KRATOS Analytical Instruments - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

Jun 7, 2012 - KRATOS Analytical Instruments. Anal. Chem. , 1982, 54 (9), pp 1081A–1081A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00246a784. Publication Date: August 1982...
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The MS 8 0 AUTOCONSOLE is α user-friendly GC/MS/DS for control, monitoring, a n d true system interaction. Based on Kratos' MS 80 series of high resolution spectrometers with 0.1 second per scan magnet, Carlo Erba's proven capillary GC, Data General's Micro-eclipse CPU—and combined with the powerful Kratos DS 55 software routines—the new AUTOCONSOLE system literally redefines automation. It allows continuous control and monitoring of the electronic parameters of GC and MS, while maintaining full foreground/background capabilities. It takes you from "Standby" to "Ready" from one single keyboard. And it keeps recalling not only instrument status, but offers menus of options and parameters at every step of the experiment. Examine the system's capacity and reliability: coupled with the optional 60-vial Autosampler it offers completely automated routines including library search and quantitations—the ideal tool for priority pollutant procedures at nominal or high resolution.

Finally: total automation for high resolution GC/MS

With Kratos' AUTOCONSOLE you don't have to compromise your versatility either: all standard modes are supported, including alternate El/CI (ACE), FD/EI, DCI, Negative Ions, MS/MS, and FAB. AUTOCONSOLE also offers some surprising economic advantages. For example, all major functions are digitally controlled, making costly accessories and otherwise necessary black boxes redundant. So, if the idea of true GC/MS automation and simple keyboard control—even for high resolution work—appeals to you, write for the full MS 80 AUTOCONSOLE information kit. Kratos Analytical Instruments, 170 Williams Dr. Ramsey, NJ 07446, (201)934-9000.


Analytical Instruments

MS 80-the alternative with magnetism. CIRCLE 122 ON READER SERVICE CARD