cut off our supplies of organic chemi cals from nprmany and other European countries leaving us unprepared for the critical days ahead. Just prior to the first exposition of chemical industries in 1914, the value of the chemical industry's products was $221 million. Today, after 4 0 years of the most astounding industrial growth ever recorded, that value has been pushed to between $22 and $23 billion annually. This is the industry which will be on display next month in Philadelphia; the business which is said to have a con stant growth rate of some 1 0 % per year compared to t h e population increase rate of 1% and the annual rise in gross national product of S7c T h a t 10% growth figure is often used but as an average it covers u p striking examples of expansion which have taken place in some of the major endchemical groups. A study made by Stanford Research Institute ( C H E M . & ENG.
NEWS, Dec.
that from 1935 to 1950 t h e surface active agents as a group had a growth rate of 34% annually; medicinal chemi cals 19%; plastics 1 5 % ; antiknock chemicals 1 3 % ; and fibers 1 2 % . Over a more recent period, 19521955, plastics h a v e grown 14.5%; medicinals 12.5%; antiknock agents 9.5%; fibers 9%; surface active agents 7.5%; and organic insecticides 7 . 5 % . • Still α Good " D r a w . " Advance registration for the exposition promises a large attendance. More than 500 ex hibits will be viewed during the week by visitors from virtually every indus trial section of the nation, as well as from Canada and other foreign countries.
Kevin M c C a n n — Featured S p e a k e r Special Assistant to President dinner on Tuesday, Dec. 6
vJridsrS6CrotS.r v ' Sue! l^hivr Çpi~*TPfà r~v of
War. McCann was discharged from the Army in 1948 with the rank of Lt. Col. I n 1946, while in t h e Army, he was assigned to serve under Gen. Eisenhower. When General Eisenhower assumed t h e presidency of Columbia University, McCann became his assistant and. served him for 3 years. He became a civilian assistant to General Eisenhower when the President was recalled to active dutv to command t h e North
An innovation at t h e 1953 Chemical Show-, the ACS lecture series on topics
(Sponsored by A C S )
Highlights of 1955 in Equipment and Design D A V I D E. PIERCE, Dîrec+or o f Manufacturing C o n t r o l , Diamond Alkali C o . Room 200, Convention H a l ! Monday, Dec. 5, 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, 3:30 p.m.
Recent Trends in Instrumentation For the Chemical Process Industries R A L P H H. MULLER Los Alamos Scientific Labora+ory Room 200, Convention Ha!! Tuesday, Dec. 6, 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8, 3:30 p.m.
C &Ε Ν
19 5 5
will address
Kevin McCann, 51 -year-old in dustrial engineer, college president and author of the "Man from Abi lene" is o n a leave of absence as president of Defiance College, Ohio. During most of t h e past 1 0 years, McCann lias been intimately asso ciated with Mr. Eisenhower. McCann, following a career as in dustrial engineer and newspaper publisher, enlisted in t h e U. S. Army as a private in 1942. A year later, following Officer's Candidate School, he was commissioned. After service in the U. S . and New Guinea, he was assigned i n April 1945 as assistant to the late Robert P. Patterson, then
Exposition Lectures
Atlantic T r e a t y Organizational forces in E u r o p e . M c C a n n returned t o the campus in 1951 as President of Defiance College. It was at this time that h e wrote the "Man from Abilene", the story of General Eisenhower. In Oct. 1 9 5 3 , McCann was granted a leave of absence to serve as consultant to Près. Eisenhower, a position he still holds.
of interest to industrial chemists and engineers proved to be so popular, that they are being continued. A report, "Highlights of 1955 in E q u i p m e n t a n d Design," based on his own observations and supplemented by his own industrial survey, will b e given by David E. Pierce. With a background of 37 years of chemical engineering experience Pierce's views are considered to be authoritative. His experience includes associations with DuPont, -Atlantic Refining, Rohm and Haas, General Aniline, consulting and writing. He is now associated with Diamond Alkali as director of manufacturing control. H e also writes a column regularly for Industrial and Engineering Chemistry on equipment and design. Instrumentation is a science which is developing at a prodigious rate and its techniques find immediate application in every field of scientific investigation. M o d e r n analysis leans heavily on instrumental methods and may be expected to become influenced to an increasing extent by new instrumental methods.
Alumina Balls for CATALYST, REACTOR, DESICCANT BED SUPPORTS AND COVERS ALCOA Tabular Alumina Balls T-162 in ^4-inch, %-inch, Vi-inch and 34-inch diameters are used as desiccant and catalyst bed supports o r covers where exposed t o high temperature, severe corrosive or erosive conditions. High chemical purity and inertness m a k e contamination negligible. ALCOA T a b u l a r Alumina Balls T-164 available in 14-inch a n d 34-inch diameters are more resistant t o thermal a n d mechanical shock. They are suitable for pebble heaters and similar severe operations requiring high heat capacity a n d conductivity. F o r additional information and samples, write to A L U M I N U M C O M P A N V OF A M E R I C A , CHEMICALS DIVISION,
704-L Alcoa Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pennsylvania.
Of A M I M I C A
Ralph H . Millier, a member of the MUÎT at Los Alamos Scientific l a b o r a tory, and an outstanding analyst, in his talk "Recent Trends in Instrumentation for the Chemical Process Industries," will give a contemporary picture of instrumentation with respect to primary elements or transducers, electronics, servomechanisms, data assimilation and computers. Miiller, 55-year-old outstanding analyst, has a background of university teaching, industrial experience and consulting. H e has been keenly interested in designing scientific and industrial instruments. Miiller is author of the column on i^eiilcûiôn wjiicii appears regularly in t h e ACS journal. Analytical Chemistry.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE 25+h Exposition of Chemical Indus+ries
12 noon το 10 p.m. IOa.rn.To 6 p.m.
Dec. 8: Dec. 9:
10 a.m. t o 10 p.m. 10 a.m. t o 6 p.m.
WALTER J . MURPHY ACS Industrial Publications
ROGER A D A M S University of Illinois
W . T. READ Department of the Army
W I L L I A M S. A U C H I N C L O S S OH, Paint & Drug Reporter BARNETT F. D O D G E American Institute of Chemical Engir.asrs J . V. N. D O R R Dorr-Oliver, Inc.
Dec. 5: Dec. 6:
E. R. W E B D L E I N , Chairman Mellon Institute
N . A. S H E P A R D American Cyanamid C o . Ε. Κ. STEVENS Manager, Exposition HERBERT H . U H L I G The Electrochemical Society
J O H N F. H E N R Y Salesmen's Association of Chemical Industry, Inc. JOEL H. HSLDEBP.ÂNP American Chemical Society
I. Y A N D E R W A T E R The Chemists' C l u b R. G O R D O N W A L K E R Consultant
T h e Benjamin Franklin D i n n e r sponsored by
T h e Philadelphia Section of the American Chemical Society o n t h e o c c a s i o n of t h e 2 5th E x p o s i t i o n of C h e m i c a l
Kevin M c C a n n Special assistant to President Eisenhower
PI ease reserve
tickets at $8.50 each.
Tola! *
(Ticket includes cocktails) Add registered mail fee: $0.55 up to $25 worth of tickets, $0.65 up to $50, $0.75 up t o $75, and $0.85 up to $100. Otherwise tickets will be sent by regular mail at purchaser's risk.
Reception; 6:30 p.m. Dinner; 7:15 p.m.
(Make checks payable to Philadelphia Section, ACS) Use attached coupon to order reservations
NameAddress .
Limited Sale of Tickets. Deadline for reservations, Dec. I . Tickets will not be on sale at the Exposition
City Attach list of additional names. seating on reservation request.
StateGroups of 10 can be seated together.
Indicate desired
The filler in the lines and numbers of Kimble Thermometers is
This s o n i f i e d VohotoarODhshows η Kimble thermometerdaddasdd sfoitH^raern^g^nrafiHg*^ddasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasddsdddd lihtc^ëritraï^^ïtrr^^dasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdsaddasdasdasdddd
same so Ι υ tion;· N o t i ce hp.w - th. e : perm ρ η e r ^ f i 11 e £ p M h e.·• Κ ι mb le .;•; Jhëmii^^dsdsadasdsadsaddfdadasdasdsdad
it can be r e m o v e d on/y by dissolving the glass AKE ADVANTAGE of the new
prices on Kimble thermometers d e T signed to stay legible for their entire lifetime. T h e colored substance used to fill the lines and n u m b e r s of the gradu ated scale is unaffected by organic ma terials a n d acids (except Hydrofluoric). Resistance to alkalis is equal to that of the glass itself . . . p r o v e d under abnor mal laboratory test conditions.
Kimble thermometers and hydrometers may be assorted with the rest of t h e Kimble line for q u a n t i t y discounts. Your, local laboratory supply dealer should have them at the new lower prices. But remember, there is no substitute for Kimble quality. If your supplier does not have the Kimble line, write us, we'll see that you are supplied.
E v e r y Kimble therimometer and hy drometer i s Individually Ketested be fore shipping. N. B.S. specifications are minimum standards jfor Kimble ther m o m e t e r s . T h e r e i s also a l i n e of Kimble instruments rraade to A.S.T,M., Α.Ρ.Γ% and^ M.GA % joecificajions. *ti mp*einya rome^ersia isoiqre^
ddsddddadasdasdasdasdasdadsdddd *&*
Description and Çqtalop Number
I m p r o v e d m a n u f a c t u r i n g m e t h o d s , i n c r e a sed p r o d u c t i o n m a k e n e w lowrer prices possible. T y p i c a l prices a r e : Qty. in Case
1 case
5 cases
10 cases
25 cases
—112 to 70° F
Thermometer #44298 Low Cloud and Pour
1 1
Thermometer #43554 Freezing Point
—5 to + 5 ° C
1 1
Hydrometer #31204 Specific Gravity
1.095 to 1.155 Sp. gr.
Hydrometer #31786 API
29 to 41 API°
And, get greater savings with case quantity discounts! Kimble thermometers and hydrometers may be assorted with the rest of the Kimble line for maximum discounts. Kimble Glass Company is a subsidiary of Owens-Illinois, Toledo 1, Ohio.
List of Exhibitors1 . . . 25TH Name Booth No. Ace Glass Inc., Vineland, N . J.. . 710 Ackerman, Harold P., Mfrs.' Rep., 320-McClatchy Bldg., Upper Darby, Pa 824 Adaiïïs C e , Inc., R. P., 2 2 5 East Park Dr., Buffalo 17, Ν. Ύ 410 Aetna Scientific Co., Second & Spring Sts., Everett 49, Mass. 221 Airetool Mfg. Co., The, Spring field, Ohio S-74 Alberene Stone Corp. of Virginia, 4 1 9 Fourth Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ 533 Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., 2O20 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh 2 2 , Pa 28 Allen-Sherman-Hoff Pump Co., The, 259 E . Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, Pa C-119, C-121 Ailis-Chalmers Mfg. Co 934 General Machinery Div., West Allis Works, Milwaukee 1, Wis. Buda Div., 154th & Commercial Ave., Harvey, 111. Allis Co., The Louis, Milwaukee 7, Wis 931 Alloy Steel Products Co., Linden, N.J 35 Alpha Plastics Inc., 14 Northfield Ave., W. Orange, N. J S-108 Alsop Engineering Corp., Milldale, Conn 110 Aluminum Co. of America, Pitts burgh 19, Pa 233-235 American Agile Corp., 5461 Dun ham Road, Maple Heights, Ohio 817 American Air Filter Co., Inc., Louisville 8, Ky 150 & 250 American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St. N.W., Washington - 6, D. C 1 American Chemical Society News Service, 2 Park Ave., N e w York 16, Ν . Υ 1 American Gas Furnace Co., Eliza beth B , N. J 638 American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 25 West 45th St., i-NCw
Λ .
I.. .
American Instrument Co., Inc., 8030-8050 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring:. Md 736 American Machine & Metals, Inc., Tolhurst Centrifugals & Niagara Filters Div., E. Moline, 111 802-806 American Plant Equipment Co., 701 Spring St., Elizabeth 4, N . J. S-65 American Platinum Works, The, 231 N e w Jersey Railroad Ave., Newark 5, N. J C-17, C-19, C-21 American Tool & Machine Co., Hyde Park, Mass 826 American Water Softener Co., Inc., Fourth St. & Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia 3 3 , Pa S-64 1 From list prepared by management of 25th Exposition of Chemical Industries.
Name Booth No. American Well ^Vorks, The, Au rora, 111 O160 Amersil Co., Inc., 685 Ramsey Ave., Hillside, N. J . . . C-17, C-19, C-21 Amnco Metal, Inc., 1745 S. 38th St., Milwaukee 46, Wis 913 Analytical Chemistry 1155 16th St., N.W., Washing ton 6 , D. C 1 430 Park Ave., N e w York 22, Ν. Υ 71 Analytical Measurements, Inc., 585 Main St., Chatham, N. J.. . 443 Anders Lykens Corp-, Lykens, Pa. S-105 Anderson Co., The V. D . , 1935 W. 96th St., Cleveland 2, Ohio C-129 Andrews-Knapp Construction u o . Inc., 23—15 Borden Ave., Long Island City 1, Ν. Υ 19 Angel & Co., Inc., H . Reeve, 52 Duane St., Mew York 7, N. Y.. . 725 Ansul Chemical Co,, Marinette, Wis 521 Armco Steel Corp., Middletown, Ohio 231 Artisan Metal Products Inc., 73 Pond St., Waltham 54, Mass.. . 318 Associated Cooperage Industries of America, Inc., T h e , 408 Olive St., St. Louis 2, M o 818 Atlas Mineral Products Co., The, Mertztown, Pa 415, 4 1 7 Atlas Powder Co., Cnemicals Div., Wilmington 9 9 , D e l 302-304 & 401 Aurora Pump Co., Subsidiary of The N e w York Adr Brake Co., Aurora, 111.. 333-335 Autoclave Engineers Sales Corp., Bldg. # 1 , Newark Airport, Newark 5, N . J 434 Automatic Switch C o . , 391 Lake side Ave., Orange, N. J 646 B-I-F Industries, Inc., 345 Harris Ave., Providence 1 , R. 1 902 Babcock & Wilcox C o . , The, Tub ular Products Div., Beaver Falls, P a . . . . 75 Bailey Meter Co., 1050 Ivanhoe Rd., Cleveland 1 0 , Ohio 30 Baird Associates, Inc., 33 Univer sity Rd., Cambridge 38, Mass.. . 63 Baker & Co., Inc., 113 Astor St., Newark 5, N . J C-17, C-19, C-21 Baker Perkins Inc., Chemical Ma chinery Div., Saginaw, Mich.. . 540-544 Barco Mfg. Co., 500 N. Hough St., Barrington, 111 C-20 Barnebey-Cheney Co., Cassaday at Eighth, Columbus 19, Ohio 17 Barnstead Still & Sterilizer Co., 2 Lanesville Ter., Forest Hills, Boston 31, Mass 636 Barrett-Cravens Co., 630 Dundee Rd., Northbrook. Ill 634 & 7 3 3 Bart Mfg. Corp., Belleville 9, N. J. S-107 Bart-Messing Corp., Belleville 9, N. J S-107
Name Booth No. Bartlett & S n o w Co., The C. O . , 6200 Harvard Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio 247 Bean Div., John, Food Machinery & Chemical Corp., Box 8 4 0 , Lansing 4, Mich 324-326 Beaumont Birch Co., 1505 Race St., Philadelphia 2, Pa 445 Beckman, Inc., Arnold O., 1020 Mission St., S. Pasadena, Calif. 643 Beckman D i v . , Beckman Instru ments, Inc., Fullerton, Calif.. . 20 Bemis Bro. B a g Co., 408 Pine St., St. Louis 2, Mo 13 Berger Mfg. E>iv., Republic Steel Corp., Canton, Ohio 535-539 Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc., 890 Front St., Hellertown, Pa.. . C-148 Biach Industries, Inc., 10 Indian Spring Rd., Cranford, N. J C-131 Bird Machine Co., South Walpole, Mass 3 2 1 , 325 Bishou & Co. Platinum Works, J., Malvern, Pa 809 Black Products Co., 135th St. & Calumet Ave., Chicago 27, 111. C-113 Black, Sivalls & Bryson, Inc., 7 5 0 0 E. Twelfth St., Kansas City 2 6 , Mo 114 Blaw-Knox Co., Farmers Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh 22, Pa 103 Blickman, Inc., S., Weehawken, N. J 407 B o g u e Electric Mfe. Co., 52 Iowa Ave., Paterson, N. J 421 Bolt & Nut D i v . , Reoublic Steel Corp., Cleveland, Ohio 535-539 B o w e n Engineering, Inc., North Branch, N. J 613 Brabender Corp., Rochelle Park, N. J C-35 Brinkmann & Co., C. Α., 3 7 8 - 3 8 0 Great Neck Rd., Great Neck, Ν. Υ C-36 Brookfield Engineering Labora tories, Inc., Stoughton, Mass.. . 424 Brooks Rotameter Co., Lansdale, Pa 606 Brown Fintube Co., Elyria, Ohio 948 Buda Co., T h e , Div. of Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., 154th & Com mercial Ave., Harvey, 111 934 Buffalo Meter Co., 2917 Main St., Buffalo 14, Ν. Υ 442 Buflovak Equipment, Div. of Blaw-Knox Co., Buffalo 11, N.Y. 103 Builders-Providence, Inc., 345 Harris Ave., Providence 1, R. I. 902 Callery Chemical Co., Callery, Pa. C-59 Cambridge Instrument Co., Inc., Grand Central Terminal, N e w York 17, Ν . Υ 926 Cambridge Wire Cloth Co., T h e , Cambridge, Md 214 Carbon Div., Great Lakes Carbon Corp., 18 East 48th St., N e w York 17, Χ . Υ 306-308
This is the Source...
VfeW o f main plant of American Potash & Chemical Corporation at SeàHes Lake> Troria, California
Located in the heart of California's great Mojave Desert — one of the world's richest sources of diversified chemicals for Industry and Agriculture —the Trona plant of AP&CC takes from the brine deposits of fabulous Lake Searles an inexhaustible supply of basic chemicals f o r Farm and Factory. That is why the Chemical Industry looks to T R O N A as its prime source of raw materials f o r the myriad of chemical products we live by.
American Potash & Chemical Corporation Offices
POTASH '*°'**.*«
iv., Great Lakes Car bon C o r p . , 18 East 48th St., New York 17, Ν. Υ 306-308 Okadee V a l v e Co., 3 3 2 So. Michi gan Ave., Chicago, 111 824 Omega Machine Co., 345 Harris Ave., Providence 1, R. 1 902 Oronite C h e m i c a l C o . , 2 0 0 Bush St., San Francisco 2 0 , Calif C-23 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo 1, Ohio 618-620 Pangbom Corp., Hagerstown, Md. 906 Parker Appliance. Co., The, 17325 Euclid A v e . , Cleveland 12, Ohio 74 Parks-Cramer «Co., Fitchburg, Mass. 727 Patterson Foundry & Machine Co., The, East Liverpool, Ohio. . . . 331 Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc., T h e , East Strouidsburg, P a 739, 8 3 1 Peabody Engineering Corp., 580 Fifth A v e . , New York 3 6 , N . Y. C-116 Peerless Pixmp D i v . , Food Ma chinery a n d Chemical Corp., 301 West Ave. 26 Los A n t r e s 31, Calif.^ 7 . .. 805 Penberthy injector C o . , D i v . of Buffalo-Eclipse Corp., 1242 Holden Ave., Detroit 2, Mich.. 426 Perkin-Elmer Corp., The, Nor walk, Conn 705
T h i s organo-phosphorus compound m a y be the answer! I t ' s bis (freta-chloroethyl) vinyl phosphonate—now manufactured b y M o n s a n t o in interim production quantities. Other organo-phosphorus compounds available i n pilot plant quantities are: hexamethylphosphoramide, dimethyl hydrogen phosphite and trimethyl phosphite.
CHARACTERISTICS OF BBCEVP APPEARANCE: Water-white liquid BOILING POINT: 132°C. a t ! mm. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: (25°/25°C.) 1.3Ί 8 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES! Polymerizes and copolymerizes under proper condi tions. Alcohols, mercaptans, ftc· c a n b e a d d e d w î t h
basic catalysts.
# Please send Technical Data Sheets on: Π bis (fcefo-chloroelhyl) vinyl phosphonate • hexGrnsShyiphcsphoramsde
d s m e t h y ! hydrogen
Organic Chemicals Division MONSANTO CHEMICAL COMPANY Box 478-Z-8, St. Louis 1, Mo.
[ ·' φ φ
phosphite • φ
t h y l phosphite
e © © Φ © © © © Φ Φ Φ β & Φ β ® & Φ &
6 « a e * e « » $ o e e * * e Q 4 > e e ® « e & NOV.
ι •• • • •
•• ι • ιι.ι.ι
Remarkable performance f o r size and weight have gained these pumps fame. They demonstrate that pump size (from 1/30 to 1/5 H.P.) c a n be proportionate to the job h a n d l e d to
D e s i g n e d to b e l a b o r a t o r y t i m e savers. Available in various sizes to mix as little as one liter o r as much as 10 gallons of liquids to meet the most exacting needs.
Wide range of s i z e s and s t y l e s fills many industrial needs. Motors from 1/20 to 5 H.P. Eastern engineers are at your service to help select the proper mixer and help solve your toughest problems.
CATALOGS Request Catalog Series 12 for 3 helpful catalogs on these products.
Booth No. Name Perlite Div., Great Lakes Carbon Corp., 612 S. Flower St., Los Angeles 17, Calif 308-308 Permutit Co., The, 3 3 0 West 42nd St., New York 36, TSl.Y 73 Perry Products Co., 1421 N . Sixth St., Philadelphia 2 2 , Pa 437 Petro-Chem Development Co. Inc., 122 East 42nd St., N e w York 17, Ν. Υ C-44 Pfaudler Co., The, 1000 West Ave., Rochester 3, Ν. Υ 502 Pharmaceutical and Chemical In dustry Supply Corp., 16 Hudson » St., New York 13, Ν. Υ C-55 Philadelphia Gear Works, Inc., G St. below Erie Ave., Philadel phia 34, Pa 33 Philadelphia Pump & Machinery Co., 1513 Race St., Philadel phia, Pa C-130 Philadelphia & Suburban Tire Service, 6215 Baltimore Ave., Yeadon, Pa S-115 Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ 635 Pittsburgh Corning Corp., One Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 2 2 , 3 8 Pa. ._._ ;· — · I'la-Tank, Inc., JL)iv. o î i ne Chemical Corp., West Warren, Mass C-120 Plate & Welding Div., General American Transportation Corp., 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago 90, 111 42-44 Platecoil Div., Tranter Mfg., Inc., Lansing 4, Mich 340-342-344 Pneumatic Scale Corp., Ltd., 65 Newport Ave., North Quincy 71, Mass 77 Podbielniak, Inc., 3 4 1 E. Ohio St., Chicago 11, 111 601 Poly-Seal Corp·, The 405 Lexington Ave., N e w York 1 7 , N. Y. S-28 Popper & Sons, Inc., 30O Fourth Ave., New York 10, Ν . Υ 907 Porter Co., Inc., H. K., WatsonStillman Fittings E>iv., P.O. Box 95, Roselle, N. J 722 Potter Aeronautical Co., P.O. Box 532, Route 22, Urron, N. J . . . C-40 Potts Co., Horace T., Speedline Stainless Steel Fittings Div., Erie Ave. & D St., Philadel phia 34, Pa 307 Powell Co., The Wm., 2503-31 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati 22, Ohio 48 Prater Pulverizer Co., 1515 S. 55th Court, Chicago 5 0 , 111... 3 3 6 - 3 3 8 Precision Scientific Co., 3737 W. Cortland St., Chicago 47, 111.. . 67 Precision Thermometer & Instru ment Co., 1434 Branaywine St., Philadelphia 30, Pa S-66 Premier Mill Corp., Geneva, Ν . Υ. 309 Pressed Steel Tank Co., 1445 South 66th St., West Allis 14, Wis 714 Pressure Products Industries, Inc., Hatboro, Pa C-37 Proctor & Schwartz, Inc., 7 t h & Tabor Road, Philadelphia 20, Pa 950 Productive Equipment Corp., 2926 W. Lake St., Chicago 12, 111. 207 Progressive Architecture, 430 Park -η,νο.,
^ I N D U S T R I E S , I RC! 100 SKJFfi-ST.'.'· H A M D E N .14, CONN.
195 5
J^A, x-%. J. . . . .
Proportioneers, Inc., 3 4 5 Harris Ave., Providence 1, R. Ϊ Protectoseal Co., The, 1920 South Western Ave., Chicago 8, 111. Pulva Corp., 550 High St., Perth Amboy, N . J
i I
902 C-38 330
Name Booth No. Pulverizing Machinery Div., Metals Disintegrating Co., Inc., Chatham Road, Summit, N. J. C-30 Putman Publishing C o . , I l l E . Delaware PL, Chicago 11, 111. 610 Quaker Oats Co., T h e , Chemicals Department, Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago 54, 111 Quaker Oats Co., T h e , The Elec trostatic Div. of Mechanical Research Department, Mohawk Bldg., 2 0 5 Water St., Akron 8, Ohio Quelcor, Inc., Front & Broomall Sts., Chester, Pa
15 34S
R Κ L Valve & Mfg. Co., 1623 Elaine St., Philadelphia 19, Pa. S-71 Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc., Pack ing Div., Manheim, Pa 218 Raymond E>iv., Combustion Engi neering, Inc., 1315 N. Branch St., Chicago 22, 111 68 Read Standard Corp., York, Pa. 60S Reeves Pulley Co., Columbus, Ind C-165, C-167 Reinhold Publishing Corp., 4 3 0 Park Ave., Mew York 2 2 , Ν. Υ. 71 iiem-Cru i Itanium, i n c . , Midland, Pa 433 Republic ï^ead Equipment Co., Cleveland, Ohio 10-12-14 Republic Steel Corp., Republic Bldg., Cleveland 1 , Ohio 535-539 Research Controls, P . O . Box 5035, Tulsa, Okla C-134 Resistoflex Corp., Belleville 9, N. J 24S Reynolds Metals C o . , 2500 So. Third St., Louisville 1, Ky 436 R h e e m Mfg. Co., 7600 South Kedzie Ave., Chicago 2 9 , 111. 6 2 1 , 625 Richmond Mfg. C o . , Lockport, Ν. Ύ 6 Rietz Mfg. Co., 150 Todd Road, Santa Rosa, Calif 719, 721 Robbins & Myers, Inc., Pump Div., Springfield, Ohio 32 Rochester Mfg. Co., Inc., Roches ter 10, Ni. Y 422 Rockwell Mfg. Co., 4 0 0 N . Lex ington Ave., Pittsburgh 8, Pa. 617 Ross & Son Co., Inc., Charles, 1 4 8 156 Classon Ave., Brooklyn 5, Ν. Υ 447 Roth Co., Roy E., 2420 Fourth Ave., Rock Island, 111 S-37 Rotherm "Engineering Co., Inc. 7 2 8 0 W . Devon Ave., Chicago 31, 111 C-143 Rubicon Co., Ridge Ave. at 35th St., Philadelphia 3 2 , Pa. 745 Ruggles-Coles Engineering Co., 240 Arch St., York, Fa 4 Sadtler & Son, Inc., Samuel P., 1517 Vine St., Philadelphia 2, Pa Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., Inc., The "Entoleter Div.," P.O. Box 904, N e w Haven 4, Conn Saran Lined Pipe C o . , 2415 Burdette Ave., Ferndale, Mich.. . . Sarco Co., Inc., Empire State Bldg., New York 1 , Ν. Υ Sauereisen Cements Co=5 Pittsburgh 15, Pa _T. .._. ._. Mchneibie Co., Claude 13., r*.U. Box 81, North E n d Station, D e troit 2, Mich Schutz-O'Neill Co., 307 Portland Ave., Minneapolis 15, M i n n . . .
703 343 C-128 S-26 900 418
C. J. McFarlin,
Air Reduction
Integration, location and lots of vinyl acetate "Our new vinyl acetate plant at Calvert City is another development in Air Reduction's chemical expansion. The Lummus Company is engineering and constructing this plant for us and will bring it on stream early in 1956 "
Chemical Company,
of Air Reduction
Company, a division of A i r Reduction Company, Inc. Adjacent t o A i r Reduction's National Carbide Divi sion, it receives pipeline acetylene and converts it into vinyl acetate which goes principally into polyvinyl acetate emulsions, used in adhesives, latex paints and textile finishes — and polyvinyl alcohol, used for ad hesives and textile finishes. At Calvert City, in addition to this new Air Reduc tion plant, Lummus is also building a $6,000,000 high pressure acetylene derivatives plant for General Ani line & Film Corporation which is a "first" in its field. What better examples could be given to show that Lummus is ready, willing and able to design, engineer and construct your next chemical plant. r
In the midst of a n abundance of available power natural gas, water transportation and a host of re lated chemical products, Lummus is engineering and constructing an integrated 30,000,000 lb. per year vinyl acetate plant for A i r Reduction Chemical
a division
FTT T 7 '
r>r\nir~r> A X T V
OOC -n/r
j-xxiii J^UIV_LIVJL^O w M P A N Y , 385 Madison Avenue, New York 17, Ν. Υ. Engineering & Sales Offices; New York, Houston, Montreal, London, Paris,· The Hague, Bombay. Sales Offices: Chicago, Caracas. Heat Exchanger Plant: Honesdale, Pa. Fabricated Piping Plant: East Chicago, Indiana.
makes •3^*"
the complete line in R e s e a r c h La b o rat ο ry Equipment Precision Scientific Company m a n u f a c tures a COMPLETE SELECTION o r more than Ί 5 0 0 items for use in research laboratories. Q u a l i t y control a n d high m a n u f a c t u r i n g standards a t our factory assure you o f t o p performance o n a n y item s t a m p e d w i t h the " P r e c i s i o n " n a m e . A l w a y s specify Precision when you o r d e r items like these:
Freas Ovens G r a v i t y or mechanical convection, floor, table or wall mounting types. Harard-safe, explosion-proof and vacuum models. Also incubators, sterilizers, con ditioning and annealing ovens and humidity cabi nets.
Petroleum Testing Apparatus All types of equipment for the petroleum laboratory. Unique Front-View Distil lation Units shown pro mote accuracy and easier use by centralizing all con trols and reading instru ments in front. More com pact, space-saving design.
Metallurgical Hand Polisher Ideal for small labora tories or for standardized hand polishing procedures in larger labs. Enclosed drive mechanism and life time sealed motor assure long, dependable opera tion. Exceptionally quiet.
"Time-It" Electrical Stop Watch Large, legible indicating counter easier t o read than conventional watches. Readings to 1/10 second I Can be re-set to zero from any reading or successive readings can be totaled. Write for free Bulletins on any of above equipment.
Name Booth No. Scientific Development Co., Box 795, State College, Pa 713 Scientific Glass Apparatus C o . Inc., 1O0 Lakewood Terrace, Bloomfield, N. J 54 Scott Aviation Corp., Lancaster, Ν. Υ C-159 Sealol Corp., 45 Willard Ave., Providence 5 , R. I S-25 Selas Corp. of America, Erie Ave. & D St., Philadelphia 3 4 , Pa 62 S el-Rex Precious Metals, Inc., Belleville 9, N. J S-1G7 Sharpies Corp., T h e , 2300 W e s t moreland St., Philadelphia 4 0 , Pa C-29 Sharpies Corp. Research Labora tories, The, 424 W . Fourth St., Bridgeport, Pa C-29 Sheldon Equipment Co., Ε. H . , Muskegon, Mich C-64 Sier-Bath Gear & P u m p Co., I n c . , 9252 H u d s o n Blvd., North Ber gen, N . J 55 Simplicity Engineering Co., D u rand, Mich 822 Simpson Mix-Muller Div., National Engineering Co., 549 W . W a s h ington BlvrL fïhiracrn fi. Til... 232 Sly Mfg. Co., The W. W., 4 7 0 0 Train Ave., Cleveland 1, Ohio 43 Snyder Tool & Engineering C o . , Arthur Colton C o . , Div., 3 4 0 0 E. Lafayette Ave., Detroit 7, Mich 301 Southwestern Engineering C o . , 4800 Santa Fe Ave., Los A n geles 5 8 , Calif C-56, C-58 Sparkler Mfg. C o . , Mundelein, 111 C-54 Speedline Stainless Steel Fittings, Div., H o r a c e T. Potts Co., E r i e Ave. & D St., Philadelphia 3 , Pa 307 Sperry & Co., D. R., Batavia, 111. 632 Spraying Systems Co., 3201 R a n dolph St., Bellwood, 111 833 Sprout, Waldron & Co., I n c . , Muncy, Pa 109-111-113 Standard Steel Corp., 5001 B o y l e Ave., Los Angeles 58, Calif.. . . 801 Star Tank and Filter Corp., 8 7 5 Edgewater Road, N e w York 5 9 , Ν. Υ 129 Steel and Tubes Div., Republic Steel Corp., Cleveland, Ohio. .535-539 StofiFel Seals Corp., Tuckahoe, Ν. Υ S-73 Stokes Machine C o . , F. J., Phila delphia 20, Pa 910 Strahman Valves, Inc., 16 Hudson St., N e w York 1 3 , Ν. Υ C-24 Sturtevant Mill C o . , Park & Clay ton Sts., Dorchester, Boston Ζϋ, Mass 905 Superior Electric Co., The, Bris tol, Conn C-13 Superior Tube C o . , Norristown, Pa 346 Swenson Evaporator Co., Div. of Whiting Corp., Harvey, 111.. . . 932 Taller & Cooper, Inc., 75 Front St., Brooklyn 1, Ν. Υ Tank Car Div., General American Transportation Corp., 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago 90, 111. Tank Storage Div., General Ameriican Transportation Corp., 1 3 5 S. La Salle St., Chicago 90, 111. Taylor Instrument Cos., 95 A m e s St., Rochester 1 , Ν. Υ
206 42=44
Precision Scientific Company 3727
W e s t Cortland S t r · · * Chicago 47
NOV. 7,
42-44 36
Name Booth N o . Technicon Co., The, Chauncey, Ν. Υ C-32 Terriss Div. of Consolidated Siphon Supply Co. Inc., 2 2 - 2 4 Wooster St., New York 1 3 , Ν. Υ 244 Thermo Electric Co., Inc., Saddle River Township, Rochelle Park Post Office, N. J C-156 & C-15S Thermo-Panel Div., D e a n Prodducts, Inc., 1042 Dean St., Brooklyn 3 8 , Ν . Υ 744 Thermon Manufacturing Co., 1017 Rosine St., Houston, Texas. . S-34 Thomas Co., Arthur H . , 2 3 0 So. 7 t h St., P.O. Box 779, Phila delphia 5, Pa 16 Thomas Flexible Coupling Co., Warren, P a 22S Thropp & Sons, Wm. R., Div. of J . M. Lehmann Co., Inc., 5 5 0 N e w York A v e , Lyndhurst, N. J C-43 Titanium Alloy Mfg. Div., Na tional Lead Co., I l l Broadway, N e w York 6, Ν. Υ 708 Toledo Porcelain Enamel Prod ucts Co., Toledo, Ohio 824 Toledo Scale Co., Toledo 1, Ohio 750 Tolhurst Centrifugals Div., Ameri can Machine and Metals, i n c . , E . Moline, 111 802-806 Torsion Balance Co., The, Clifton, N. J 847 T o t e System, Inc., Beatrice, N e b . 605 Tranter Mfg., Inc., Lansing 4, Mich 340-342-344 Treadwell Construction Co., Mid land, Pa 729 Treen Box Co., Tioga and M e m phis Sts., Philadelphia 34, P a . . S-72 Trent, Inc., 2 0 1 - 2 9 9 Leverington Ave., Philadelphia 2 7 , Pa 803 Tri-Clover D i v . , Ladish Co., Kenosha, W i s 26 Tri-Homo Corp., Salem, Mass.. . . 305 Troy Engine & Machine Co., Troy, Pa 547 Truscon Steel Co., Youngstown, Ohio 535-539 T u b e Turns, A Div. of National Cylinder Gas Co., Louisville 1, Ky 49 T u b e Turns Plastics, Inc., Louis ville 1, Ky 47 Turbo Mixer, D i v . General Ameri can Transporation Corp., 3 8 0 Madison Ave., N e w York 17, Ν. Υ 42-44 Tyler Co., T h e W. S., 3615 Supe rior Ave., Cleveland 14, O h i o . . 46 Uehling Instrument Co., 4 7 3 Getty Ave., Paterson, N. J.. . . 217 UnionjCarbide and Carbon Corp., 30 East 4 2 n d St., N e w York 17, Ν. Υ 350 Union D r a w n Steel D i v . , Republic Steel Corp., Cleveland, O h i o . . 5 3 5 - 5 3 9 U n i o n Process Co., 120 Ash St., Akron 8, Ohio C-150 U n i o n Steel Corp., 2150 Stanley Terrace, Union, N . J 440 United Box & Lumber Co., 45 Wheeler Point Road, Newark 5, N. J S-106 U . S. Electrical Motors Inc., 200 East Slauson Ave., Los Aoigeles 54, Calif ..., 148 United States Gasket Co., Camden 1, N . J 740 U n i t e d States Steel Corp., 525 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh 30, Pa 518-522
Kidney for an Atomic Fish S o m e t h i n g the N a u t i l u s , U . S. N a v y atomic-power`ed s u b m a r i n e , must h a v e is chemically p u r e (ion-frecî w a t e r . A " k i d n e y " like the one shown a b o v e , with M O N O B E D 1 5 ion exchange resins as its i n n a r d s , keeps w a t e r used free of even traces of dissolved salts. W h a t does this m e a n to you? It m e a n s that if you, too, require w a t e r of high quality, from a beaker-full to millions of gallons, for research work o r for highpressure boilers, for steam irons or for industrial processing, you can count o n KIONOBED ion exchange resins.
Suppose you don't need the ultimate i n ion-free vva ter? T h e n AMBERLITE" ion exchange resins in conventional deionization units may be t h e answer. AMBERLITE exchangers m a y be indicated w h e n yrou w a n t to soften, dealkalize, or deacidify w a t e r — w h e n y o u want to replace or r e m o v e ions in solution . . . economically . . . etticicntly. : Ask for "If Ton Use Water . . . " , a 24-page booklet of basic information on the ion exchange treatment of water.
ψ I ~ A ^J ^ - *
5 ,
Preferred for Precision and Performance Powell Valves are the choice of engineers because they know every valve is precision made, meeting every specification—every time. And there are other good reasons why engineers prefer Powell Valves—because Powell Valves are dependable . . . economical . . . and Powell has the COMPLETE quality line of valves. Consult your Powell Valve distributor. If none is near you, we'll be pleased to tell you about our complete line, and help solve any flow control problem you may have.
FIG 1944-Large Size 0. S. & Y. "Y" Valve for 150 Pounds W. P.
The Wrn. Powell Company Cincinnati 22, Ohio.
109th year
Visit our booth No. 4 8 at t h e Exposition of C h e m i c a l Industries at P h i l a d e l p h i a , December 5—9.
FIG. 1891-FIanged End Liquid Level Gauge. Offset pattern,
FIG. 2433SS—Stainless Steel Bolted Cap Swing Check Valve for 150 Pounds W. P.
FIG. 2453G—Stainless Steel 0. S. & Y. Gate Valve for 150 Pounds W. P.
Name Booth No. United States Stoneware Co., The, 60 East 42nd St., N e w York 17, Ν. Υ 10-12-14 Van Nostrand Co., Inc., D . , 120 • Alexander St., Princeton, N. J. Vanton Pump & Equipment Corp., Div. of Cooper Aïioy Corp., 201 Sweetland Ave., Hillside, N. J. Velan Engineering Ltd., 6585 Jeanne Mance St., Montreal, Quebec, Canada Victor Chemical Works, 155 N . Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111. Vogt Machine Co., Henry, 10th & Ornisby Sts., Louisville 10, Ky.
435 602 209 650 56
Walker-Wallace Div., A.P.V. Co., Inc., 137 Arthur St., Buffalo 7 , Ν. Υ 543 Wall Colmonoy Corp., Stainless Processing Div., 19345 John R St., Detroit 3, Mich 339 Wall-Derkiss, Inc., 5 7 5 Linden Ave. East, Linden, N . J 339 Wall Gases, Inc., Bristol Pike, Morrisville, Bucks County, Pa. 339 Wallace & Tiernan Inc., 25 Main St., Belleville, N. J 6 Walworth Co., 60 East 42nd St., N e w York 17, Ν. Υ 525 Warren Electronics, Inc., Bound Brook, N. J 628 Warren Steam Pump Co., Inc., Warren, Mass 227 Watertown Div., The New York Air Brake Co., Watertown, Ν. Υ 333-335 Watson-Stillman Fittings Div., H . K. Porter C o . , Inc., P.O. Box 95, Roselle, N. J 722 Welch Mfg. Co., W. M., 1515 Sedgwick St., Chicago 10, 111.. . C-42 Welding Fittings Corp., New Castle, Pa 219 Western Machinery Co., 7 6 0 - 7 6 6 Folsom St., San Francisco 7 , Calif C-63 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Gateway Center, 4 0 1 Liberty Ave., P.O. Box 868, Pittsburgh 30, Pa 60 Wheelabrator Corp., Mishawaka, Ind 133 Whitehead Metal Products Co., Inc., 303 West 10th St., N e w York 14, Ν. Υ 429 Whiting Corp., Swenson Evapora tor Co., Div., Harvey, 111 932 Wiegand Co., Edwin L., 750O Thomas Blvd., Pittsburgh 8, Pa. 810 Wiggins Gasholder D i v . , General American Transportation Corp., 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago 9 0 , 111 42-44 Wiggins Vapor Seals Div., Germ erai American Transportation Corp., 135 S. La Salle St., Chi cago 90, 111 42-44 Williams Patent Crusher and T Pulverizer Co.. 2 7 0 1 - 2 7 0 3 N . Broadway, St. Louis 6, Mo.. . . 709 Wolverine Tube Div. of Calumet & Hecla, Inc., 1850 Guardian Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich 642-644 Worthington Corp., Harrison, N. J 840, 848 Yarnall-Waring Co., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia 18, P a . . . . . York Corp., Industrial Div., York, Pa York Co., Inc., Otto H., 6 Central Ave., W . Orange, N . J Young Radiator Co., Racine, Wis.
for clearest filtration usé SOLKA-FLOC Filter Aid
633 402 ^ 516 C- ^-2
SOLKA-FLOC i s t h e filter aid for y o u if you want all these things i n your filtration : Clarity...economical -volume of clarified filtrate... adsorption of iimpurities.._stable pre-coat."bleeding"of * « f* filter ai(3..„rto loss of cake due to pressure ^ ^ d r o p . . . no afcrasion of pumps o r valves,, .very A f * little retention of filtrate in filter cake. ; * > %
9 9 . 5 % chemically- pure cellulose, SOLKA-FX.OC conies in a wide range of grades to m e e t your specific needs. For samples and more information write D e p t . HT A-11 our Boston office, and one of oior representatives will call on y o u .
^5 *$
C O Μ Ρ A N Y, Berlin, New Hampshire
195 5
Classified List of Exhibitors1 . . . 25TH EXPOSITION
ABRASIVES Aluminum Co. of America 233—235 Dicalite D i v . , Great Lakes C a r b o n Corp 306-308 Johns-M an ville Sales C o r p 50S Pangborn Corp 906 Wheelabrator Corp. (formerly E q u i p m e n t Corp. )
ABSORBERS A c e Glass Inc 710 Black, Si vails & Bryson, Inc 114 Blaw-Knox Co 103 Chemical and Industrial C o r p . , The S-27 Falls Industries, I n c 37 General Ceramics Corp 37 Johns-Manville Sales C o r p 508 Knight, M a u r i c e A 7 Minerals & Chemicals C o r p . of America 807 Patterson F o u n d r y & M a c h i n e Co. 331 Peabody Engineering C o r p C-116 Podbielniak, Inc 601 Standard Steel Corp 801 T r e a d well Construction Co 729 U . S. Stoneware Co., T h e 10-12-14 ACID1FIERS Haveg Corp
ACIDS Chemical & Industrial C o r p . , T h e Emery Industries, Inc Quaker O a t s Co., T h e Victor Chemical W o r k s Wallace & Tiernan, Inc
S-27 718 65 650 6
ACID PLANTS General Ceramics C o r p Haveg C o r p
37 534
ACID RESISTING MATERIALS Allegheny Ludlum Steel C o r p . . . . 28 Alloy S t e e l Products C o 35 A l u m i n u m Co. of America 233-235 Amersil C o . , Inc C-17, C-19, C-21 Ampco M e t a l , Inc 913 Adas Mineral Products Co., T h e . . 4 1 5 - 4 1 7 Blaw-Knox Co 103 Cooper Alloy Corp 602 Delaware Barrel & D r u m C o . , Inc. C-25 Durirqn C o . , Inc., T h e 58-59 Durock C o r p CJ-153 Falls Industries, Inc 37 Filtros, I n c 419 General Alloys Co 748 1 From list prepared b y management of Exposition of Chemical I n d u s t r i e s .
General American Transportation Corp 42-44 General Ceramics Corp 37 General L e a d Construction C o r p . . C-27 Glascote Products, Inc., Subsidiary of A. O. S m i t h Corp 106 Haveg C o r p 534 Haynes Stellite Co., Div. of ï j n i o n Caruiiit; oc CaiDcii C o r p . C50 Heil Process E q u i p m e n t C o r p . . . .622-624 Industrial Filter & P u m p Mfg. C o . 5 1 - 5 3 Industrial Steels Inc 726 International Nickel Co., Inc., T h e 507 Johns-Manville Sales C o r p 508 Knapp Mills, I n c . a n d A n d r e w s K n a p p Construction Co., I n c . . . 19 Knight, Maurice A 7 Laboratory Furniture Co. Inc 414 L a p p Insulator Co., Inc., Process Equipment Div 814 Lead L i n e d Iron Pipe Co 210 M e t a l a b E q u i p m e n t Co., Div. of N o r b u t e Corp 901 M u r r a y Co., Inc., Α. Β S-32 National C a r b o n Co., Div. of Union C a r b i d e & Carbon C o r p . 350 National L e a d C o 702-706-708 Pla-Tank, Inc., Div. of The C h e m i c a l Corp C-120 Quelcor, I n c 348 R e m - C n i T i t a n i u m , Inc 433 Research Controls C-134 Resistoflex Corp 248 Saran L i n e d P i p e Co 343 Sauereisen Cements Co S-26 Treadwell Construction Co 729 U. S. Gasket C o 740 U. S. Stoneware Co., T h e 10-12-14 ADHESIVES Insul-Mastic Corp. of America. . . 444 Johns-lVfanville Sales Corp 508 Sauereisen Cements Co S-26 U. S. Stoneware Co., T h e 10-12-14 AGITATORS Alsop Engineering Corp 110 American Instruments Co., I n c . . . 736 American W e l l Works, T h e C-160 Autoclave Engineers Sales C o r p . 434 Blaw-Knox Co 103 C h e m i n e e r , Inc C-155 Cleveland Mixer Co., The 825 C o l t o n Co., Arthur, Div. of S n y d e r "l'ooi & JtLngineering Co 301 D a y Co.. Inc.. T h e T. H 921-925 D o r é Co., John L C-139 E r t e l Engineering Corp 614 G e n e r a l ALmerican Transportation Corp 42-44
General Ceramics Corp 37" Glascote Products, Inc., Subsidiary of A. O. Smith Corp 10^ G u m p Co., B . F '. 23 H a r d i n g e C o . , Inc . 4: H a v e g Corp 534 Hockmeyer & Co., H e r m a n C-61 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Engineering, Inc.. . . C-114: Kinetic Dispersion Corp C-118 K n a p p Mills Inc. a n d AndrewsKnapp Construction Co.. Inc.. . 19 Kontes Glass Co C-154 Koven & Brother, Inc., L. 0 8341r Mixing E q u i p m e n t Co., I n c . . . . . 80O N e u m a n n & Weaver, Inc C-169 Mew Brunswick Scientific Co.. . . 626 Mew E n g l a n d Tank & Tower Co. 52 Patterson F o u n d r y & Machine Co. 331 Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc., T h e 739 & 8 3 1 Perry Products Co 437 Philadelphia Gear Works, I n c . . . . 33 Pressure Products Industries, I n c . . C-37 R e a d Standard Corp 608 Ross & Son Co., Inc., Charles. . . . 447 Sprout, Waldron & Co., I n c . . 1 0 9 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 3 S t a r Tank & Filter Corp 129 Terriss Div., Consolidated Siphon Supply Co., Inc 244 AIR CONDITIONING APPARATUS American I n s t r u m e n t Co., I n c . . . 73β B a r n e b e y - C h e n e y Co 17 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Industrial Div 531 N i a g a r a Blower Co 60O P a r k s - C r a m e r Co 727 Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc., T h e . 7 3 9 & 8 3 1 Research Controls C-13^4 W e s t i n g h o u s e Electric C o r p 60 York C o r p . , Industrial Div 402 Young Radiator Co C-162 ALCOHOL Atlas P o w d e r Co., Chemicals Divi sion 302-304 & 4 0 1 Q u a k e r Oats Co., T h e 65 W a l l a c e & Tiernan I n c 6 ALLOYS, Ferrous Armco Steel Corp Allegheny L u d l u m Steel C o r p . . . . Alloy Steel Products Co Chain Belt Co C o o p e r Alloy Corp D u r i r o n Co., Inc., T h e G e n e r a l Alloys C o H a y n e s Stellite Co., Div. of Union Carbide & Carbon Corp Industrial Steels, I n c
231 28 35 432 602 58-59 748 350 726
Murray Co., Inc., Α . Β S-32 Republic Steel Corp 535-539 United States Steel Corn.. C e n t r a l Operations '. 518-522 ALLOYS, Nonferrous
Aluminum Co. of America 233—235 Ampco Metal, Inc 913 Baker & Co., Inc C-17, C-19, C-21 Bishop & Co., Platinum W o r k s , J. 809 Callerv Chemical Co C-59 Duriron Co., Inc., T h e 58-59 General Alloys Co 748 Haynes Stellite Co., Div. of Union Carbide & Carbon Corp 350 international Nickel Co., I n c . , T h e 507 K n a p p Mills, Inc., and A n d r e w s Knapp Construction Co., I n c . . . 19 Murray Co., Inc., Α. Β S-32 National L e a d Co 702-706-708 Rem-Cru T i t a n i u m . Inc 433 Reynolds Metals C o 436 W a l l Colmonoy Corp., Stainless Processing Div 339 ANALYZERS
Bailey Meter Co 30 Baker & Co., Inc C-17, C-19, C-21 Beckman, Inc., Arnold 0 643 Cambridge Instrument Co 926 Davis Instruments, Div. of Davis Kmergenoy Rqniprnent Co., Inc.
Laboratory E q u i p m e n t C o r p Liston-Becker Plant, Beckman In struments, Inc Mine Safety Appliances Co Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Industrial D i v Perkin-Elmer Corp., T h e P e r m u t i t Co., The Podbielniak, Inc Sharpies Corp., T h e Taller & Cooper, I n c Technicon Co., T h e
C-124 836 C-34 531 705 73 601 C-29 206 C-32
Aluminum C o . of America 233-235 Baker & Co., Inc C-17, C-19, C-21 Bishop & Co., Platinum Works, J. 809 Duriron Co., Inc., T h e 58-59 Electrode Div., Great L a k e s Car bon Corp 306-308 General Lead Construction Corp. C-27 Heil Process E q u i p m e n t C o r p . . . .622-624 K n a p p Mills Inc. and A n d r e w s K n a p p Construction Co., I n c . . . 19 L e a d Lined Iron P i p e Co 210 National Carbon Co., D i v . of Union Carbide & Carbon Corp. 350 National L e a d Co 702-706-708 U . S. Stoneware Co., T h e 10-12-14 ASBESTOS
Ertel Engineering Corp Hercules Filter Corp Johns-Manville Sales" Corp Mine Safety Appliance Co
614 78 508 C-34
Aetna Scientific Co American Instrument Co., I n c . . . . Autoclave Engineers, Inc Bartlett & Snow Co., T h e C . O.. . Blaw-Knox C o E n z i n g e r Div., T h e Duriron Co., Inc Glascote Products, Inc., subsidiary of A. O. Smith C o r p High .Pressure E q u i p m e n t C o . , Inc. K n a p p Mills, Inc., and A n d r e w s K n a p p Construction Co., I n c . . . Machlett & Son, Ε Patterson Foundry & M a c h i n e Co., The
221 736 434 247 103 34 106 717 19 C-33 331
Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc., T h e . 7 3 9 & 8 3 1 Precision Scientific Co 6*7 Pressure Products Industries, Inc. C*3"7 Standard Steel Corp 801 Star Tank & Filter Corp 129 Treadwell Construction C o 729 Trent, Inc 803 Welch Manufacturing Co., W. M. C-42 A U T O M A T I C TEMPERATURE
American Instrument Co., Inc.. . 736 Bailev Meter C o 30 Conoflow Corp 639 Control Engineering C o r p 118-122 Electric Hotpack Co., Inc., T h e . . 933 Fenwal, Inc 909 Fischer & Porter Co 200-202 Foster Engineering Co 208 Foxboro Co., T h e 139 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Industrial Division 531 Niagara Blower C>o 600 Precision Scientific Co 67 Research Controls C-134 Sarco Co., Inc G128 Scientific Development C o 713 Taylor Instrument Cos 36 Thermo Electric Co., i n c . . C-156, G 1 5 S BAGS
Bemis Bro. Bag Co Continental Can Co Eimco Ccro. T h e Fulton Bag'& Cotton Mills BALANCES
13 29 C-S 820
BLAST E Q U I P M E N T — S a n d
M W Protective Coatings Div., Metalweld, I n c Pangborn Corp Sly Manufacturing Co., W . W . . . Wheelabrator Corp. ( formerly American Wheelahrator & Equipment Corp. )
240 906 43 133
D a y Co., The 5 Eclipse F u e l Engineering Co 747 Ingersoll-Rand Co . . . _ 918 International Engineering, I n c . . . en Cements C o S-26 United States Stoneware C o . . . . 1 0 - 1 2 - 1 4 CENTRIFUGALS American I n s t r u m e n t Co., I n c . . . . 736 American Tool & Machine C o . . . . 826 A m p c o Metal, Inc 913 Baker-Perkins, Inc 540-544 Bird Machine C o 321-325 Blaw-Knox Co 103 Centrico, Inc 731 DeLaval S e p a r a t o r Co., T h e C-16 Fletcher W o r k s , I n c 102 General C e r a m i c s C o r p 37 Heyl & Patterson, I n c 226 Luzerne R u b b e r C o . , The 409 Machlett & Son, Ε C-33 M e r c o Centrifugal C o 2 Mission M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co., C e n trifugal P u m p D i v C-147 New York L a b o r a t o r y Supply C o . , Inc C-41 Podbielniak, I n c 601 NOV.
195 5
Precision Scientific Co 67 Scientific Glass A p p a r a t u s Co., Inc 54 S h a r p i e s C o r p . , TheC-29 T o l h u r s t Centrifugals Di\ ., Ameri can Machine & Metals, Inc 802—806 York C o r p . . Industrial l ) i \ . . 402 CERAMICS Aluminum Co. of America 233—235 Filtros Ine 419 G e n e r a l Ceramics Corp 37 Knight, Maurice A 7 L a p p Insulator Co., Inc., Process E q u i p m e n t Division 814 United States Stoneware Co., The . 10-12-14 C H E M I C A L PLANT EQUIPMENT Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. 934 Alloy Steel Products Co 35 American I n s t r u m e n t Co., I n c . 736 American Plant E q u i p m e n t Co.. . S-65 American Tool & Machine C o . . . . 826 Arnersil C o . , i n c C-17, CMS), C-21 A m p c o Metal, Inc 913 Artisan Metal Products, lue 318 Autoclave E n g i n e e r s , Inc 4.31 B I F Industries, Ine 902 Baird Associates, inc 63 Baker-Perkins, Inc 540—544 Bareo M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co C-20 B a m e b e N - C h e n e y Co 17 B a r t l c t t & Snow C o . , T h e CI. O. . 247 B e a u m o n t Birch C o 445 Beck Div., B e c k m a n Instruments, Inc 20 Blaw-Knox Co 103 Blickman, Inc. S 407 Callery Chemical C o C-59 C a r r i e r Conveyor Corp 117 C a r v e r , Inc., F r e d S S Cesco S-68 Chemical & Industrial Corp., The S-27 Chemicolloid Laboratories, Inc.. . 22 Cleveland Mixer Co., I n c 825 C o m m e r c i a l Filters Corp.. . 310 C o r n i n g Glass Works 25-27 D a y Co., T h e J. H 921-925 D e l a w a r e Barrel & D r u m Co., Inc C-25 Dorr-Oliver Inc 513—517 D o w n i n g t o n Iron Works Div.— Pressed Steel Tank Co 714 D u r i r o n C o . , Inc., The 58-59 E i m c o Corp., T h e C-9 E l e c t r i c H o t p a c k Co., Inc., T h e . . 933 E n z i n g e r Div., T h e Duriron Co., Inc 34 E r t e l E n g i n e e r i n g Corp 614 Falls Industries, I n c 37 F i s c h e r & Porter C o 200-202 F i t z p a t r i c k Co., Inc., T h e W . J.. . 140 G e n e r a l A m e r i c a n Transportation Corp 42-44 G e n e r a l C e r a m i c s Corp 37 G e n e r a l L e a d Construction Corp. C-27 G i r d l e r C o . , The—Votator Div., A Div. of t h e National Cylinder G a s Co 47 Glascote P r o d u c t s , Inc., Subsidi ary of t h e A . O . Smith Corp.. . 106 Great Western Manufacturing Co 741-743 G r i p - S t r u t Div., T h e G l o b e Co.. . 7 3 5 - 7 3 7 Gross Co., F. R C-137 G u m p C o . . B. F 23 Hart-Carter Co C-18 K a v e g Corp 534 H a y n e s Stellite C o . , Div. of Union C a r b i d e a n d Carbon Corp 350 H e i l Process E q u i p m e n t C o r p 622-624 H e y l & P a t t e r s o n , Inc 226 H o c k m e y e r & Co., Herman C-61 H u n t M a c h i n e C o . , Rodney, 821 4774
IiuuiMiial I'illci" &. P u m p M a n u facturing Co 51-53 International Engineering, I n c . . . . C-114 Icffrey Manufacturing Co., T h e . . 201 Jerguson Gage v€^-^ ^ k - S C ; *« & 1 ^COU**AltONI-INDfNI : 1 ? N
T U « >« « > ^ % > ν * § 1 1 ^
532 448
COATINGS, Protective Atlas Mineral Products Co., T h e . . 4 1 5 - 4 1 7 Atlas Powder Co 3 0 2 - 3 0 4 & 401 General Ceramics Corp 37 Heil Process E q u i p m e n t C o r p . . . . 6 2 2 - 6 2 4 Industrial Filter & P u m p M a n u facturing Co 51-53 Insul-Mastic Corp. of America. . . 444 Johns-Manville Sales Corp 50S Knight, Maurice A 7 Luzerne Rubber Co., T h e 409 M W Protective Coatings Div., Metalweld, Inc 240 National Lead Co 702-706-708 Saran Lined Pipe Co 343 United States Stoneware Co., T h e 10-12-14 COILS General Lead Construction Corp. C-27 Haynes Stellite Co., Div. of Union Carbide and Carbon Corp 350 Knapp Mills, Inc. and AndrewsKnapp Construction Co., I n c . . . 19 L e a d Lined Iron Pipe Co 210 Murray Co., Inc., Α. Β S-32 Perry Products Co 437 Platecoil Div., Tranter Manufac turing Inc 340-342-344 Terries Div.—Consolidated Siphon Supply Co., Inc 244 Thermo-Panel Div., D e a n Prod ucts, Inc 744 Treadvvell Construction C o 729 Vogt Machine Co., H e n r y 56 COKE OVEN MACHINERY Emsco Manufacturing C o . . . . C - 1 2 3 , C-127 Podbielniak, Inc. 601 COLLECTORS American Air Filter Co., I n c . . . . 150 & 250 Chain Belt Co 432
2-50-10 HI-FLASH SOLVENT is best for alkyd finishes! W H Y ? Because of its coal-tar o r i g i n , 2 - 5 0 - W Hî-Flash has g r e a t e r affinity for alkyd resins. This f e a t u r e , its slow uniform e v a p o r a t i o n rate and 1 4 8 1 9 5 ° C . boiling range m a k e this solvent superior f o r use in these finishes. Call o n us for samples
> wîiiïKM;ôîi5^ ïiPS-z.
COAL TAR OILS Missouri Coke & Chemical Div., Great Lakes Carbon C o r p . . . . . 3 0 6 - 3 0 8
• Neville
and Anaheim,
o f this
Your tests will show the better adhesion and leveling properties yoLs can expect through your ascot 2-iÙ-W Hi-Flash Solvent
P I T T S B U R G H 2 S , 1»A.
HEATING TAPES Heat WHERE You Want It . . . W H E N You Wanf It! Electrothermal H e a t i n g Tapes consist of o n e or more f a b r i c bands of resistance wire, s e p a r a t e d or bordered b y bands of high-temperature-resistirtgj glass f i b r e y a r n . The w i d t h a n d length of t h e v a r i ous t a p e s a r e c a r e f u l l y d e termined by the currentLength Width c a r r y i n g c a p a c i t y o f the r e in in sistance w i r e . Temperature Ft. Inches of 4 0 0 ° C. a n d o v e r can b e 3 1 r e a c h e d inside a glass tube 4 2K of 2mm w a l l thickness. 3 5 The t a p e is simply wound 6 3H around the body to b e ο 1/ h e a t e d , a n d h e l d in posi/i 4 tion b y glass laces at both 6 y* ends. A s u i t a b l e control 8 Yl d e v i c e such a s a "Power2 1 s t a t " o r v a r i a b l e autotrans4 1 f o r m e r should b e used with 6 1 the t a p e s . 8 1 S 2 THREE TYPES A V A I L A B L E — 4 UNINSULATED—INSULATED 2 O N O N E SIDE—INSULATED 6 2 O N B O T H SIDES 8 2 2 33/2 DEALERS* INOUIRIES 4 3H INVITED 6 3 y2 8
Un Insulated Watts insulated 1 side at 115 V . A m p s . Cat. #65080 Cat. #65090 1.6 $ 9.65_e«. $11 .40 ea. 10O" 12.25 ·« 3.0 14.90 " 250) ~ 4.6 16.65 " 20.15 " 450 5.2 19.25 " 22.95 " 50O 72Γ 108 14472: 144216* 288
240 360 480 210 420 63D 840)
1.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.5
(Average L o a d of Healins Tapes is 2 > £ Watts/Sq. in.)
3~0 4.0 5.0 2.5 4.2 7,5 10.0
Insulated both sides Cat. #65100 $14.70 ea. 18.75 " 26.45 " 29.40 " 3.50 " 5.50 " 7.50 " 12.00 " 5.50 " 8 . 5 0 ·· 11.50 " 15.00 " 8.O0 ·· 13.00 " 18.00 " 30.00 " 12.00 " 1 9 . 0 0 ·' 26.00/' 45.00 "
SUPPLY CORP • New Y o r k 12, N . Y.
Colton Co., Arthur, Div. or Snyder Tool & Engineering Co 301 Day Co., The 5 Dracco Corp 80S Koppers, Inc., Metal Products Div. 121-125 Link-Belt Co 532 National Dust Collector Corp 232 Pangborn Corporation 906 Pulverizing Machinery Div., Metals Disintegrating Co., I n c . . C-30 Schneible Co., Claude Β 900 Sharpies Corp., T h e C-29 Sprout, \Valdron& Co., Inc.. . 1 0 9 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 3 C O L L O I D MILLS
Chemicolloid Laboratories, Inc.. . Fitzpatrick Co., Inc.. The N . J.. . . Kinetic Dispersion Corp M an ton-Gaul in M ami f acturing Co., Inc Morehouse-Cowles, Inc Premier Mill Corn Tri-Homo Corp Troy Engine & Machine Co
22 14(1 C-118 406 C-22 309 305 547
Ace Glass, I n c American Instrument Co., Inc.. . . Brinkman & Co., C. A Machlctt & Son, Ε New York Laboratory* Supply Co., Inc Photovolt Corp Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc Technicon Co., T h e
710 736 C-36 C-33 C-41 635 54 C-32
N e w York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc Perkin-Elmer Corp., The Wallace & Tiernan Inc
C-41 705 6
Autoclave Engineers Sales Corp.. 434 Fuller Co 213 General American Transportation Corp 42-44 Ingersoll-Rand Co 918 Knapp Mills, Inc., & AndrewsK n a p p Construction Co., Inc. . . 19 Nash Engineering Co., T h e 400 Worthington Corp 840-848 York Corp., Industrial Div 402 CONCENTRATORS
Blaw-Knox C o 103 Carrier Conveyor C o r p 117 Centrico, Inc 731 Chemical & Industrial Corp., T h e S-27 Haveg Corp 534 Knapp Mills, Inc., & Andrews· K n a p p Construction Co., Inc.. . 19 Knight, Maurice A 7 Merco Centrifugal Co 2 Niagara Blower Co., The 600 Sharpies Corp., T h e C-29 Tolhurst Centrifugals Div., Amer ican Machine & Metals, Inc.. . . 8 0 2 - 8 0 6 CONDENSERS
Ace Glass Inc 710 Aluminum C o . of America 2 33-235 American Plant E q u i p m e n t C o . . . S-65 Blaw-Knox C o 103 Brown Fintube C o 94S Cleveland Mixer Co., T h e 825 Croll-Reynolds Co.. Inc 234 Downington Iron Works Div.— Pressed Steel T a n k Co 714 Falls Industries, Inc 37 General Ceramics C o r p 37 Glascote Products, Inc., Subsidiary of A. O. Smith C o r p 106 4776
934 646
Black Sivalls & Bryson, Inc 114 Conoflow Corp 639 Control Engineering C o r p 118-122 Davis Instruments Div., Davis Emergency E q u i p m e n t Co., Inc. 939 Fischer & Porter C o 200-202 Foxboro Co., The 139 Leeds & Northrup Co 734 Magnetrol, I n c . . . * 431 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Industrial Div 5* ·. Philadelphia Purr»*^ & Machinery Co " C-130 Potter Aero*\auti< al ^ C-40 Quaker Cats C c , Tine Electro static Div. of Mechanical Re search Dept 15 Rockwell Manufacturing C o 617 Sarco Co., I n c . C-128 Scientific Development Co 713 Taylor Instrument Cos 36 Thermo-Electric Co., I n c . . . . C-156, C-158 Westinghouse Electric Corp 60
850 601
Haveg Uorp 534 Hunt Machine Co., Rodney. 821 Ingersoll-Rand Co 918 International Boiler Works Co., The 648 Knapp Mills, Inc. & AndrewsKnapp Construction Co., Inc.,. . 19 Koven & Brother, Inc., L. 0 834 Niagara Blower Co 600 Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc., T h e . . 7 3 9 & 831 Star Tank & Folter C o r p 129 Stokes Machine Co., F . J 910 Thenno-Panel Div., Dean P r o d ucts, I n c 744 Treadwell Construction Co 729 Vogt Machine Co., H e n r y 56 Welch Manufacturing Co., W . M . C-42 York Corp., Industrial Div 402 CONTACTORS
Allis-Chaimers Manufacturing Co. Automatic Switch Co General Electric Co., Apparatus Sales Division Podbielniak, Inc York Co., Inc., Otto Η
CONTAINERS Aluminum Co. of America 233-235 Associated Cooperage Industries οϊ America, Inc 818 Continental Can Co.—Fiber D r u m Div 29 Delaware Barrel & Drum Co., Inc C-25 General Lead Construction C o r p . C-27 Greif Bros. Cooperage Corp., T h e 76 Fulton B a g & Cotton Mills 820 Haveg Corp 534 Koven & Brother, Inc., L. Ο . 834 Luzerne Rubber Co., The 409 Pressed Steel Tank Co 714 Rheem Manufacturing C o 621-625 Sprout, W a l d r o n & Co., Inc.. . 109-111-113 Tote Systems, Inc 605 C O N T R O L APPARATUS
Allis-Ch aimers Manufacturing C o . 934 Automatic Switch Co 646 B I F Industries, Inc 902 Brookfield Engineering L a b o r a tories, Inc 424 Brooks Rotameter Co 606 Conoflow Corp 639 Control Engineering C o r p . 118-122 Davis Instruments D i v . of D a v i s Emergency E q u i p m e n t Co., Inc. 939 Electric Hotpack Co., Inc., T h e . . . 933 Fischer & Porter Co 200-202 Foster Engineering Co 208 Foxboro Co., T h e 139 General Electric Co., Apparatus Sales JDiv 850 Jenkins JtSros 147 L a p p Insulator Co., Inc. Process Equipment Div 814 Leeds & Northrup Co 734 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Industrial Div 531 Precision Scientific Co 67 Precision Thermometer & I n s t r u ment C o S-66 Pressure Products Industries, I n c . C-37 Research Controls C-134 Welch Manufacturing Co., W . M . C-42 Westinghouse Electric Corp 60 Wiegand Co., Edwin, I., 810 CONTROLLERS
Automatic Switch Co., B I F Industries, Inc Bailey Meter Co
646 902 30
BIF Industries, I n c Bartlett & Snow Co., T h e C O . . . Beaumont Birch C o Bowen Engineering, I n c
902 247 443 613
.»—ι ^_ _
Chain Belt C o 432 Day Co., Inc., Trie J . Η 921-925 Dracco Corp 808 Fuller Co 213 General American Transportation Corp 42-44 Great Western Manufacturing Co 741-743 .Hewitt-Robins I n c C-14 Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., T h e . . 201 Koven & Brother, Inc., L . 0 834 Link-Belt C o 532 Magnetic Engineering & Manufac turing Co 236 National Drying Machinery Co.. . C-62 Philadelphia Gear W o r k s , I n c 33 Proctor & Schwartz, I n c 950 Simplicity Engineering Co 822 Simpson Mix-Muller Div., Na tional Engineering C o 232 Sprout, Waldron & C o . , Inc. 109-111-113 Sturtevant Mill Co 905 Tote Systems, I n c . 605 COOLERS
Adams Co., Inc., R . Ρ 410 Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. 934 American Plant E q u i p m e n t Co.. . S-65 Bartlett & Snow Co., T h e C . O.. . 247 Blaw-Knox C o 103 Brown Fintube C o 948 Carrier Conveyor Corp 117 Davenport Machine & F o u n d r y Co ^ „ . . C-39 Downington Iron AVork, i n c . u i v . of Pressed Steel T a n k Co 714 Duriron Co., Inc., T h e 58-59 Enzinger Div., T h e EHiriron Co., Inc 34 Fuller Co , 213 General American Transportation Corp 42-44 General Ceramics C o r p 37 Hardinge Co., Inc 4 Haveg Corp 534 leffrey Manufacturing Co., T h e . . 201 Link-Belt Co 532 Niagara Blower C o 600 Patterson-Kelley (Jo., Inc., l h e . . 7 3 9 & 831 Peabody Engineering Com C-116 Rietz Manufacturing C o . . Γ 719-721 Standard Steel Corp 801 Thermo-Panel Div., D e a n ProdT
ucts, inc
rf 4 A
t -at·*
Treadwell Construction Co Vogt Machine Co., Henry Walker-Wallace Div., A.P.V. Co., Inc Young Radiator Co
729 56
543 C-162
Are You Looking For
Associated Cooperage Industries of America, Inc Greif Bros. Cooperage Corp., The
818 76
Ampco Metal. Inc 913 Chain Belt Co 432 Chiksan Co 607 Cooper Alloy Corp 602 Doré Co., John L C-139 Emsco Manufacturing Co.. .C-123, C-127 Imperial Brass Manufacturing Co., The 439-441 Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., The. . 201 Lead Lined Iron Pipe Co 210 Link-Belt Co 532 Lovejoy Flexible Coupling Co.. . . 448 Murray Co., Inc., Α. Β S-32 Philadelphia Gear Works, Inc 33 Sier-Bath Gear & Pump Co., Inc.. 55 Thomas Flexible Coupling Co.. . . 225 Walworth Co 525
such as • • • • • • •
and prices,
Amersil Co., Inc C-17, C-19, Baker & Co., Inc C-17, C-19, Bishop & Co. Platinum Works, J.. Falls Industries, Inc National Carbon Co., Div. of Union Carbide and Carbon Corp Precision Scientific Co Welch Manufacturing Co., W. M.
C-21 C-21 809 37
Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co 934 Bartlett & Snow Co., The C. O.. . 247 Combustion Engineering, Inc., Raymond Div 68 Eimco Corp., The C-9 Fitzpatrick Co., Inc., The W. J.. . 140 Gump Co., B. F 23 Hardinge Co., Inc 4 Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., The. . 201 Lehmann Co., Inc., J. M C-43 Link-Belt Co 532 Miller & Son, Inc., Franklin P., Supreme Crusher Div S-31 Patterson Foundry & Machine Co., The 331 Pulva Corp 330 Pulverizing Machinery Div., Metals Disintegrating Co., Inc C-30 Rietz Manufacturing Co 719-721 Boss & Son Co., Inc., C h a r l e s . . . . 447 Schutz-O'Neill Co 118 Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc. 54 Sprout, Waldron & Co., Inc.. 109-111-113 Sturtevant Mill Co 905 Thropp & Sons, Wm. R., Div., of J. M. Lehmann Co., Inc C-43 Tri-Home Corp 305 United States Stoneware Co., The 10-12-14 Williams Patent Crusher & Pul verizer Co 709