Keys to better catalysis

the best choice both for efficiency and economy. It's more than just a question of a qual ity product. There's a personal equation involved — the No...
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Keys to better catalysis . . . NORTON Ceramic Catalyst

In modern chemical and petrochemical process reactions, very often the choice of proper catalyst carriers is as critical a fac­ tor as selection of the catalysts them­ selves. And time a n d again, NORTON Ceramic Catalyst Carriers have proved the best choice both for efficiency a n d economy. It's more than just a question of a qual­ ity product. There's a personal equation involved — t h e Norton M a n . H e brings to chemical engineers t h e benefits of N O R T O N COMPANY'S years of experience in

the chemical and petrochemical fields as well as t h e end products of its advanced manufacturing a n d quality control methods. H e understands the problems involved. And, backed by


COMPANY'S extensive research and engi­ neering facilities, he's well qualified t o help in their solution. Whatever t h e feedstock or thermal




conditions involved . . . whether reaction is in t h e gaseous or liquid phase . . . whether the carrier is t o be coated or im­ pregnated with t h e active agent, he's ready t o suggest t h e specific NORTON product t h a t will do the job best. H e also knows t h a t every NORTON Carrier gives chemical processors the assurance of high­ est uniformity. From lot t o lot — in a n y quantity — size, weight, porosity, pore diameter and purity are held t o close tol­ erances t h a t assure precise duplication of results. Take advantage of t h e service t h e Norton M a n represents. Let him help you to meet catalyst carrier specifications exactly. I t ' s the simple practical way to insure maximum catalyst activity and life . . . to keep catalyst costs low . . . t o get optimum yield from your process. Write




Shapes Spheres Rings Pellets Granules Powders


Materials Alumina Silicon Carbide Fused Magnesia Zirconia Silica, Zircon Magnesia — alumina Spinel, etc.

P o r o s i t y — from 1 0 % t o 5 0 % S u r f a c e A r e a — from less than 1 to 7 0 m 2 / g r a m * *BET Method


N O R T O N COMPANY, Refractories Division, Engineered...

528 New Bond Street, Worcester 6, Mass.


. . . to make


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