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An NMR analyzer is available for the determination of moisture or oil in solid samples. The instrument is a low-resolution type tuned only to the proton of hydrogen-containing liquids. Samples require no special preparation. The instrument operates over a wide range of moisture concentration from as little as 0.5% to 1 0 0 % . Re­ peatability of instrument readout is 0 . 2 % of full scale. Accuracy of ± 0 . 2 % has been achieved with an ex­ ternal digital voltmeter for readout over a two-minute eleven-second inte­ gration time. Newport of North America, Inc., 1124 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 19110 416

Signal Averaging System

The 1070 series is based on a com­ pletely redesigned digital computer main frame with a wide variety of plug-in modules to adapt the main frame to numerous applications. The system features 20 microsecond/ad­ dress sweep speeds with 9-bit resolu­ tion, decimal number CRT display of memory address and data values, ex­ pandable memory (1024 to 4096 words), and hardwire interface to a general purpose computer. Data modi­ fication capabilities of the 1070 Series include: additive and subtractive transfer, addition and subtraction con­ stants, integration and differentiation, normalization and curve smoothing. Fabri-Tek Instruments, Inc., 5225 Verona Rd., Madison, Wis. 53711 417 Glow Discharge Source

Improved analytical accuracy is achieved through the use of Glow Dis­ charge Sources in emission spectrom­ etry. Among the features are that the relationship between the emission sig­ nal and sample concentration is linear, matrix effects are reduced to insignifi­ cant values, only two reference points are required to analyze samples with vast differences in concentration, line definition is superior, and background is substantially Teduced. The source can be converted to hollow-cathode op­ eration for trace analysis. Carl Zeiss, Inc., 444 Fifth Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 10018 418