Known for quality

1802 Second Street, Berkeley, CA 94710. Phone (415) 843-0220. CIRCLE 128 ON READER SERVICE CARD. 1802 Second Street, Berkeley, CA 94710. Phone ...
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Known for quality

The Universal REPIPET Dispense Under $80

L/l REPIPET Reagent Dispensers

10 ml. Universal REPIPET dispenser, model 3010-A-U, price $79.50

10 ml. Universal Single-Stroke REPIPET Dilutor model S-8100V2-U, price $158.50

New tip closure secures TEFLON® outlet extension and caps it when not in use to prevent evaporation.

fits any lab container up to 5 gallons with an opening over 19 mm dispenses any reagent including concentrated acids and alkalies guaranteed accuracy 1 % full scale, reproducibility 0 . 1 %

For more than 15 years Labindustries has been the quality leader in reagent dispensers. The workmanship, precision, dependability and unique features of REPIPET Reagent Dispensers put them in a class by themselves. Our most popular models are the space-saving Low Silhouette instruments. The low profile is ideal for storage anywhere. A convenient two-opening wide mouth bottle is a welcome convenience, and the square bottle offers solid support. The Teflon® inlet tube reaches to the bottom of the container. As with all REPIPET reagent dispensers, L/l guarantees 1% accuracy and 0.1% reproducibility. Because of PYREX® glass construction, any reagent except HF may be dispensed... including concentrated acids, concentrated alkalies and chlorinated hydrocarbons. L/l stocks Low Silhouette REPIPET Reagent Dispensers in 0.5,1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 ml sizes. Prices start at $72.00. Do you have our catalog? Contact:

LABINDUSTRIES 1802 Second Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 Phone (415) 843-0220 CIRCLE 128 ON READER SERVICE CARD

L/l Universal REPIPET® dispensers and REPIPET dilutors will dispense or dilute from any screw cap bottle with an opening greater than 19 mm. I.D., or container with a 2 4 / 4 0 or 29/42 standard taper ground glass joint. Just trim the Teflon® inlet tube to reach the bottom corner of your container. Because only glass and Teflon come in contact with the reagent, you can safely dispense any liquid except HF with this transparent instrument. Concentrated acids, concentrated alkalies, and chlorinated hydrocarbons pose no problems. Universal REPIPET dispensers and REPIPET dilutors are stocked in 1, 5,10, 20, 50, and 100 ml. sizes. They are supplied with 3 sets of caps and washers, a magnifying indicator, and 22 inches of Teflon tubing.


1802 Second Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 Phone (415) 843-0220 CIRCLE 129 ON READER SERVICE CARD