spark or dc arc excitation. By virtue of its infinity point, this electrode will effectively reduce the volatilized area and decrease arc wander. POCO...
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NEW PRODUCTS Radiochromatogram Scanner

X-ray fluorescence materials analyzer provides direct concentration analyses of many sample types in 10 seconds. The compact light weight unit is ideal for speeding up and simplifying the analysis of ores, metals, oils, glass, chemicals, paints, papers, soils, and water. The standard table model unit is capable of measuring up to six ele­ ments in each sample. The basic in­ strument consists of a spectrometer, including radioisotope source, and a compact easily operated readout/con­ trol section. Jarrell-Ash Division, Fisher Scientific Co., 590 Lincoln St., Waltham, Mass. 02154 404

This scanning system is for use with thin layer plates, paper chromatograms, electropherograms, and radioactivity distribution in small animals. Its de­ sign features a patented proportional counting detector that provides the optimum combination of sensitivity, stability, and economy. Operator time is reduced to a minimum by the scan­ ner's fully automatic operation, which even automatically shuts off the gas flow at the end of the analysis. Varian Aerograph, 2700 Mitchell Dr., Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598 405 Infinity Point Spectroscopic Electrode Developed specifically for use with laser microprobe source units, this unique electrode has also proved to be very suitable for use with high voltage spark or dc arc excitation. By virtue of its infinity point, this electrode will effectively reduce the volatilized area and decrease arc wander. POCO Graphite, Inc., P. 0. Box 1524, Gar­ land, Texas 75040 406


Λ KLETT COLONY MARKER AND TALLY. For the rapid and accurate counting of colonies. Marks and records at the same time, leaving per­ manent record for rechecking. When all of the colonies in an area or dish have been marked, the tally is read and then is reset to zero with the reset knob. Plates that would be considered too crowded for counting by the usual method can be counted easily with this instrument. The counting opera­ tion can be interrupted at any point without caus­ ing errors. Complete with pen and extension cord. For operation on 115 volt, A.C., 60 cycle.


The visual color­ imeter illustrated presents a num­ ber of outstand­ ing features mak­ ing it ideal for c l i n i c a l or r e ­ search work. Built on the most modern mechanical and op­ tical principles it is widely accepted for accuracy and dur­ ability.






Circle No. 53 on Readers' Service Card 86 A

Spectroscope-Ill is designed for separate and comparative observation in the testing of interference and ab­ sorption filters and the analysis of solid, fluid, and gaseous luminous substances. Weighing only 5 oz., this pocket-size spectroscope is very simple to use. The variable wave­ length scale reads from 4000 to 8000 A. Once the focus is corrected for the individual operator, it may be locked in position. The instrument has a variable slit to narrow or broaden the observable spectrum as needed. Rolyn Corp., 300 Rolyn Place, Arcadia, Calif. 407