Stepless speed control from 60 to 6000 RPM through a specially designed taper wound rheostat. Three shafts provide high torque at low speeds. Stirs oi...
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PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION ment a n d new vacuum triple distilled mercury in polyethylene bottles. Representatives at Exhibit: J . B. Laur­ ence, D . S. Stauffer. General Product Line: Manufacturers of mercury cleaning apparatus, triple dis­ tilled mercury, mercury cleaning service. Also glassworking equipment for labo­ ratory—lathes, burners, cut-off machines ; glassworking accessories.

T-LINE #106


Booth: 429

• High torque at low speeds. • Variable speed control.

BLUE M ELECTRIC C O . 138th & Chatham Sf. Blue Island, I I I .

Stepless speed control from 60 to 6000 RPM through a specially designed taper wound rheostat. Three shafts pro\ide high torque at low speeds. Stirs oil at 60 RPM. Completely enclosed 1/50 H.P. Universal Bodine motor—115 V AC or D C . Clamp on heavy cast aluminum rheostat housing for support rods u p to %," diameter. Special swivel joint permits stirring without $840° at any angle. Adjustable chuck. support stand * " or stirring paddle

T-LINE SUPPORT STAND # 1 1 0 heavy cast iron base with a 5 / 8 " χ 3 0 " cadmium plated steel support rod that cannot work loose. Can accommodate jars u p to 1 8 " in diameter. ill00 Write for literature on our line of light and heavy duty stirrers.








14, 15

BODER SCIENTIFIC C O . 8 1 0 - 8 1 4 Penn A v e . Pittsburgh 2 2 , Pa.

Circle No. 116 on Readers' Service Card

from plan to working l a b . . . overnight with


Exhibiting: Stabil-Therm utility gravity and mechanical recirculating ovens. Power-O-Matic mechanical convection ovens with fully automatic proportional wattage control, Lab-Heat muffle furnace with electronic pyrometer. Vapor-Temp controlled humidity chamber with 2 pen recording. Magni-Whirl utility water and oil baths. Representatives at Exhibit: A. Lazzara, E. L. Soule, F . R. Marsillo, J . A. Lawler. General Product Line: Manufacturers a n d designers of electric ovens, furnaces, baths, environmental cabinets, a n d re­ lated temperature control equipment— for laboratory, pilot plant, and production.

" ο ipjch d nz at* his: mo.aaiBS.

N O W — f r o m a n y point i n f h e c o u n t r y — y o u c a n o r d e r STEELAB quality equipment right off-theshelf f o r i m m e d i a t e d e l i v e r y . This m e a n s t h a t y o u c a n set up a n operating l a b . . . exactly to your l i k i n g , f l o o r p l a n a n d budget . . . virtually overnight.

Exhibiting: Laboratory ovens and research furnaces for elevated temperatures in air, atmosphere, a n d vacuum. Research fur­ naces for higher temperatures. A large line of microscopes a n d metallographic microphoto equipment including new items. Representatives at Exhibit: J. G. Waltz, W. M. Fedor, W. D . Boder. General Product Line: Scientific equipment for laboratories a n d pilot plants. High speed, high temperature electric furnaces and control instruments ; a n d other equip­ ment for cement, ceramic, coal, glass, heat treating, iron a n d steel, metal­ lurgical nonferrous, paper, petroleum, plastics, and research laboratories and also bacteriological, biological, serological, and other chemical diagnostic apparatus.

Booth: 50 B R I N K M A N N INSTRUMENTS, I N C . 115 Cutter M i l l R d . Great N e c k , L.I., N.Y.

PP^i^ij^fij CABINETS · SINKS · TABLES · FUME H O O D S DESKS • FIXTURES A N D A C C E S S O R I E S Immediate Delivery from Warehousing Distributors Braun Chemical C o m p a n y H a r s h a w Scientific Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. A r t h u r S. La Pine & C o . Scientific Supplies C o . plus Field Representatives listed in your classified directory



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Exhibiting: Potentiograph, new recording automatic titrator with synchronization of titrant delivery a n d chart speed. Polarecord, new recording automatic apparatus for polarographic analysis, special high-speed attachment for 1 minute runs, recording of first derivative. Kilomat, 3000 g. capacity rapid laboratory balance, fully automatic, no weights. New Netzsch-Sartorius recording thermo­ balance with program controller for constant rate of heating increase. Representatives at Exhibit: K. P . Brinkman, H . J . Copek, R . Bowers, W. Reinhardt, A. Wist. General Product Line: Scientific instruments and laboratory apparatus.