitro methods; Arthur Karmen, T h e need for and use of analytical information: requirements for the future—in medicine; William A. Struck, T h e need for and use of analytical information: requirements for the future—in industry. Aug. 12. David Brusick, New methods for qualitative and quantitative determination of carcinogenic properties of materials. Conference summary by discussion leaders. Discussion leaders for conference: Charles H. Lockmuller, Merle A. Evenson, James W. Robinson, and Lockhart B. Rogers.

Ion Exchange Abraham Clearfield, Chairman J o h n R. Millar, Vice Chairman J u l y 25-29, 1977 Brewster Academy Wolfeboro, N.H. July 25. Basic theory (H. P. Gregor, chairman): F. Franks, Water structure—the present state of the art; H.