Kodak advertises: - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - They will be hunting for vigorous chemical engineers and chemists who show prospect of achieving happiness for a working lifetime by thr...
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I H@(Mk advertises: | α pleasant and profitable thought · . . flash photolysis as convenience, not curse · · . lecture slides at 50 paces

Burden-sharers wanted In case the thought has ever occurred that it might be pleasant to become one of us, now is a favorable time for action. With first and second derivatives cheerfully positive, some of us may currently be working too hard. To remedy that, Jim Bruce and his men are about to fan out to 130 campuses or so for the next few months. They will be hunting for vigorous chemical engineers and chemists who show prospect of achieving happiness for a working lifetime by throwing in their lot with us upon winning their degrees, B.S., M.S., or Ph.D., as the case may be. We shall appreciate any kind word that faculty and placement directors would care to put in on our behalf, either to or about candidates. We provide chemists with the finest of scholarly facilities and colleagues. We provide chemical engineers with modern tools like scientific-type computers. We also give them a chance to stick out their necks. Some of our chemical engineers work on fabrics for ladies' coats, some on lunar orbiters, some on raising the hatchability percentage of turkey eggs. The assortment runs on and on too long for easy credibility. We do not deny, however, that sen­ sitized film and paper remain our largest single business. In­ stead of waning they are waxing. High-order chemical engineering is our secret. This is a nice secret to know. We want to teach it to upcoming chemical en­ gineers endowed with enough flexibility to recognize that mathematical model-building which correlates dollars with millionths of an inch of accuracy in superimposing coloremulsion layers can be as exciting a practice of their profession as calculating the diameter of pipe with which to feed a still. In addition to the flexibility and the professionalism, one further characteristic is sought by the huntsmen: a kind of personality likely to equate "the company" with "me" rather than some vague "them" and on fortunately rare occasions to feel strongly enough about it to risk a stiff battle for a good idea.

James S. Bruce is Direc­ tor, Business and Tech­ nical Personnel Depart­ ment, Eastman Kodak C o m p a n y , Rochester, Ν. Υ. 1 4 6 5 0 . W e are an e q u a l - o p p o r t u n i t y employer offering career opportunities in Rochester, Ν. Υ., Kingsport, Tenn., or Longview, Tex. Drop Jim a note if we interest you.

Tinctorial properties The great flash of light occurs on schedule. The photographer of high-speed events goes home to bed and cannot sleep. Did the flash bleach out the filter before the event was over? It is only dyed gelatin, after all. He slips on his trousers, jauntily greets the night men at the gatehouse, and rechecks the filters. Transmittance still exactly as advertised. He leaves a note that he will not be in until after lunch, bids a jaunty good morning to the fresh crew at the gatehouse, and this time is able to make happy noises with his uvula 30 seconds after hitting the pillow. Poor fellow! His daddy had never explained to him that in 38


many organic dyes the descent from the excited singlet state can proceed by way of an intermediate triplet trap where mol­ ecules can linger practically forever—1/100 second or more. Because of this depopulation of ground state with high light intensity, the window shade was up some and he may never suspect. Perhaps worse, the populated triplet state may have manifested itself in temporary absorption bands not shown in the book. Now the laser men are turning the curse of flash photolysis into a convenience. In giant-pulse outfits they are having good luck replacing costly Kerr cells with cyanine dye solutions that require no unsightly wires. Some seem to do an acceptable job of blocking off the end-mirror until high inversion is attained and then they open up. Quick-eared laser men have developed a sudden passion for dye lore. It is an old art closely bound to mature trades like textiles. There are Easter-egg dyes. There are dyes for changing or­ gandy curtains from coral to aqua. There are biological stains. Beyond lies mumbo jumbo. Unless your brother-in-law is a great scout and an officer of the textile color chemists, you find yourself knee-deep in the patent literature. Again and again you fish out our name. You decide to sit down and write us a letter, to which we answer as follows: We hope you will appreciate why we are unable to supply samples or enter into further technical discussion of the large number of dyes that our chemists have developed in the course of photographic research. We believe that for your purpose, however, you may find it useful to consider the following selection, all of which have been reported in the literature to show spectral sensitizing properties and all of which are sold as EASTMAN Organic Chemicals by our division, Distillation Products Industries, Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14603. Implicit in any spectral sensitizer, photographic or otherwise, is a high degree of absorbance at the wavelength for which the molecule has been designed. The list includes: 1757 Acridine Orange 1021 Benzopurpurin 4B C 770 Congo Red 1334 Cryptocyanine 373 2',7'-Dichlorofluorescein «,-~Λ r^. * 1532 Dicyanine Α ^ . Λ , « , - , r*. 2748 5-(p-Dimethylammobenzylidene)rhodanine

1842 2-(p-D;methylaminostyryl)1-ethylpyndmmm lod.de C 1746 Eos.n Y C 110 ^ythrosm Β 2 1 5 5 Eth y' R e d 2067 Neocyanine ^ ΛΛ Λ ., , ^ 623 Orthochrome T 622 Pinacyanole (Chloride)

Please do not hesitate to call on us if we can be of any further service. Inquiries are always welcomed for custom synthesis in quantity of specifically designated compounds regardless of tinctorial properties.

Warmth from the projector Judge a "paper" at a meeting on cogency, originality, com­ prehensiveness, brevity, ingenuity, precision, soundness, in­ sight, conclusiveness but not on the quality of the slides. You cannot but agree and surely resolve to stifle every groan when next a learned peer assaults you by slide projector with 350 data-points at a blow on a 48-inch screen at 50 paces. He is not necessarily perpetrating a snow job on you. More likely he knows no better. If he could only wait to give the paper in 1974, his management would doubtless arrange for him to turn over his data and his logical inductions to a professional but anonymous presenter skilled in warming up cold fact. (The actual investigator will as always be available for the bull sessions that justify the travel expense. The thespian alter ego cannot be expected to field hard questions.) Where management does not yet provide the full service, a tem­ porary expedient worthy of consideration by the non-professional presenter is to request the free pamphlet ''Effective Lecture Slides" from Eastman Kodak Company, Sales Service Division, Rochester, Ν. Y. 14650. The management itself may even appreciate knowing that it can order this pamphlet in lots of 100 at $6 per 100. Price subject to change without notice.