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SWITZERLAND has a w o r l d ­ wide reputation for its beauti­ ful mountains and the high precision of its products. You might expect a UV/VIS Spec­ trophotometer made in Swit­ zerland to reflect this reputa­ tion. The KONTRON UVIKON Series does just that:

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flexible parameter setting power failure protected files |-(and the instrument looks as good as iftthe mountains) '""'"" '

KONTRON AG Analytical Division

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ïêustrelia (Sydney) (02) 9 3 8 3 4 3 3 •• Austria-(Vienna) (0222^670031 Canada (Mississauga) (416) 6781151 France (Montigny le Br.) (3) 0 4 3 8 1 5 2

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(08165) 771 (0727) 6 6 2 2 2 (02) 50721 (03214) 5371.

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".-ÇTS^Aj Kontron Electronics Inc., 6 3 0 Price Avenue, Redwood CityTCalifornia JW-063, (415) 3β11012 Circle 186 for literature. Circle 167 for demonstration. .See us at the Pittsburgh Conference, Booth #54-60.

(03465) 6 0 8 9 4 (01) 7291155 (08) 7 5 6 7 3 3 0 (01) 4 3 5 4111
