Kevex Corporation

Report to aid the process. In wet digestion, liquid conditions are maintained throughout and the oxidation ... Circle No. 4 on Readers' Service Card. ...
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to aid the process. I n wet digestion, liquid conditions are maintained throughout and the oxidation is car­ ried out by various oxidizing agents in solution, usually oxidizing acids. The relative merits of these oxi­ dation methods have been studied extensively (8—11). However, much conflict of opinion still remains as to which is to be preferred. M a n y in­ vestigators are convinced t h a t the ideal method for ashing biological material has yet to be devised. Thiers {12) states t h a t "there is no single procedure for wet ashing which will effectively handle a va­ riety of biological materials." D r y ashing is recommended for its sim­ plicity and relative freedom from positive errors and because large samples can be handled. W e t di­ gestion is considered superior in terms of rapidity, the low tempera­ tures maintained, and the freedom from loss by retention. The poten­ tial errors of dry oxidation are vol­ atilization of elements and losses by retention on the walls of the vessel. Adsorbed metals on the vessel m a y in turn contaminate future samples. The major error attributed to wet digestion is the introduction of im­ purities from the reagents necessary for the reaction. This problem has been minimized as commercial acids have become available in greater purity. For example, lead contam­ ination can be less t h a n 10 parts per billion (13). A mixture of nitric, sulfuric, and perchloric acids has been successfully used to digest samples for chromium analysis at the 10 ppb level. High purity acids are commercially available. G. F . Smith Co., for example, supplies acids distilled and stored in Vycor glass. Perchloric and sulfuric acids from this source have been found to be quite free from copper contami­ nation (14) • Gorsuch (10) has summarized from the literature the methods used by approximately 250 investigators for the destruction of organic m a t ­ ter. W e t digestion and dry ashing procedures arc used about equally. Direct ashing is the most common method followed by wet digestion with nitric and sulfuric acids. Other methods include wet digestion with nitric, sulfuric and perchloric acids, with nitric and perchloric

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CHEMISTRY DIVISION Kevex C o r p o r a t i o n , 898 Mahler Road, Burlingame, C a l i f o r n i a Telephone: (415) 697-6901 Circle No. 4 on Readers' Service Card


VOL. 4 1 , NO. 1, JANUARY 1969


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