laboratory construction company - ACS Publications

scribes and illustrates company's line of straight form thermometers ... radioanalytical services also available. Controls for Radiation, Inc. 34. Com...
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Thermometers. Single-sheet form de­ scribes and illustrates company's line of straight form thermometers for use on top of tanks, boilers, and other in­ stallations. W. C. Dillon & Co. 32 Mass Spectrometer. Ten-page bulle­ tin describes and gives specifications for the Bendix mass spectrometer and accessories. Two reprints on uses and applications are also available. Bendix Aviation Corp. (Bull. No. MS-5). 33 Radiation Protection. Radiation hazards protection program of services is listed in eight-page brochure. Leaf­ let listing applied nuclear research and radioanalytical services also available. Controls for Radiation, Inc. 34 Company Tabloid. Eight-page winter edition of house publication features stories on instrumentation at various plants and industries. Leeds & Northrup Co. 35 Research Facilities. Twenty-four page brochure describes facilities for research, development, and consultation in fibrous, organic, and related mate­ rials. Fabric Research Laboratories, Inc. 36 Laboratory Furnaces. Gas fired labo­ ratory furnaces for temperatures from 1000° F. to over 3350° F. are de­ scribed in a four-page bulletin. Selas Corp. of America {Bull. No. S-1055). 37 Ultraviolet Unit. ASC Model 60 ul­ traviolet unit for continuously analyzing components in flowing fluid streams is described. Four pages. Analytic Systems Co. (Bull. No. 60). 38


KJELDAHL APPARATUS FOR PROTEIN DETERMINATION Gas or electric heat, variable heat controls, timers, thermo-water controls, hooded units where heat is a problem . . . no matter what your requirements, Labconco has the right size and model Kjeldahl for you.

MICRO-KJELDAHL DIGESTOR Individual rheostat controls give you the exact heat you want every time. Small, compact, low in cost. Heaters cement imbedded. Thoroughly insulated controls are housed in all stainless steel cabinet.

CRUDE FIBER CONDENSER Minimizes frothing in the troublesome part of the determination. Instant response to heat regulations, no troublesome hose connections. Made in 2, 4 and 6 capacity units, com­ plete with all glassware.

Laboratory Apparatus. Catalog de­ scribes and illustrates various items of laboratory equipment in 16 pages. Prices are also given. Will Corporation (Lab Log No. 2-57). 39 Electrostatic Separator. Single sheet gives information about design and op­ eration of laboratory model electro­ static separator. Carpco Manufactur­ ing, Inc. (Bull. No. ESB-101). 40 Glass Pipe and Fittings. Illustrated manual discusses Pyrex brand DoubleTough glass pipe and fittings. Three sections cover design, engineering, and installation. Has charts, photos, and line drawings. Forty-four pages. Cor­ ning Glass Works (Bull. PES). 41 For further information, see coupon on page 97 A

GOLDFISCH FAT EXTRACTORS Automatic release-and-seal to cut solvent ex­ traction time. Get results in 2 to 4 hours that used to take all day. Reclaims high percentage of solvent, operates safely in open rooms.

Write today for this Free Catalog. Full description and photos of all LABCONCO protein, fat and fiber apparatus.

L A B C O N C O World's Leading Manufacturer of Kjeldahl Apparatus LABORATORY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY · 8811 Prospect, Kansas City, Mo. For further information, circle number 93 A on Readers' Service Card, page 97 λ VOL. 30, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1958


93 A