Kinetics of the gas phase pyrolysis of chlorine pentafluoride

Kinetics of the gas phase pyrolysis of chlorine pentafluoride. A. E. Axworthy · Jack M. Sullivan · Cite This:J. Phys. Chem.1970744949-952. Publication...
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NOTES Kinetics of the Gas Phase Pyrolysis

In accordance with what might be expected in view of the above results, the activity coefficient of [Co(NH~)I(NOZ)~] [CO(NH~)~(NO in ~equimolal )~] mixtures of two different divalent metal perchlorates belonging to the above group remains very nearly constant, or shows only a small variation with changing composition. This is illustrated in Figure 2 showing the dependences of y on the composition of equimolal mixtures of different divalent metal perchlorates.

of Chlorine Pentafluoride by A. E. Axworthy and J. i\I. Sullivan Rocketdyne, A Division of North American Rockwell Corporation, Canoga Park, California 91304 (Received April 1 1 , 1969)

The kinetics of the photochemical formation of chlorine pentafluoride from C1F3 and Fz has been studied by Krieger, Gatti, and Schumacher.2 Herein we report the results of our investigation of the gas phase thermal decomposition of C1Fs C1Fs +C1F3

+ Fz


where,3 A H O ~ O=O O 18.5 ~ ltcal/mol, AS"(p) = 40.4 gibbs/mol, and As0(c) = ASo(p) - R - R In (RT) = 30.7 gibbs/mol.

Experimental Section








CCu(C104)g, CNi(CIO,),[M] 1










CNaCl [ M I

Figure 3. The dependence of the activity Coefficient, y, of [Co(NH&(NO,t)2][ C O ( N H ~ ) Z ( N O on~ the ) ~ ] composition of mixed electrolyte solutions having constant total ionic strength of 1.2 M , at 18".

It seemed interesting to see to what extent the activity coefficient of [Co(NH&(NOz)z J [Co(IVH&(NO&] may change in mixtures of two salts differing either in the nature of the anion or in the coordination state of the cation, but having constant formal ionic strength. Mixtures of NaClOe with NaCl, Cu(C104)2,or Ni(CIOI)~having an ionic strength of 1.2 mol/l. have been investigated from this point of view. The results are shown in Figure 3. As is seen, replacement of NaC104 for an equivalent amount of NaCl results in a drastic increase in the activity coefficient of the complex electrolyte under investigation. A similar, though smaller, effect is observed when NaC104 is gradually replaced for Ni(C10& or Cu(ClO& These results once more demonstrate how large may be the variations of the activity coefficients of complex ions in solutions of a constant ionic strength but of varying composition. Aclcnowledgment. The author wishes to thanli Dr. W. L i b 4 for many helpful discussions and suggestions, and Mrs. G. Czerwihska for technical assistance.


The electrically heated, stirred flow reactor (91 nil, monel) employed is described el~ewhere.~JChlorine pentafluoride vapor of 98 wt % purity (the impurities were HF, ClF3, and small amounts of C F I ) was passed through the reactor at an initial partial pressure of 32 Torr in a mixture with helium. The total pressure was 1 atm. The reactor was equipped withl a by-pass ~ l to allow I lmeasurement of the ClFb concentration in the entering gas stream. The gases leaving the reactor (or the by-pass) passed through a 10-cm nickel infrared cell with AgCl windows. The C1F5 concentration was followed by measuring the absorbance at 12.5 p pressure. The flow rates were measured with a soap bubble flow meter connected to the exit stream. The measured flow rates and reactor volume were corrected to reactor temperature. No correction was made for the partial dissolution of reactants and products in the soap solution or for the presence of water vapor from the soap solution. Infrared analysis of the exit gas showed CIFa and C1F6 as the major absorbers. Fluorine does not absorb in this pressure range (2-15 p ) . The absorption bands for CIF3 were masked by CIF:. However, crude estimates of the moles of C1F3 formed per mole of ClF, reacted were obtained for some of the experiments by measuring the ClF, absorbance at 15 p , These results, presented in Table I, indicate that the stoichiometry is essentially that of eq 1. The possible de(1) This work was supported by the United States Air Force under Contract No. AF04(611)-10544. (2) R. L. Krieger, R. Gatti, and H. J. Schumacher, 2. Phys. Chem., 51, 240 (1966). (3) JANAF Thermochemical Tables. (4) J. M. Sullivan and T. J. Houser, Chem. Ind. (London), 1057 (1965). (5) J. M. Sullivan and A. E. Axworthy, J . Phys. Chem., 70, 3366 (1966).

Volume 7 4 Number 4

February 19, 1970



Table I: Experimental Kinetic Data for the Pyrolysis of Gaseous Chlorine Pentafluoride T,O C

252.2 252.2 252.2 252.2 268.5 279.4 279.4 283.2 283.0 288.0 287.4 288.0 288.2 287.4 287.6 293.0 291.8 293.0 291.5 293.3 293.0 293.5 293.0 294.0 307.5 306.8 307.0 307.5



Fraction reacted, u

k, sea-1

0.119 0.378 0.638 0.648 0.694 0.483 0.731 0.471 0.571 0.301 0.551 0.610 0.699 0,703 0.772 0.394 0.394 0.457 0.603 0.669 0.705 0.740 0 806 0.844 0.532 0.624 0.677 0.664

0.00542 0.00838 0.00626 0.00409 0.0115 0.0254 0.0235 0.0378 0.0368 0.0452 0.0503 0.0559 0.0572 0.0558 0.0614 0.0561 0,0546 0.0580 0,0610 0.0622 0.0620 0.0680 0.0663 0.0663 0.143 0.169 0.176 0.153

24.9 113.0 281.5 449.0 196.8 36.2 118.3 23.6 36.3 9.5 24.4 27.9 40.4 42.4 55.0 11.6 11.9 14.6 24.1 32.4 38.4 41.7 62.8 81.3 7.96 9.76 11.9 12.9





12.1 20.4

10.5 20.1

9.6 17.7 19.5 22.4 22.5 24.7

11.7 20.5 22.9 24.9 25.6 31.4



Figure 1. First-order plot at 193’

Discussion Reaction Mechanism. Three possible mechanisms may be written which are compatible with the observed rate expression, i.e., first-order in ClF, with no apparent inhibition as the products accumulate.

A . Unimolecular. Elimination of Fz 17.0 20.0 21.7 21.2

15.0 22.2 25.4 16.2

composition of ClF, to Cll? and Fg is limited to less than 13% by thermodynamic considerations.


ClFs +ClFa

+ F,


B. Radical Chain Mechanism

+F F + CIFS +C1F4 + FP C1F4 +C1F3 + F F + ClF, +CIF3 + Fz ClFj +C1F4


(7) (8) (9)

C. Nonchain Radical Mechanism

The experimental results6j7for the thermal decomposition of CIFs over the temperature range 252-307” are presented in Table I. For a first-order decomposition in a stirred flow reactor, the rate constant k is given by




- CY)


where CY is the fraction reacted and r is the average residence time in the reactor.* I n Figure 1, a plot of a / ( l - a) vs. for the data at 293” shows that the reaction follows first-order kinetics up to a t least 54% decomposition. The data in Figure 1 were obtained a t 291.5-294.0” and converted to 293’ using the measured activation energy of 36.8 kcal/mol. The data in Table I give a linear Arrhenius plot. A leastsquares fit of the data to the Arrhenius equation gives k



exp(-36,800/RT) sec-’


The limit of error for the activation energy is



1.0 kcal/mol

T h e Journal of Physical Chemistry


+F C1F4 +C1F3 + F F + C1F4 +C1F3 + Fz 2F + 11 +Fz + A4 ClFB +C1F.j

2ClF4 +2ClF3

+ Fz

(6) (8) (9)

(10) (11)

It will be shown in the following discussion that none of these mechanisms can be completely eliminated on the grounds of giving unreasonable Arrhenius parameters, but the nonchain radical mechanism appears to be the most likely mechanism. The expectedg A (6) The results presented herein differ from those presented in ref 7 because an error was found in the computational procedure used to convert absorbance to concentration. The amount by which this changed the reported kinetic parameters does not indicate the experimental uncertainty in these parameters. (7) A. E. Axworthy and J. M . Sullivan, 155th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Calif., April 1968. (8) A. A. Frost and R. G . Pearson, “Kinetics and Mechanism,” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y . , 1956, p 185. (9) S. W. Benson, “Thermochemical Kinetics,” John \Tiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1968.


NOTES factor for direct molecular elimination of fludrine, reaction 5 , is 1013to 1014sec-'. Three-center reactions of this type are not common, and for ClF5 would be expected to involve a "stiff" transition state. The structure of ClF5 is square pyramidal with the central chlorine and the four equivalent fluorine atoms approximately in a plane.1° The unique fluorine atom would probably be involved in reaction 5 since this would permit the closest approximation to the planar ClF3 structure" in the transition state. If C1F6 does decompose through reaction 5, the reverse of this reaction has an A factor of 106.31. mol-' sec-'. This is unusually low for a bimolecular association reaction but is not unreasonable if the transition state is very stiff compared with ClFb. Although reaction 5 cannot be ruled out on the basis of the observed A factor, i t is not unlikely that the activation energy required to form the three-center transition state is considerably greater than the experimental value of 36.8 kcal/mol (the shortest distance between two F atoms in ClFh is 2.36 8 compared with 1.41 8 in Fz). If A6 s A& = 1oi3.O,the criterion for reaction 5 to be negligible (less than 1%) is E5 >Eoh 28 = 41.5 ltcal/mol, where 8 = 2.3 RT = 2.5 Itcal/mol at 550°K. If the radical chain mechanism predominates, the following conditions obtain a t steady state

If 39 < E6 < 45, a short chain mechanism could occur. This would lead to a linear Arrhenius plot only if both terms in eq 12 have the same activation energy. This would be the case, however, because it was shown above that the A factors for these two terms should be of the same magnitude, requiring that their activation energies be about the same for a short-chain mechanism to occur. The termination process in the chain mechanism must involve the reaction of F and ClF, (e.g., reaction 9). The occurence of the other possible termination reactions, 10 and 11, does not give first-order kinetics. However, the termination reaction

where R6 represents the rate of reaction 6, etc. At long chain length, klo = (k6k7k8/k9)'/'. If A7 s As, AI, = (A6A8)"' E (1014.1014)1/2 = 1014. This is in fair agreement with Aoh. The activation energy a t long chain length is given by '/2& E7 E8 - E g ) . Because AH for CIFj = C1F3 2F iS 57.0 liCal/mOl,'2 E6 f E8 = 57.0 E68 EBR where E6R and EgR are the activation energies for the reverse of reactions 6 and 8, respectively. Thus for the long-chain mechanism, E7 = 2E0h - 57.0 - E ~ R E9 = 16.6 - E ~ R E ~ R Es. If &S expected EBR% E ~ 2 R Es s 0, E7 E 16.6 kcal/mol. E7/8 = 6.6 which is only slightly above the expected maximum value for a fast bimolecular propagation step.13 An additional requirement for the long-chain mechanism is that R6