Kewaunee Mfg. Co. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 3, 2012 - Kewaunee Mfg. Co. Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26 (7), pp 45A–45A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60091a750. Publication Date: July 1954. ACS Legacy Archive...
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NEW PRODUCTS able cartridge filter element. I t can be used with metal or borosilicate glass distilled water storage tanks. When the water level in the tank is lowered, room air enters through an intake valve, passes through the submicron filter cartridge where particles are removed and gaseous impurities are chemically absorbed, and then enters the tank through another breather valve. When water level is raised, the intake breather valves automatically close, and air is expelled through an ex­ haust valve. When there is no change in water level, all valves remain closed to protect both cartridge and water from contamination. 14 Flow Counter A completely sealed automatic flow counter has been introduced by Tracerlab, Inc., for automatic radioassays with windowless Geiger or pro­ portional counters. The unit accommo­ dates up to 25 samples and keeps all samples under gas flow throughout the operation. Samples up to l 7 /s inches diameter and Vie inch high can be used.

counters which indicate the total of the weights employed. Weights and pan are suspended from the same end of the beam and weights equal to the load added to the pan are removed from above the pan during the weighing operation. This substitution method of weighing is claimed to be accurate, and, because the load on the beam is constant, pro­ vides constant balance sensitivity re­ gardless of the load on the pan. 16 Temperature Testing Chamber A test unit that automatically cycles through alternate hot and cold temperatures is being produced by Cincinnati Sub-Zero Products Co. The unit provides temperatures down to —120° F., and can then raise the temperature up to 200° F. This cycle can be repeated as many as 100 times. Length of time at the high and low levels can be varied by means of a dual-set timer which controls halfcycle time for periods from 0 to 120 minutes. The test chamber measures 30 inches long, 11 inches wide, and 16 inches deep. I t has a 2-inch porthole through which test leads may be run.

The unit is based on a standard in­ dustrial freezer design, with strip heaters and programming controls added for automatic cycling. A re­ cording thermometer is provided. 17 Centrifugal Wet Mill A centrifugal mill for the reduction of analytical samples, particularly for use in the de­ termination of oil content in small oil-bearingseeds, has been designed by E. H. Sargent & Co. This wet mill per­ mits extraction or solution to occur simultaneously with the milling of the sample, thereby reducing transfer operations and resulting sample loss. The unit employs a capacitor motor which rotates at 1725 r.p.m. Rotor and stator are 18-8 stainless steel. Samples may be ground to an approxiFor further information, see coupon on page 39 A

FIRST for Your LABORATORY This Free Book — Just off the Press — describes in detail

theCBRSystem The instrument may be set so that each sample is counted one, two, three, or four times, or so that the cycles are repeated indefinitely. A switch on the control panel makes it possible to bypass any desired number of samples and to advance the index accordingly. Over-all accuracy of the unit is approximately 1%. I t has a resolving time for Geiger counting of approxi­ mately 150 microseconds. Resolving time for proportional counting is lim­ ited only by the resolving time of the scaler and amplifier used. 15



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Balance A single pan, constant sensitivity balance for fast weighings has been announced by Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc. The Right-Α-Weigh balance has a capacity of 200 grams and a sensi­ tivity of 0.1 mg. All weights are built into the balance and are operated by knobs on the front of the case. These knobs also operate V O L U M E 2 6, N O . 7, J U L Y 1 9 5 4

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