Kodak reports to laboratories on - ACS Publications

tation penetration, photography in visual darkness, and heat-distribu- tion studies is about ten times that of Kodak Infrared Film. Granularity is som...
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Kodak reports to laboratories o n : decupling the sensitivity of infrared film...making pH indicators easier to use...how 3 χ 5-inch file cards turn into a library Reader. This is an instrument, changes from what color to what High speed infrared weighing less than a standard type­ other color over what pH range. A close student of the course of writer, for reading microprint cards The indicators themselves we have photographic technology might sur­ with complete comfort. Microprint hitherto offered in dry form only— mise that some sort of photographic cards, usually the standard 3 " χ 5 ", water or alcohol to dissolve them in infrared barrier has been cracked look like the familiar library cata­ is plentiful. within the past year or so. In a log card, carrying classification limited sense, he would be right. data, perhaps a brief abstract, etc., The photographic infrared still ends but, instead of having then to locate at about 12,200A (Kodak Spectro­ the item cataloged if it seems perti­ scopic Plates, Type Z), but the mag­ nent, it's right there on the back of nitude of the sensitizing effect to the card in microprint—as many as that point can now be greatly 60 pages of the actual text. stepped up. "Complete comfort" is very im­ As one of the new products con­ portant. Without it there would be sequential to this development, we no spreading of microprint readers now announce Kodak High Speed from large libraries to smaller ones Infrared Film. Although it only goes Now we have taken a second look and on down to the individual us­ to about 9500A, its practical sensi­ at this policy, from the viewpoint er's office, desk, and even home. tivity for such purposes as pigmen­ of the business manager who knows With large numbers of users to tation penetration, photography in that such laboratory drudgery as share the cost, microprint card lit­ making up indicator solutions is erature will become vastly more ex­ still an expensive proposition. As a tensive and intensive than it has result, we report that nearly all the already grown. Economic barriers Eastman Indicators are now avail­ to the development of automatic able as solutions in 500-cc bottles, with solvent, concentration, and pH range stated on the label. We con­ tinue to sell the indicators undis­ solved also. Direct your inquiries and orders for Eastman pH Indicator Solutions to Dis­ visual darkness, and heat-distribu­ tillation Products Industries, Eastman tion studies is about ten times that Organic Chemicals Department, Roch­ ester 3, Ν. Υ. (Division of Eastman of Kodak Infrared Film. Granularity Kodak Company). Write to the same ad­ is somewhat higher than that of dress if the Eastman Indicator Chart is Kodak Infrared Film. The effect of still not quite ubiquitous subject-searching equipment will this on image sharpness tends to be enough for your conven­ ience. (It's free.) fall. New microprint publishing ven­ offset in some applications by the tures will flourish—some for profit, fact that the higher sensitivity of Microprint some for the promotion of scholar­ Kodak High Speed Infrared Film ship in fields too sparsely inhabited The libraries are not going to ex­ permits the use of smaller lens to support the cost of conventional plode after all. Libraries grow ex­ openings. publication. More industrial organi­ ponentially, of course, and any ex­ Kodak High Speed Infrared Film is zations will establish microprint ponential process turns into an ex­ supplied only in 16mm and 35mm per­ forated form as 100-foot rolls. It re­ systems for the debulking, speedy plosion unless something is done. quires such extreme caution against dissemination, and storage of litera­ Fortunately, something is being fogging that we do not put it up in car­ ture and private internal data. done. tridge form. You can buy it from your Kodak Industrial Dealer. If you want It's the brutal truth that a man or Our part is to work closely with the address of the one nearest you or woman is covering a narrow field everybody, supplying technical more detailed information on the film, indeed if he or she can honestly hiats,Kodagraph Microprint Readers, write Eastman Kodak Company, Indus­ claim to be abreast of all that's set Kodagraph Micro-File Film, Koda­ trial Photographic Division, Rochester 4, Ν. Y. down on paper about it. A remedy graph Microprint Paper, and equip­ —microprint cards—has been pro­ ment to turn out microprint cards Indicator solutions posed by which a library card cata­ by the piece or by the peck. log can replace the library itself. In the more orderly laboratories, it If the possibilities of microprint inter­ est you, we'd appreciate your dropping a Almost a decade of development hangs on the wall; in others, you note to Eastman Kodak Company, In­ has demonstrated its merit. Since it have to rummage for it under some­ dustrial Photographic Division, Roch­ is based on photography, the time body's desk blotter. Ubiquitous on ester 4, Ν. Υ., to let us know the nature has come to state our position on it: the scientific scene it is, though— of that interest. the famous Eastman pH Indicator Before 1954 ends, you will be able Chart with its array of bars that to walk into dealers' establishments tell at a glance which of some 50throughout the United States and odd Eastman Organic Chemicals be shown the Kodagraph Microprint

This is one of α series of reports on the many products and services with which t h e Eastman Kodak Company and


its divisions a r e . . . serving laboratories everywhere (ADVERTISEMENT) V O L U M E 2 6, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y


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