Labeling Cytosolic Targets in Live Cells with Blinking Probes - The

Jun 13, 2013 - His development of quantum dots as biological detection was recognized as one of the Top Ten Scientific Innovations of 2003. He was a T...
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Labeling Cytosolic Targets in Live Cells with Blinking Probes Jianmin Xu,† Jason Chang,† Qi Yan,▽ Thomas Dertinger,⊥ Marcel P. Bruchez,#,▽,⊗ and Shimon Weiss†,‡,§,∥,* †

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, ‡Department of Physiology, §Molecular Biology Institute, and ∥California NanoSystems Institute, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles California 90095, United States ⊥ SOFast GmbH, 10999 Berlin, Germany # Department of Chemistry, ▽Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213, United States ⊗ Sharp Edge Labs, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203, United States ABSTRACT: With the advent of superresolution imaging methods, fast dynamic imaging of biological processes in live cells remains a challenge. A subset of these methods requires the cellular targets to be labeled with spontaneously blinking probes. The delivery and specific targeting of cytosolic targets and the control of the probes’ blinking properties are reviewed for three types of blinking probes: quantum dots, synthetic dyes, and fluorescent proteins.

ptical microscopy and especially fluorescence microscopy have played key roles in studying cellular structures and functions, down to subcellular resolution. The high contrast, high sensitivity, and minimal invasiveness attributes of fluorescence have afforded continuous imaging of live cell processes. However, due to the diffraction of light,1 these methods were limited to spatial resolution of around 250−300 nm. In a quest to increase resolving power while maintaining the advantages of fluorescence microscopy, several far field super resolution (SR) techniques have been introduced during the past decade.2−7


Recently, we introduced a superresolution method dubbed “superresolution optical fluctuation imaging”, or SOFI,16 that is based on stochastic blinking of probes, but does not rely on single molecule localization. Instead, a high-order statistical analysis of the probes’ temporal fluctuation is performed on the data set.16−22 The method exhibits an attractive trade-off between achievable resolution and speed: Its resolution enhancement is not as high as in localization microscopies, but it can acquire and analyze the data much faster, and therefore it is suitable for SR imaging in live cells.17 Quite a few reports of SR imaging in live cells23−43 and even in live organisms44−47 have been published in recent years. Specific labeling of molecular structures of interest with SRcompatible fluorophores in live cells is still quite challenging. Since probes that are conjugated to antibodies are not suitable for work in live cells, specific targeting has therefore been mostly limited to genetic markers (requiring genetic manipulation). However, the photophysical properties of such probes are not necessarily optimized for SR. Much work is still needed to improve SR probes and to develop better methods for targeting them to structures of interest in live cells. This Perspective focuses on targeting cytosolic structures in live cells with stochastically blinking probes that are suitable for SOFI and some of the other SR methods (STORM/dSTORM, GSD, PALM/fPALM). We will discuss several approaches,

The high contrast, high sensitivity, and minimal invasiveness attributes of fluorescence have afforded continuous imaging of live cell processes. A subset of these methods relies on single molecule localization, often referred to as “localization microscopy” methods (including PALM,8 fPALM,9 STORM,10 dSTORM,11 and GSD12). Localization microscopy methods are based on the precise localization of individual molecules via temporal separation, achieved either by photoactivation (PALM, fPALM, STORM, dSTORM and GSD), photobleaching (gSHRImP13), binding and dissociation (PAINT,14 BALM15), or stochastic blinking (GSD, STORM, and dSTORM). © XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: March 28, 2013 Accepted: June 13, 2013

2138 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 2138−2146

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Figure 1. (A) A wide-field image of the microtubule network of a fixed 3T3 cell immunostained with QD800. (B) A second-order SOFI image of the same cell as in panel A. (C) A Fourier reweighted second-order SOFI image of the same cell as in panel A; scale bar: 10 μm. Lower panel: Cross sections as highlighted in panel A and compared for A, B, and C: (A) in black, (B) in blue, and (C) in red. (Reprinted with permission from ref 21. Copyright 2010 Optics Society for Optics Express.)

coating,57,61,64−69 labeling strategy52−63,70 and developing cytosolic targeting methods.64,66,71−77 As for the cytosolic delivery methods, they can be classified into two main categories: (i) Facilitated delivery strategies, using cell penetrating peptides,76,77 proton sponge polymer carriers,74,75 pinocytosis,64,73,78 and transfection reagents.64 Methods belonging to this category provide high throughput delivery, but suffer from low efficiency release of endosome-free QDs. As a result, most QDs still end up trapped in endosomes and provide background. (ii) Active delivery methods include electroporation71,72 and microinjection.66 Electroporation offers an efficient way of delivery by temporally destabilizing the plasma membrane to create transient pores using high voltage electrical pulses. However, this method causes low cell viability, aggregation of the payload, and low uptake of large objects.64 The other active method, microinjection, is the most efficient and direct way to deliver QDs into the cytoplasm. For example, Lisse et al. delivered fluorescent nanoparticles to target intracellular structures through this technique.79 The delivery is through a sharp glass microcapillary tip (with a diameter 1000 on−off cycles) and fast blinking.112 Using RESOLFT microscopy, they were able to image keratin and dendritic spines labeled with rsEGFP in live cells with a resolution of 40

Figure 5. Wide-field images of Dronpa fused to focal adhesion proteins (A) FAK, (C) Hic5, and (E) Zyxin in live HeLa cells. Corresponding second-order SOFI images are shown in panels B, D and F. Scale bar: 6 μm.

nm and minimal phototoxicity. Since rsEGFP and rsEGFPs can work either in a photoactivation mode or in a stochastic blinking mode, it is likely that they will preform well with other SR methods. Traditionally, FPs have been optimized for high brightness and good photostability. With the advent of SR methods, several FPs have been evolved to display favorable photophysical properties for SR. Since they offer such an easy way to specifically target and label cytosolic structures of interest, more work is needed to allow specific tailoring of attributes to specific SR methods. Various SR techniques have their own advantages and limitations. None of them can exhibit at the same time the highest spatial and the highest temporal resolutions, and therefore a trade-off has to be tailored for a specific application. Dynamic SR imaging in live cells could be further improved by (i) improving the photophysical properties of the probes; brighter probes will allow longer observations with reduced phototoxicity and will result in better signals; faster blinking will allow faster SR imaging; (ii) improving the delivery and specific targeting of the probes; specific labeling reduces the background and enhances the image contrast; and (iii) improving 2142 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 2138−2146

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nanoparticle surface modification, bioconjugation, cellular fluorescent labeling, and optical super resolution microscopy.

the speed and sensitivity of the cameras used for acquiring SR data, allowing faster SR imaging and better signals. This Perspective mainly focused on points (i) and (ii) by discussing several delivery and targeting approaches for dyes, QDs and FPs. Promising live cell dynamic SR imaging results have already been demonstrated with the various probes and delivery methods discussed above. However, long-term live cell SR imaging with both high spatial and temporal resolutions is still quite challenging. Luckily, there is ample of room for improvements. It is likely that better understanding of the probes’ structures and photophysical properties will lead to significant enhancements in their performance. As for QDs, a major challenge is to develop efficient and high throughput endosome-free delivery methods.64 The thermal nanoblade described here may provide inspiration for developing a transfection reagent that is based on plasmonic nanoparticles together with wide-field pulsed NIR illumination. Better control over QDs surfaces will enhance their photophysical properties and reduce nonspecific binding. Thin coating will reduce their steric hindrance and increase targeting efficiency into crowded environments (such as organelles). As for synthetic organic dyes, development of a larger pallet of bright and stable permeable dyes and the development of smaller molecular weight tags that act together with enzymes to catalyze conversion to covalent bonding (such as Sortase,113 Formylglycine generating enzyme,114 Transglutaminase,115 and others) are needed. For long-term SR time-lapse microscopy, affinity binding such as PAINT and FAPs is an attractive approach for minimizing ill effects of photobleaching. This approach requires the development of a pallet of permeable fluorogens that are normally quenched, but brighten-up upon binding to their targets. These targets should consist of small molecular weight scaffolds that specifically bind and brightenup the fluorogens. Molecular evolution techniques coupled to a photophysic-based screening assay could be used to evolve additional and/or more efficient such fluorogen-tag pairs with the desired specificities and association and dissociation rates. As for FPs, intense effort is currently being conducted to evolve brighter, longer-lived photoswitchable FPs. Molecular evolution with photophysic-based screen will be very useful here too, and in particular for the evolution of spontaneously blinking FPs. Development of hybrid approaches could also provide powerful solutions. For example, Izeddin et al. have recently fused PA-FP to Lifeact, a weak actin binder.116 The FP−Lifeact fusion reversibly binds and unbinds actin, allowing for the long-term PALM imaging of dendritic spines’ cytoskeleton. The field of live cell SR imaging is at its infancy. Many more exciting technological advances are anticipated. Some of these advances will be along the lines presented in this Perspective. Unexpected advances are also very likely for this fast-moving field. It is going to be a fun ride.

Jason Lin Chang is an undergraduate Biochemistry major at UCLA, performing research in the Weiss Lab. He studies photophysical properties of fluorescent dyes and fluorescent proteins and optimal conditions for super-resolution imaging. He is a recipient of the Bruce Merrifield Undergraduate Research Award at UCLA. Qi Yan received her Ph.D. in the Department of Biological Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University under the mentoring of Marcel Bruchez in 2012. She is currently a Scientist at Sharp Edge Laboratories Inc. During her Ph.D. study, she focused on characterizing the fluorogen activating peptide (FAP) and fluorogen system and developed FAPbased fluorescent probes for performing super-resolution imaging and studying GPCR trafficking. Thomas Dertinger received his Ph.D. in Physics and Physical Chemistry at the University of Cologne, Germany. He was a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA from 2007 to 2011. During this time, he developed SOFI. He is the founder of SOFast GmbH in Germany and currently puts his focus on intellectual property management. Marcel Bruchez is an associate professor in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biological Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley in Physical Chemistry in 1998. His research group focuses on developing new tools for specifically labeling biological targets in living cells and organisms with bright, stable fluorescent molecules, and delivery of active-sensing molecules to specific cellular sites. Prior to joining the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University in 2006, Marcel was the cofounder of quantum dot corporation. His development of quantum dots as biological detection was recognized as one of the Top Ten Scientific Innovations of 2003. He was a TR100 awardee in 2004 and received the Lord Rank Prize for Optoelectronics in 2006 for the realization of quantum dots for biological labeling. He is also the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Sharp Edge Laboratories. Shimon Weiss is a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Department of Physiology at UCLA. His lab has been working on ultrasensitive single molecule spectroscopy methods and applications. They were the first to introduce the single-molecule FRET method and, together with the Alivisatos group, they were the first to introduce quantum dots to biological imaging. Shimon received his Ph.D. from the Technion in Electrical Engineering in 1989. His postdoctoral training was in AT&T Bell Laboratories. He was a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory between 1991− 2001. In 2001 he joined UCLA. Shimon is the Dean M. Willard Chair and a full Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. He is a fellow of the Optical Society , and received the 2001 Michael and Kate Barany Biophysical Society Award, the 2006 Rank Prize in opto-electronics, and the Humboldt Research Award in 2012.


Corresponding Author

*Corresponding author: [email protected]. Notes


We thank Atsushi Miyawaki for the free gift of Dronpa constructs, and Pei-Yu Chiou and Michael Teitell for assistance with thermal nanoblade delivery. This work was supported by NIH Grant #5R01EB000312, NIH Grant #1R01GM086197,NIH Grant # 1R01GM086237 and TCNP grant 8U54GM103529.

The authors declare no competing financial interest. Biographies Jianmin Xu received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Miami in 2008. He is currently a postdoc scholar in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA. His current interests include 2143 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 2138−2146

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