pH meter model 110, 86A-1; line-operated pH meter model 115, 86A-2; battery-oper- ated pH meter, 86A-3; reflection meter, 86A-4; electronic densitomet...
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Product Capsules Lists hundreds of special pieces of glass­ ware. Corning Glass Works, 69-12 Crystal St., Corning, Ν . Υ. 73Α

8811 Prospect Ave., K a n s a s City, Mo.

96A Laboratory A p p a r a t u s . New Will Catalog 7 available. Contains dozens of comparison charts, reference tables, buying hints, latest prices, newest equip­ ment. T h u m b indexed. Will Corp., N . Y . 52, Ν . Υ. 71A

G l a s s w a r e . T h e following are some physical properties of t h e new " K i m a x " borosilicate glassware line : strain point, 515° C ; annealing point, 555° C ; softening point, 820° C ; density, 2.23; visible light transmission a t 2 m m . thickness, 9 2 % . Complete information available. Kimble Glass Co., D e p t . AC 12, Toledo 1, Ohio. 3rd c o v e r

Laboratory A p p a r a t u s . Circle in­ dicated numbers for complete informa­ tion of following: thermometer reading lens, 92A-2; pellet press, 92A-3; turbidimeters, 92A-4. P a r r I n s t r u m e n t Co., Moline, 111. 92A-2, 3, 4

Hot Plates. Bulletin available on the " P y r o d i s c " portable h o t plate. D i a m ­ eter: 8". Power r a t i n g : 660 w a t t s . Power service: 115 volts, 50/60 cycle. L a b o r a t o r y E q u i p m e n t Div., Lindberg Engineering Co., 2474 W . H u b b a r d St., Chicago 12, 111. 75A-3

Laboratory Equipment. 180-page catalog available. Contains informa­ tion o n company's complete line of modern laboratory equipment. M e t a lab E q u i p m e n t Co., 252 Duffy Ave., Hicksville, Ν . Υ. 34Α-1

Isolation Units. 8-page bulletin avail­ able. Describes 7 sq. ft. laboratory for hazardous a n d impurity-sensitive opera­ tions. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, P a . 89A

Laboratory Furniture. Brochure available on " M o d u l i n e " unitized steel furniture cited as being flexible in function and arrangement, ^permanent in its all-welded construction, and economical in initial cost a n d upkeep. Aloe Scientific, Div. of A. S. Aloe Co., 5655 Kingsbury, St. Louis 12, M o .

Kjeldahl A p p a r a t u s . Booklet avail­ able containing photos a n d complete description of all Labconco Kjeldahl a p p a r a t u s . Line includes standard units, hooded units, a n d variable heat controls. Laboratory Construction Co.,


Laboratory Instruments. Circle in­ dicated numbers for bulletins on the following: line-operated p H meter model 110, 86A-1; line-operated p H meter model 115, 86A-2; battery-oper­ ated p H meter, 86A-3; reflection meter, 86A-4; electronic densitometer, 86A-5; multiplier fluorescence meter, 86A-6; colorimeter model 402-E, 86A-7; colorimeter model 450, 86A-8; colorim­ eter model 401, 86A-9. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., Ν . Υ. 16, Ν . Υ. 86A-1 to 9 Laboratory S u p p l i e s . Circle 66A for information on complete line of products available from laboratory supply house. C o m p a n y has 22,000 items in stock for immediate shipment. A r t h u r H. T h o m a s Co., Vine St. a t 3rd, Phil­ adelphia 5, P a . 66A L a b w a r e , Fused Silica. Illustrated bulletin available on fused silica glass­ ware cited as providing chemical purity, high resistance to h e a t shock, unusual electrical resistivity, and ultra-violet transmission (in transparent quality). T h e r m a l American Fused Quartz Co., Inc., 18-20 Salem St., Dover, N . J.



(Continued on page 83 A)

. . . from the Greek meaning ' without pressure"

Thesi» Aaiezon produit", have the recog­ nition of leading scientists who accord them top preference for high vacuum work. Beetles of thu exc-.-ed'>igly low vapor p'e^ure of all these ot- distillates, at usual room tempcrcturos, *hey arc in great de­ mand for all sorts of high vacuum work. The r vapo* pressures a r e ns low a* 1 0 - 6 mm Hq , end even unm^asurable a t room temperature. As the excluvvi; distributor in ttir Unittd States, wo ofK-r immediate delivery fiom stock on th.* complète* range of these oils and compounds.

J A M E S G. B I D D L E C O . Electrical and Scientific Instruments 1316 Arch Street—Philadelphia 7, Penna.

N o w available in standard tube, c r u c i b l e a n d c o m b u s t i o n boat s h a p e s Leco zirconia ware . . . for crucibles for melting special alloys, tubes for high-temperature combustion or gas synthesis, heat treating and sintering furnaces, and kiln furniture. We will be happy to quote on custom ware.

For t e m p e r a t u r e s to 4600° F. (2538° C ) . Possesses one of the highest melting points of all commercial refractories.

For applications, walking