KYNAR® resin... tough and adaptable - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 7, 2010 - KYNAR® resin... tough and adaptable. Chem. Eng. News , 1973, 51 (12), Inside Back ... Call for papers: 2019 Great Lakes Regional Meetin...
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KVNAR^ tough and adaptable. The parts that make up this "alligator" are made of Kynar* f l u o r o p l a s t i c resin. So they're tough. Kynar also gives an enduring toughness to anything it blends w i t h . And it blends w i t h almost anything : acrylics, diallyl phthalate, glass, boron carbide,carbons,graphite,stainless steel, TFE, FRP, and PVA. Also, Kynar can be laminated to materials like ABS and. fiberglass. The list of properties at the right is only partial—for a complete listing w r i t e or call Joe Michaud, Plastics Department, Pennwalt Corporation, Three Parkway, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. Phone (215) 587-7520.


Kynar—a unique balance of properties Radiation resistance ( C o 6 0 ) . . . Roentgens 10 8 Flammability Non-dripping, self-extinguishing Stability to ultraviolet . Excellent Thermal stability, 1 yr. 300°F. Weight loss . None Color change . None Useful temp, range . - 80CF. to 300 F. 6000-8000 Tensile strength, psi Elongation, % 150-400 f Creep, in. in 02 | Compressive strength, psi. . . 8680 I Water-vapor transmission 2 gms/100 in. /24 hrs./ atmosphere 0.3-0.5