know your LSR better! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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know your LSR better! ...his CREED OF SERVICE benefits you many ways

LSR Creed of Service I am y o u r Laboratory Supply Representative. It's m y job t o : Φ supply you with the laboratory chemicals, equipment and services you need—when you need them. φ keep at my fingertips accurate, up-to-the-minute facts and figures about the thousands of items in m y firm's warehouses. Φ give your special problems special attention. Call on me to help locate that hard-to-find piece of equipment. Remember . . . laboratory supply is my specialty. φ bring y o u practical, get-it-done know-how—the kind acquired only through working with many types of laboratories—by gettmg to know their problems— helping to solve t h e ^ . Φ tell y o u about the "extra" services m y company offers. The Technical Service Department, for example: have you made u s e of its staff of experts and their wide range o f skills? φ review y o u r requirements, if you wish, to recommend more economical buying practices wherever possible. Φ knoiv from first-hand experience which brands are the leaders of their class—which have w o n the trust and confidence o f the chemists who prefer them. AND HERE IS THE BADGE OF BETTER SERVICE Look for it! "When y o u see it displayed by leading laboratory supply houses, y o u know it stands for complete laboratory supply service—the finest prod­ ucts, the leading brands.


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how their 6 distinctive features work witri you and

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••*# ar»„ t h · %oeiy Reagents* t o i


> ΤιΊΘ ACTUAL LOT ANALYSIS on every label (significant im­ purities are defined to the decimal—not just by maximum limits). > The ACTUAL LOT ASSAY ( n o t merely a range assay) on more than 325—to give you the highest standards of purity in the industry.

FAST AVAILABILITY FROM NEARBY DISTRIBUTORS — 8 8 Points of Service as close as your phone t o speed your order on its way, .SAFE, FUNCTIONAL PACKAGING to protect you while you work, to guard against accidental contamination, to utilize every inch of storage space. > BROAD REAGENT LINE—Baker manufactures more than 1300 laboratory chemicals, and more a r e constantly being added.


Ask your LSR about 'Baker Analyzed' Reagent Acfd in the convenient new "Throw-A-Way*** 0 BOTTLE and CASE. • No deposit, no returns. · No complicated credits · Easy, safe to handle · More economical to store · Lower freight cost per I D . • Dripless sleeve · I.C.C. approved carton.

top of more than 200 Baker laboratory chemicals tells Research and Development chemists t h a t Baker purity by the bottle is also available for production use. The next time your LSR calls, ask him about the complete line of 'Baker Analyzed* Reagents. Use them in your own laboratory — compare. We believe you will agree that they are the finest laboratory chemicals made.


J. T. Baker Chemical Co. REAGENT

