Key to Success: Humanness - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - IN THE FORMULA for successful manpower development, the most important element is humanness. Of course, a company can have high sales an...
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POLISHES Sydney Steele (standing) director of Atlas Powder's planning staff holds a conference with company executives. Steele says humanness is the essential ingredient in any managerial job—not only in t o p management: b u t at all levels


Key to Success: Humanness Companies must enable their personnel to use their training, talents, a n d experience to the fullest X N T H F FORMULA for successful m a n ­

power development, t h e most impor­ Of o n n r o c tant a company can have high sales and profits without it. But where h u m a n understanding is missing, management personnel is difficult t o develop a n d hold. This opinion was expressed by Syd­ ney Steele, director of t h e planning staff of Atlas Powder, speaking before a recent meeting of t h e Chemical In­ dustry Association. Management, h e says, must be sure that the essential in­ gredient—humanness—is present not only at t h e top b u t at all levels. O p ­ portunities must b e provided for em­ ployees t o broaden their usefulness t o the company. With men of perception and understanding in key positions, there need b e n o limit t o company growth. T h e company will have created t h e climate in which its per­ sonnel can use t o t h e fullest their in­ dividual training, talents, experience, and inclinations. Steele went on to quote Monsanto's Frank Curtis, w h o said: " T h e setting up a n d t h e handling of a program such as w e are talking about requires some­ one with warm understanding a n d sym­ pathy—someone w h o cares—who'is not a cold fish armed with numbers a n d statistics and a belief i n the efficacy of rules. Here is where the small or­ ganization can have an advantage over

the large. Where everyone knows everyone else, there i s a b e t t e r chance that a potential man»Bcfer> will not be smothered b y an unimaginative and un­ sympathetic lower executive. "As organizations g r o w bigger, the personal element ca.n b e lost. Job classification systems and salary plans can b e built by little minds into strait jackets. T h e making of a manager first requires humanness a t t h e t o p to cor­ rect t h e dead hand of t h e statistical approach a n d t o bring back some of the intimacy of earlier days."


• An industrial and m a n a g e m e n t e n ­ gineering program is b e i n g given in the evenings a t Columbia University to permit qualified persons t o become engineers without interrupting their in­ come-producing jobs. W o m e n as well as men, a n d even nonhigb school grad­ uates ahle to pass qualifying tests will b e accepted in the n e w program of night studies beginning this spring. A pilot study, with a limited group of special students has been in progress since the fall of 1954, Since the ex­ perimental program w a s a success, it is now being thrown open t o all students of industrial a n d m a n a g e m e n t engi neering.

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