the nation, tubes of Kimble N5IA glass outserve others by wide margins. ... records will show you how well these tubes serve . . . how much they can s...
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Kimble Culture Tubes No. 45048 and No. 45066 {with screw cap). Provided with sandblasted spot for marking.

Their long, useful life means low costs for you r e w e r culture tubes are broken than are retired from use because of etch­ ing and scratching. Tubes that stay clear provide the longest service—give you the lowest costs. Kimble Culture Tubes are made of Kimble Λ51A glass—a borosilicate glass that has higher chemical dura­ bility than any other available.

In l a b o r a t o r i e s across the n a t i o n , tubes of Kimble N51A glass outserve others by wide margins. They espe­ cially resist alkaline and neutral solu­ tions, including hot water and steam. Make tests yourself. Use Kimble Culture Tubes side by side with any others available. Match them for clar­ ity, for long life, any way you want.

KIMBLE GLASS Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company

Your own records will show you how well these tubes serve . . . how much they can save. You'll find, too, that Kimble Cul­ ture T u b e s are the l o w e s t - p r i c e d borosilicate tubes on the market. Your laboratory supply dealer will be glad to give you c o m p l e t e informa-tion about prices, types and sizes.

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