Technical and Descriptive Data! LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ... Data sheets available on company's gas chromatog- raphy cells for hot operation (225° C.). G...
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for every need... Carbon Determinator Determines carbon contents to fourth decimal in 5-10 minutes! Ideal for transformer sheet, Alnico, titanium, stainless steel, ferrochromium, ferrosilicon, ferroboron, ingot iron, nickel, molybdenum and many others.

Product Capsules C h r o m a t o g r a p h y Cells. D a t a sheets available on company's gas chromatog­ r a p h y cells for hot operation (225° C ) . Gow-Mac I n s t r u m e n t Co., 100 Kings Rd., Madison, N . J. 40A-2 Collectors, Fraction. 4-page illus­ trated bulletin available on company's automatic fraction collectors for column chromatography. Time, drop counting and special types. Drops from the column fall directly into the test tubes. Packard Instrument Co., P.O. Box 428, La Grange, 111. 23A Collectors, Fraction. Information available on the new " R a d i R a c " auto­ matic fraction collectors for t h e collec­ tion of effluents by the timed flow, volumetric, and drop count methods. Collects in radii, circles, spirals. L K B Produkter Fabriksaktiebolag, P. 0 . Box 120 35-Stockholm 12, Sweden.

28A-3 Leco gaseometric carbon determinators available in seven manual or semi-automatic models. Use on carbon or alloy steel, cast iron, tungsten carbide, chrome carbide, tantalum carbide and titanium carbide. Semi-Automatic Carbon Determinator

C o m b u s t i o n Tubes. Company's "Volcanus" combustion tubes are de­ signed for high temperature service (2900° R ) . Sizes: 1" o.d. to l 6 / 8 " o.d. Lengths to 36 inches, plain and constricted end. Coors Porcelain Co., Golden, Colo. 61A-2

Leco Carbon Determinator for measurement of carbon in cracking catalyst. Partic­ ularly adapted to the requirements of the oil industry. Carbon Determinator for Cracking Catalyst

> If you follow the gravimetric method, here is the fastest, most efficient apparatus on the market. Employs only solid absorbents and a short train, with a small volume to sweep.

Carbon Train

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Circle No. 72 A on Readers' Service Card, page 79 A

72 A

Colorimeters. 64-page manual, "Coleman Tools for Science," avail­ able. Includes information on filter instrument with wide choice of sample sizes: 9 cuvette sizes and types; sample volumes from 10 ml. to .007 ml. Optical density and % transmittance from either galvanometer or potentiometer scales. Coleman Instruments, Inc., Maywood, 111. 79A-2

Densitometers. Bulletin available on densitometer for partition chromatog­ raphy and paper electrophoresis. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., N. Y. 16, Ν . Υ. 75Α-2 Electrodeposition A p p a r a t u s . Bulle­ tin available t h a t details company's a p p a r a t u s for analysis b y electrodeposition and outlines t h e application and advantages of each type. Com­ pany's polarographic analyzer operates in the range of 0.01 to 0.000001 equiva­ lents per liter. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa.

77A Electromanometers. Bulletin avail­ able on company's all-electronic electromanometers in multi-channel form. I n s t r u m e n t measures up t o 6 pressure channels sequentially with one servoamplifier. Consolidiated Electro­ dynamics Corp., 300 N . Sierra M a d r e Villa, Pasadena, Calif. 59A Electrometers. Bulletin available dynamic capacitor electrometer stable amplification of low-level signals. Measures currents as low

on for dc as

10 16 a m p . I n p u t impedance: 10 15 ohms. Accuracy: ' / 2 % full scale. 14" X 10" X 9". " Curtiss-Wright Corp., Electronics Div., Carlstadt, N . J. 6 0 A Electron T u b e s . Technical d a t a avail­ able on 5" direct-view display storage tubes t h a t present displays of electronic information for as long as 60 seconds after writing stops. Brightness: 1750 foot-lamberts. Writing speed : 300,000 inches/sec. Radio Corp. of America, Harrison, N . J. 46A Electrophoresis A p p a r a t u s . Bulletin available on a complete apparatus for paper strips and starch blocks. Uses Vs" and 1" widths of paper strips. Separates 10 ml. samples b y starch technique. Laboratory Glass & Instru­ ment Corp., 514 West 147th St., Ν . Υ. 31, Ν. Υ. 67Α-1 Extractors. Bulletin available on the new " R i n c o " extractor t h a t uses a rotating sphere. Solvent is continually and automatically bled off, distilled, condensed and re-introduced. Aqueous phase capacity is 4000 ml.; solvent phase 700 to 800 ml. Aloe Scientific, Div. of A. S. Aloe Co., 5655 Kingsburv. St. Louis 12, Mo. 40A-1 Fluorimeters. Bulletin availableonlineoperated multiplier fluorescence meters possessing high-sensitivity for measure­ ment of low concentrations. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., Ν . Υ. 15. NY. 75A-13 Fluorimeters. Klett fluorimeters are cited as being designed for the accurate and rapid determination of thiamin, riboflavin, and other substances which fluoresce in solution. Klett M a n u ­ facturing Co., 179 E a s t 87th St., Ν . Υ., Ν. Υ. 69Α-3 Fluorimeters. Descriptive bulletin available on company's G-M fluorimetcr t h a t analyzes uranium in any form in concentrations of 0.001% and less. Features include no cooling system, no optical system, improved power source, and convenient control grouping. Jarrell-Ash Co., 28 Farwell St., Xewtonville, Mass. 83A-2 Freeze-Drying A p p a r a t u s . Descrip­ tive folder available on company's complete line of freeze-drying apparatus. Line includes t h e bio-dryer, the histo­ logical freeze-dryer, the micro unit, the macro unit, the super unit, the allglass modified Campbell-Pressman unit, and t h e freeze-mobile. E. Machlett & Son, 220 East 23rd St., N . Y. 10, Ν . Υ.

55A Furnaces. Bulletin available on com­ bustion tube furnace for temperatures to 2600° F . 12" chamber. All the temperature control and indicating ANALYTICAL