KVNAR®, resin... tough and adaptable. - C&EN Global Enterprise

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KVNAR®,resin... tough and adaptable.

The parts that make up this "lobster" are m a d e of K y n a r f l u o r o p l a s t i c r e s i n . So they're tough. Kynar also gives an enduring toughness to anything it blends w i t h . And it blends w i t h almost a n y t h i n g : acrylics, p o l y e t h y l e n e , diallyl phthalate, urethane, glass, boron car­ bide, carbons, graphite, stainless steel, TFE, PVC, and ABS. Also, Kynar can be laminated to materials like ABS and fiberglass. The list of properties at the right is only partial—for a complete listing w r i t e or call Jim Houser, Plastics Department, Pennwalt Corporation, Three Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. Phone (215) 587-7520.

Kynar—a unique balance of properties Radiation resistance (Co 60 ). . . Roentgens 10 e Flammability Non-dripping, self-extinguishing Stability t o ultraviolet Excellent Thermal stability, 1 yr. 300°F. Weight loss None Color change None Useful temp, range —80°F. t o 300°F. Tensile strength, psi 6000-8000 Elongation, % 150-400 Creep, in./in 02 Compressive strength, psi. ". .8680 Water-vapor transmission gms/100 in. 2/24 hrs./ atmosphere 0.3-0.5 CIRCLE 19 O N READER SERVICE CARD

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^alt Corporation's registered trademark for its polyvinylidene fluoride resin.