Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1916, 8 (4), pp 367–367. DOI: 10.1021/i500004a025. Publication Date: April 1916. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. 8, 4, 367-367. Note: In...
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ble so t h a t one may a t a n y time know t h a t there is ample flow of water through t h e condensers. These tubes should not, therefore, dip into t h e trough. The trough (galvanized sheet iron) is about 3 . 5 cm. wide, about 13 cm. deep and. of wafer course, extends along t h e entire length of t h e “plant.” These condensers prevent completely loss of liquid by evaporation, and suppress, or hold sufficiently in check, frothing. But t h e boiling must be started gently and conducted gently; violent ebullition is not at all necessary and is t o be avoided. Frothing is due t o bubbles filled with steam-and doubtless t o some extent with hot air; condense t h e steam and t h e bubbles or froth collapse. The upper region of t h e beakers is kept cool t h e condensers; hence FIG. 11-REFLUX CONDENSERby there is no need of a cold FOR USE ON BEAKERS IN CRUDEFIBERDESERblast of air-it is t h e coldMINASION ”ress, not t h e blast, t h a t checks ( 1 1 4 Size) A cold airt h e frothing. blast could, however, be easily introduced through these condensers. Such a condenser is shown on a beaker in t h e foreground of Fig. I. Beakers of joo cc. capacity, 7 . j cm. inside diameter and 14 cm. high, Jena glass, are preferred; b u t beakers of 600 cc. capacity, 8 cm. diameter, I j . 5 cm. high, can be used interchangeably with t h e smaller ones. The beakers can be given a rotary shaking without lifting t h e m from t h e heating plate. After t h e boiling has been gotten under way and t h e beakers have been rotated a time or two, t h e apparatus may be left to itself. The heating plate (wrought iron) is about 4 mm. thick and has a top surface about 9 . j cm. wide. Along its entire length is turned a flange about 2. j cm. wide. The object of t h e flange is t o give rigidity and prevent sagging or buckling. LABORASORY OF THE NORSHCAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULSURE, RALEIGH


If t h e chemist have a t his dispbsal t h e requisite electric current and $ 5 0 t o $100, he will be a p t t o invest in a n electric furnace. If he have b u t a dollar or two, he can, with t h a t capital and with materials ready t o hand in t h e laboratory, construct a wonderfully efficient incinerating furnace. Such a furnace, occupying on t h e table a space 2 0 X 2 0 cm. (8 X 8 in.), is shown in Fig. I in t h e previous article (page 3 6 6 ) , at t h e left uncovered, a t t h e right as it appears when performing. Twelve crude fiber incinerations are made in I j t o 2 0 min. on, or in, this furnace


by t h e heat of one small Bunsen burner; and t h e ash is as nearly perfect as t h e writer a n d designer of t h e furnace has ever seen. A piece of asbestos board 0 . 7 X 1 9 X 19 cm., in whose center is cut a circular opening Q cm. in diameter, is laid on an ordinary laboratory tripod. On this board is set a disc of wrought iron (cast iron would probably be better) about 2 . 5 mm. thick a n d 1 3 . 5 cm. in diameter (14. j cm. would be better since i t would furnish space for several more incinerations). The disc is supported on three legs, I cm. long, screwed into it. On t h e disc are set 1 2 crucibles. alundum RA 98, 3 . 8 cm. high and 3 . 7 cm. in outside diameter, in which t h e fiber has been filtered, washed, dried and weighed. On t h e asbestos board is placed a n asbestos cylinder 15. j cm. in diameter a n d 6 . 5 cm. deep. The cylinder is covered with a piece of asbestos board of t h e same dimensions as t h e one previously described, but having in its center a hole only 3 . j cm. in diameter. A small Bunsen burner, whose gas tip has been widened somewhat by inserting t h e point of a penknife blade, furnishes t h e heat. The burner should be set o n a block so as t o bring its t o p close t o t h e iron disc, thus causing t h e flame t o spread over t h e under surface of the disc. I n a few minutes (6 or 8) t h e disc and t h e crucibles will be brought t o a bright glow. The cylinder is easily and quickly made. Strips of suitable width (about 6. j cm.) are cut from asbestos board of suitable thickness (about 7 mm.) and their ends beveled by shaving with a sharp knife. These strips are saturated with water, and, while wet, are wound, two or three thicknesses, around a suitable core (an empty 2-kilo ether can dr a piece of sheetiron stovepipe), bound in place by two or three bands of wire and allowed t o dry out a t room temperature and finally on or near a steam radiator. The core is removed and t h e lapped ends of t h e strips riveted. LABORATORY OF SHE NORTHCAROLINA DEPARSMENT OF AGRICULTURE, RALEIGH

A GAS PRESSURE REGULATOR By J. R. POWELL Received November 15, 1915

Occasion arose in this laboratory t o make use of a gas-heated thermostat, but a great deal of inconvenience was experienced because of varying gas pressure. I n casting about for some simple pressure regulator, the apparatus described below a n d illustrated in Fig. I was finally hit upon as a practical solution of the trouble. I t will be noted t h a t t h e apparatus is constructed from material readily obtainable in almost any laboratory; also t h a t there is no great skill required for its assembly. Practically every chemist has t h e rudimentary knowledge of glass-blowing necessary t o make t h e one “ Y ” required. A and C are rigidly fastened, in t h e position shown, t o a board which acts as a mounting for t h e whole apparatus. B is suspended inside of A on t h e end of E by a rubber stopper. E is so arranged t h a t it may