Kinetics and mechanism of the pyrolysis of 1, 3-cyclohexadiene

Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California. Receiwd January 30, 1967. 94025. Abstract: The pyrolysis of 1,3-cyclohexadiene (1,3-CH) has been ...
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Kinetics and Mechanism of the Pyrolysis of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene. A Thermal Source of Cyclohexadienyl Radicals and Hydrogen Atoms. The Addition of Hydrogen Atoms to Benzene and Toluenela S. W. Benson and R. Shawlb Contribution f r o m the Department of Thermochemistry and Chemical Kinetics, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California 94025. Receiwd January 30, 1967 Abstract: The pyrolysis of 1,3-cyclohexadiene(1,3-CH) has been studied in a static system between 10 and YO torr and 362 and 421 O, The products were benzene, cyclohexene, hydrogen, and traces (less than 5 %) of C12hydrocarbons. At 391 ’ and 40 torr initial pressure, the initial rate of reaction is 10-6.amole 1.-’ sec-’. The order is between one-half and three-halves and is close to five-fourths. The activation energy, obtained at constant (-40 torr) initial pressure, is 40 + 5 kcal mole-’. The rate is unaffected by added CFI and is halved by increasing the surface-to-volume ratio 20 times. The observed products were accounted for by a chain mechanism involving hydrogen atoms, cyclohexadienyl radicals, and cyclohexenyl-3 radicals. The order, initial rate, and activation energy for the pyrolysis of 1,3-CH, calculated from the mechanism, were in reasonable agreement with experiment. From the pyrolysis of 1,3-CH alone, and in the presence of hexadeuteriobenzene and toluene, we have concluded k5:ks = 1 :1.5: 3: 12 (see the corresponding eq -4, 16, 5 , and 6 in the text). We have estimated that at 391 O, k--4:k16: that the lower limit for Ell is 4 kcal mole-’ and that the lower limit for EX!is 53 kcal mole-’ (see eq 11 and 20 in the text).


uart2 has recently studied the thermochemistry and kinetics of the decomposition of the cyclohexadienyl radical. In spite of a careful and detailed analysis of the system, the complexities were such that the error limits were large. It was hoped that the present study would provide additional information. The pyrolysis of 1,4-CH has recently3 been shown to be a homogeneous elimination of hydrogen t o give benzene with k = 1012.36-43.8’0 sec-l, where 8 is 2.3 RT kcal mole-’. In view of the theoretical prediction of Hoffmann4 that it would be more difficult t o eliminate hydrogen thermally from 1,3-CH than 1,4-CH, it was of interest to study the pyrolysis of 1,3-CH. While the present work was being completed, a very brief preliminary communication was published by Ellis and F r e ~ . ~ ~

Experimental Section Materials. 1,3-CH (Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee) contained several per cent cyclohexene and benzene. It was purified to better than 99.9 by preparative gas chromatography (F and M Model 775, carbowax column) and bulb-to-bulb distillation. Cyclohexene (Aldrich Chemical Co.) was reagent grade. Other materials have been described previously. Apparatus. Hydrogen was estimated with a gas buret. Hydrocarbons were analyzed by gas chromatography. Typical analyses were confirmed mass spectrometrically. The details of the system and technique have been described previously. 3b

Results and Discussion Chain Pyrolysis of 1,3-CH. The products of pyrolysis of 1,3-CH were benzene, cyclohexene, hydrogen, and traces (less than 5 % of the products) of CI2hydro(1) This work has been supported in part by Grant No. A P 00353-02 from the Air Pollution Division of the Public Health Service. (b) PostDoctorate Research Associate. (2) R . D . Suart, Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C., Canada, 1966. (3) (a) R. J. Ellis and H. M. Frey, J . Cheni. SOC.,553 (1966); (b) S . W. Benson and R. Shaw, Trans. Faradaj SOC.,63,985 (1967). (4) R. Hoffmann, Trans. N . Y . Acad. Sci., 475 (1966).

carbons. The mass balances confirmed that the yields of CI2and higher hydrocarbons were small. The dimers were not individually identified, but they had mass spectrometric cracking patterns and gas chromatographic retention times consistent with CI2hydrocarbons. The apparent first-order k (Table I) increased with increasing pressure, showing that the order of the reaction was greater than 1. In the initial stages, the threehalves-order rate constant is approximately equal t o the ratio (first-order rate constant/(initial pressure)’ Similarly, the five-fourths-order rate constant is approximately (first-order rate constant)/(initial pressure)’ 4, A n accurate assessment of the order is not possible, but the over-all rate is clearly between first and three-halves order, and is close to five-fourths order. The temperature coefficient was determined by plotting the apparent first-order rate constant at constant pressure (-40 torr), giving an activation energy of 40 i 5 kcal mole-’. The rate was unaffected by added CF, and was halved by increasing the surface-to-volume ratio 20 times. (See Figure 1.) The results show features of a radical-chain reaction. The inhibiting effect of surface indicates that surface termination makes a small contribution t o the total termination. The hydrogen : benzene :cyclohexene ratios are independent of initial pressure or temperature. The hydrogen yield is one-fifth that of benzene, so the unimolecular decomposition of 1,3-CH t o give equal amounts of hydrogen and benzene cannot be the predominant mode of decomposition. Hydrogen atoms and cyclohexadienyl radicals were shown t o be involved because addition of hexadeuteriobenzene gave HD. ?.






+ RH




Similarly, addition of toluene gave methane. Benson, Shaw

Pyrolysis of 1,3-C~~lohexadiene

5352 Table I. Pyrolysis of 1,3-CycIohexadienea c _ -

Pressure, torr


Q0 0


Initial pressure, torr

Length of run, 103 sec

362 362 362 362 362

20 20 44 44 76

5.4 5.4 3.6 3.6 3.6

1.04 0.86 2.40 2.30 4.23

17.8 18.5 41.8 40.2 64.0

1.58 1.26 3.16 3.07 6.30

391 391 391 391 391 391 391 421 42I 421 421


10 20 40 80 80 80 40 40 80 80

1.8 3.6 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.70 1.23 1.34 3.60 5.8 7.7 6.1 5.9 5.4 13.5 12.1

9.70 8.27 17.8 28.0 56.3 52.0 60.0 21.5 24.0 49.0 42.7

0.95 1.59 1.75 5.30 8.7 11.4 9.1 8.0 7.4 19.0 17.2

391b 39lC 391d 39lE 3916

20 40 40 40 40

1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8

1.12 2.46 2.40 1.63 1.64

17.9 26.4 15.8 32.6 34.0

1.74 4.30 6.70 2.30 2.36










0.26 0.52 0.43 1.43

1.52 1.47 1.32 1.33 1.49

0.30 0.21 0.19 0.34

2.62 2.12 5.56 5.37 10.53

19.4 20.6 47.4 45.6 74.5

2.7 2.1

0.22 0.23 0.20 0.19 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.22

1.65 2.82 3.09 8.90 14.5 19.1 15.2 13.9 12.8 32.5 29.3

11.4 11.1 20.9 36.9 70.8 71.1 75.2 35.4 36.8 81.5 72.0



20.8 33.2 22.9 36.5 38.0


... , . .

0.78 1.35 1.51 1.13 1.35 1.25 3.02 2.65

... ... ... 0.44 0.39

1.36 1.29 1.31 1.47 1.50 1.48 1.49 1,35 1.37 1.41 1.42 1.55 1.74 2.8 1.41 1.44

... ,..


... ... 0.27 0.24

k calculated from k = ( l / r ) In l/[l- ( x / y ) ] sec-l. * 450 torr of CFd added initially. added initially. e Surface to-volume ratio increased 20 times.


+ R H +CHI + R

These exchange reactions are discussed quantitatively in a later section. In spite of some scatter in the results, the initial rate of the over-all reaction in the middle of the temperature and pressure ranges is reasonably accurately measured. The rates of only a few of the possible elementary reactions have been measured, so in order to calculate an over-all rate some estimates must be made. The observed rate of pyrolysis of 1,3-CH at 40 torr and 391" is 10-6.8mole 1.-' sec-I. The upper limit of initiation rate, assuming a chain length of one, is then mole 1.-' sec-'. Ellis and Frey3" have suggested that the initiation is

From the transition state theory quantity (ekT/h) sec-', the heats of formation of the cyclohexadienyl radical, 1,3-CH,5 and the hydrogen atom,6 and assuming E-1 is zero, kl = 10'3.6-71/8 sec-I and R1 = kl[CH] = mole I.-' sec-'. An alternative initiation is

From the heat of formation of cyclohexenyl-3 radical,6 AH, = 22 kcal mole-'. There is evidence that E--$ is greater than zero. Benson, Cruickshank, and Shaw7 ( 5 ) J. D. Cox, Tetrahedron, 1175 (1963). (6) S. W. Benson, J . Chem. Educ., 42, 502 (1965). (7) S. W. Benson, F. R. Cruickshank, and R. Shaw, to be published.

Journal of the American Chemical Society 1 89:21

... ...

3.93 4.00





0.60 0.47 0.53 0.53 0.48

1.3 1 .0 1.4 1.4 1.4

8.4 8.2 8.9 15.3 12.7 17.5 12.5 55 48 57 58

27 2.6 2.0 2.4 1.4 2.0 1.4 8.7 7.6 6.4 6.5

4.8 4.6 4.2 6.0 4.2 6.0 4.2 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.9




3.5 3.5


, . .




1 .o

2.5 2.5

6.4 6.1

40 torr of NO added initially.

1 .o


141 torr of NO

have shown that the hydrogen abstraction by nitric oxide from 1,3-CH, which is also 22 kcal mole-' endothermic, has an activation energy of 9 kcal mole-' in excess of its endothermicity. We therefore estimate Ez = 31 kcal mole-' Consider the reaction

We have estimated that ASa is 44 cal mole-' deg-I. If A 3 is 1013.5sec-I, then A-a is lo6 mole-' 1. sec-'. Suart2 has shown that the ratio of rate constants for combination and disproportionationof two cyclohexadienyl radicals is about 2, and his results indicate that the absolute rate constants are of the order of lo6 1. mole-' sec-'. Thus it is reasonable that A-2. Now In A2/A--? = A S 2 / R , where AS2 is the over-all entropy change in reaction 2. There are no published values for the entropies of the radicals, but the over-all entropy change must be small as the changes in translational and rotational entropies are negligible; that is, A? A-2 106 mole-' 1. sec-l. Then kz = 106-31'8 mole-' 1. sec-I and R z = k-$[CHI2= 10-10.3mole 1.-' sec-', so that initiation 2 is 102.8faster than reaction 1. Even allowing for some uncertainty in the estimates of rate constants, it seems certain that initiation is predominantly by reaction 2 . The products may be explained by the propagation steps shown in eq 4-8. From the small yields of CIZand higher hydrocarbons, we can neglect reaction 8 and subsequent steps, so that the bulk of the cyclohexadienyl-3 radicals form cyclohexene, and then R6 = R7. The results show that RH2/Rcyclohexene does not vary significantly with initial pressure of 1,3-CH or temperature, so RHJRcyclohexene = 0.25 = RJR7 = RJR6 = kj/kg.



October 11, 1967


5353 I






+ v,

T o know which radicals are most likely t o terminate, it is necessary to calculate their steady-state concentrations. From the propagations, [C6Hg]/[H]= k6/k7 and LC~H~I/[C.SH~] = k4k6/{(kj 4-k6)k7[CHl}. The present experiments give k6/(k5 k6) = 0.8. From Yang's value,8 k--( = 109.5-3.9P mole-' 1. sec-', and from our I I I study of exchange reactions (see later) kg = 10'0.6-4ie 1.45 1.50 1.55 mole-' 1. sec-'. Yang-s value8 for A-4, together with a 103i~. calculated entropy change ASa = 25 cal mole-' deg-', Figure 1 leads to A--( = and E l = 31 kcal mole-' is consistent with Suart's measurement2 so that k4/kg1I2= 1019.5-31/e mo1ev2 1.-1/2 sec-v2, Reaction 7 has not Hydrogen Abstraction by 1,3-CyclohexadieneS An interesting result from the pyrolysis of 1,3-CH is that (9) reaction 4 is faster than reaction 1 1 ; that is, kll[CH]