simple, semiquantitative H2S measure- ments in applications ranging from per- sonnel monitoring to area-wide trans- port studies. 4 pp, Metronics Asso...
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Manufacturers' Literature HPLC Columns. Discusses the care and use of high-performance liquid chromatography columns packed with microparticle stationary phases. 20 pp. Whatman Inc. 435 Image Processing Newsletter. The Optronics Journal is a quarterly newsletter devoted to the economic, scientific, and application sides of digital image enhancement, information extraction, and quantitative restoration techniques. The latest issue features an article on microdensitometry in crystallographic studies. 4 pp. Optronics International, Inc.

436 Process Control Programming System. Describes the Model 7801 system of standard program control modules. Each system can be tailored to the demands of the process by a selected mix of standard module types, ranges, features, and options. 4 pp. Eurotherm Corp. 437 Hydrogen Sulfide Detection System. Features the Colortec H2S detectors for simple, semiquantitative H2S measurements in applications ranging from personnel monitoring to area-wide transport studies. 4 pp. Metronics Associates, Inc. 438 Thermal Analysis Literature. Lists 85 selected thermal analysis application studies, reprints, and newsletters. Topics covered include organic, inorganic, polymer, and pharmaceutical applications. 8 pp. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 439 Thin-Layer Chromatography. Product guide includes information on Linear-K recoated plates, reversed-phase plates, high-performance TLC plates, classical silica gel plates, and supplies and accessories for TLC. 24 pp. Whatman Inc. 440 Recorders. Describes the features, performances, specifications, and power requirements for complete line of strip chart recorders, recorder multiplexers, and recorder calibrators. 8 pp. Bailey Instruments 441 Infrared Analysis. Bulletin IRB-56 describes the computed difference spectrum for latex occurring as an emulsion in water. Bulletin IRB-57 presents an analysis of shampoo in which the major constituents are separated by solvent extraction and column separation and identified by infrared spectroscopy. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 442

Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. The November 1977 issue of Pinnacle features an article on the design concept and analytical advantages of simultaneous but separate chemical ionization and electron impact ionization, a feature of the Simulscan GC/MS system. 6 pp. Extranuclear Laboratories, Inc. 443 Gas Analyzers. Describes the complete product line of quadrupole residual gas analyzers and mass spectrometer systems. 8 pp. CVC Products, Inc. 444



Strip Chart Recorders. Describes the Models SDR 301 with single input span of 10 mV, SDR 302 with seven selectable input spans, and SDR 306 dualchannel recorder with independent multiple span switching. 1 p. Schoeffel Instrument Corp. 445 Immunochemistry System. System combines advanced microprocessor control with state-of-the-art nephelometry to simplify and speed analysis of specific proteins. 12 pp. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 446 High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Product guide includes information on columns, media, adsorption chromatography products, reversedphase chromatography products, ionexchange chromatography products, and supplies and accessories for HPLC. 56 pp. Whatman Inc. 447 Environmental Laboratories. Describes the Models DR-EL/1 and DR-EL/1a, portable kits containing all reagents and apparatus needed for 23 water tests. 5 pp. Hach Chemical Co. 448 Fluorescence Detectors for Liquid Chromatography. Features Models LC1000, 204S, 204A, MPF-43A, and MPF-44A fluorescence spectrophotometers especially adapted for detecting samples in LC fractions. 6 pp. PerkinElmer Corp. 449 Chromatography Data System. Describes the features and applications of the SP4000 data system and illustrates the accuracy and speed of data processing from as many as 16 gas and/or liquid chromatographs. 16 pp. SpectraPhysics 450 Dipping Probe Colorimeters. These colorimeters feature a fiber optic probe that is dipped directly into the solution to be tested for colorimetric and turbidimetric determinations. 20 pp. Brinkmann Instruments Inc. 451 Metals Chemistry. Describes services available for the qualitative and quantitative determination of metals and their

The new Kevex 0700 system is the second generation laboratory analysis XRF system, offering these important advances: 1. First commercial low wattage X-ray tube for both secondary target and direct sample excitation. Advantages: Optimizes your ability to select the best sample analysis strategy. Eliminates the need for external cooling, 220 V power and expensive HV generator previously required for secondary target operation. Reduces system size and cost. 2. First quantitative software package providing your choice of either theoretical or empirical matrix correction. Advantages: Simplifies and reduces the calibration and standardization requirements for quantitative analysis. Allows quantitation of thin films and irregular surfaces (chips and turnings). Features EXACT as a matrix correction system, flexible to your needs. 3. First completely automated XRF system. Advantages: Computer (or manual) control of direct or secondary sample selection, filters, targets, excitation voltage and current are all standard on the 0700 system. Call or write for literature. Better yet, visit us for a demonstration and analysis of your samples.

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