Laboratory experiments in general chemistry (King, G. Brooks, and

Laboratory experiments in general chemistry (King, G. Brooks, and Caldwell, William E.) Thomas C. Van Osdall · Cite This:J. Chem. Educ.1957343A128...
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there is an excellent explanation of pH. However, the relationship to Arrhenius theory is not given even though the chapter begins with a description of classical ioniaation theory. To be useiul to the student who will study no more chemistry, his textbook should also help him to see links between pH and: the periodic system, the atomic theory, the kinetic molecular theory, and the electron theory BENTLEY EDWARDS U~rvms1~ or7 C*~rronrr* B ~ ~ K ~ LC*~lronm* EY.


G. Brooks King, Professor of Chemistry, State College of Washington, and William E. Coldwell, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Oregon State College. American Book Company, New York, 1956. ix 324 pp. 48 figs. 21 X 27.5 cm. Paper bound. $3.25.


THE manual consists of 65 experiments arranged to accompany the authors' text, "The Fundamentals of College Chemistry"; however, the experiments are of such nature as to allow a marked degree of flexibility in the choice of order and number. Most o m be completed in from two to three hours. A reasonable number are quantitative in nature. A brief treatment of qualitative analysis is included in the last eight experiments and these could be incorporated into the regular sequence of experiments. The reviewer was aamewhat disappointed in the brief and inadequate discussion of the use of the balance and in the tendency for the labomtor.v manual to follow the "work book format" so common to a great majority of the manuals currently being published. Included in the appendix are helpful tables on common properties of the elements, valences, solubility rules, activity series, and equipment and chemical lists required for the experiments. THOMAS C. VAN OSDALL SANTAAN* COLLEQE S*NT* AN*, C*IIIORNI*

WORKBOOK AND EXPERIMENTS FOR COLLEGE CHEMISTRY David P. Marble, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Wisconsin State College. Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis, 1956. 116 pp. 2 1 X 27.5 Em. Paper vi bound. $3.50.


THIS 11~bomtorym&nual O O ~ S ~ Sof~ S33 experiments divided into 5 units of work: (1)Introduction to Chemistry, (2) Chemical Notation, (3) Gases, (4) Water and Solutions, and (5) Classification of Elements and Compounds. Following each of the experiments is a list of exercises, a. review of pertinent basic concepts, and JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION