KIMBLE KONTES - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Uncovering the Chemical Secrets of Burned Bones. Burned bones hold stories. From them, anthropologists can gather clues about how an ancient ...
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M S . U p d a t e d PC v e r s i o n of t h e NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Data­ base contains 9000 new spectra for a total of more t h a n 63,000 spectra. The d a t a b a s e f e a t u r e s c h e m i c a l structures for most spectra, a search option for detecting spectra with a specified neutral loss, and the capa­ bility for comparing up to six spectra. HD Science Ltd. 415 P o l y m e r r e s e a r c h . SYBYL/Polymer can predict vibrational spectra as well as characteristics of crystal­ line and amorphous polymers. Other features include polymer construc­ tion and modeling, energy and struc­ ture optimization for conformers, and calculation of thermodynamics as well as electrostatic and mechani­ cal properties. Tripos 416

Manufacturers' Literature Gas a n a l y s i s . Brochure describes analyzers and detectors that monitor oxygen levels and gases such as HCHO, H Z S, HCN, Cl 2 , S 0 2 , COCl 2 , HF, Ο,, Br 2 , N 0 2 , NH 3 , CO, C 0 2 , HC1, H 2 , and CH 4 . Portable gas de­ tectors, fixed monitoring systems, and IR gas analyzers are among the instruments described. 6 pp. CEA In­ struments 417 R e a c t i o n k i n e t i c s . "Reaction Ki­ netics: pH-Stat Analysis with the TitraLab Titration System" provides information on the p H - s t a t tech­ nique for kinetics measurement. The determination of lipase, cholines terase, and protease activity as well as measurement of neutralizing ca­ pacity and reaction times of antacids are discussed. 20 pp. Radiometer 418 LC. Models UA-6 and 229 UV detec­ tors are introduced in this brochure. Performance range, sensitivity, auto­ matic peak separation, flow cells, op­ tical units, accessories, and specifica­ tions are described. 7 pp. Isco 419

Catalogs Analytical instruments. "Analyti­ cal Supplies Catalog 1992" lists prod­ ucts for AA operation, UV-vis and near-IR spectroscopies, sample in­ troduction, and GC autosampling; columns, accessories, and operation and maintenance supplies for GC and LC; syringes; standards and re­ agents; manuals and publications; and training courses. 272 pp. Varian 420

Plasma optical emission mass spectrometer, an ICP source instrument, combines emission and quadrupole mass detectors. The emission detector is a solid-state charge injection device, and the mass detector provides detection limits at the sub-ppb level. Thermo Jarrell Ash 421 NMR. Catalog features NMR sam­ pling tubes (including information on quality classes, application guides, o.d., and structural specifications), functional modifications of sample

tubes, inserts and microtubes, sam­ pling accessories, reference s t a n ­ dards, chemicals and solvents, and recording and plotting supplies. Wilmad Glass Company 422

KONTES precision shrunk, ground and polished high resolution tubes are geometrically true to our specifi­ cations. They are guaranteed to auto-lock and are especially suited to high frequency systems (greater than 200 MHz). Each and every one of our tubes is checked for camber and concentricity using NEW technology developed by KONTES. Variations in your readings will reflect sample differences rather than tube inconsistencies. Add to this our competitive pricing and quick delivery; there's no reason to buy your high performance tubes elsewhere. Ask for details.

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 11, JUNE 1, 1992 · 637 A