LABORATORY FURNITURE CO., INC. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - LABORATORY FURNITURE CO., INC. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (3), pp 128A–128A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60183a831. Publication Date: March 1962...
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faster than hands.. and tireless

Adams Cyclo-Mixers For prolonged or rapid, controlled mixing in test tubes: Two-Unit or Four-Unit Cyclo-Mixers provide any degree of agitation - from rapid mixing to violent churning . . . eliminate time-consuming and fatiguing hand-mixing, need for monitoring, and danger of contamination. Three speeds with separate motor and speed control for each tube. Available with interchangeable cups to handle a variety of tube sizes ranging from 15 mm. to 25 mm. in diameter and up to 200 mm. in length. Use Single-Unit Cyclo-Mixers (not illustrated) for quick-as-a-wink mixing or agitation in test tubes or small flasks. Equipped with the unique Clay-Adams Foot Switch, the single-unit model leaves both hands free for holding tubes or flasks. Prices: Cyclo-Mixer, Two-Unit, each $154.00 Cyclo-Mixer, Four-Unit, each $248.00 Cyclo-Mixer, Single-Unit, with Foot Switch, each $68.50

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Semimicro zone melting apparatus handles from 0.15 to about 10 grams at maximum temperatures of 2 1 0 ° , 2 5 6 ° , and 3 1 0 ° C. which are obtained with three interchangeable heating elements. The unit, which is portable, will accommodate 12-, 8-, or 5 - m m . o.d. Pyrex tubes and operates on 110 to 115 volt a.c. with power consump­ tion of 15 amp. at 1.5 volts. Tor­ sion Balance Co. 408

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Low-cost, mass-produced, carbonfilm potentiometers are available in two 10-turn models. Both models have infinite resolution, low noise, 0.5% linearity, and guaranteed life of 10 X 10° revolutions. Model 8711, r / s inch in diameter, features 1/200,000 resolu­ tion; Model 17511 features 1/400,000 resolution. Standard resistance values range from 5K to 500K ohms. Com­ puter Instruments Corp. 409

Electronic Potentiostats after Wenking are available in two models: the 61-TR standard unit and the 61-R fast rise model. They are used to in­ vestigate phase boundaries between an electrolyte and a metal. The po­ tential is constant or controlled in relation t o time. Brinkmann Instru­ ments, Inc. 410