Kinetics of the formation of imines from isobutyraldehyde and primary

Adam D. J. Calow , Jorge J. Carbó , Jessica Cid , Elena Fernández , and Andrew Whiting. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014 79 (11), 5163-5172...
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ethylamine toward singlet oxygen by a minimum of one order of magnitude. Ogryzlo and Tang were unable to detect any reaction of triethylamine with singlet oxygen even after more than 100 deactivating collisions per amine molecule. In contrast, in pyridine solution one amine molecule is destroyed per nine deactivating collisions. This difference may result from the longer lifetime of the amine radical cation in solution, allowing proton transfer to 0,- to occur in competition with back transfer of an electron from 02to the amine radical cation. \





f \ ,N-C-H

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IO2 ? [,N-C-d ,



I The fact that proton transfer does not occur from DABCO'+ suggests that the amine radical must gain some stabilization from resonance structures of the Such contributions to a resonance type >.N=C