Dec 14, 2011 - KODAK LABORATORY & SPECIALTY CHEMICALS. Anal. Chem. , 1984, 56 (1), pp 11A–11A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00265a706. Publication Date: ...
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Every powder, crystal, flake, and grain Kodak makes is a solution. The next time you face a problem in the laboratory, maybe the solution is a chemical from Kodak. We now supply not only organic chemicals, but hundreds of inorganic chemicals too—plus a growing number of biochemicals. O u r new publication—"KODAK Inorganic Chemicals"—lists more than 250 "solutions" available from Kodak Laboratory and Specialty Chemicals. Each one features the same quality, purity, and consistency as our organic chemicals. What's more, with ON TIME, our new direct-shipment service, your dealer can see that your rush chemi-

cal needs get the attention they deserve. When you order a chemical that your dealer doesn't have in stock, the order can be transmitted to us. Well ship it direct to you—usually within 24 hours. Find out how our "solutions" can help you become a more creative chemist. Send for your free copy of "KODAK Inorganic Chemicals" today. KODAK LABORATORY & SPECIALTY CHEMICALS

The creative source.

Send to: Eastman Kodak Company, Kodak Laboratory & Specialty Chemicals, Dept. 412-L, Rochester, NY 14650

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The ready source—dealers handling KODAK Laboratory Chemicals: American Scientific & Chemical; American Scientific Products; Bioclinical Laboratories NJ; B.C. Chemicals; Brand-Nu Laboratories, Inc.; Bryant Laboratory, Inc.; CAMX Scientific; Doe & Ingalls, Inc.; Fisher Scientific; Mays Chemical; Midland Scientific, Inc.; North-Strong Division; Preiser Scientific; Sargent-Welch Scientific; Scientific & Industrial Sales & Service, Inc.; Specialty Chemicals, Inc.; Spectrum Chemical Corp.; VWR Scientific Inc.; Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. © Eastman Kodak Company, 1982. Kodak Laboratory and Specialty Chemicals, Rochester, NY 14650. CIRCLE 63 ON READER SERVICE CARD

