laboratory glass and instrument corp. - ACS Publications

Public Health Service will be given at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary ... fessional people with training in chem ... Training, Training Program, Robert A...
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earlier announcement (ANAL. CHEM.,

A course in atmospheric sample analysis to be sponsored by the U. S. Public Health Service will be given at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineer­ ing Center in Cincinnati, January 13 to 24. The course, designed for pro­ fessional people with training in chem­ istry or related sciences, deals with laboratory analysis of particulate and gaseous samples. It includes lectures and discussions. Specific pollutants are treated further by laboratory exercise. Particulates, crystalline minerals, me­ tallic elements, alkali metals, gases, and vapors will be analyzed by instrumental methods. There are no registration or tuition charges for the course. Further in­ formation and a detailed agenda may be obtained from: Chief, Air Pollution Training, Training Program, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati 26, Ohio.

LSU Symposium January 27 to 30 Dates for the Eleventh Annual Louisiana State University Symposium

June, page 40A) gave the date as January 28 to 31. The symposium, to be held at Loui­ siana State University, Baton Rouge, will feature lectures on three topics not too well known in the United States. These are: absorption flame spectro­ photometry by A. Walsh, of Melbourne, Australia; ring oven techniques by Herbert Weisz of Vienna ; and photo titrimetry by Clark E. Bricker of Princeton University. Additional details appear in the earlier article.

Electroanalytical techniques, ion ex­ change separations, x-ray, infrared, ab­ sorption, and ultraviolet spectroscopy and infrared and gas chromatography are among the topics scheduled at the ninth Pittsburgh Conference on Ana­ lytical Chemistry and Applied Spec­ troscopy, to be held at the PennSheraton Hotel, Pittsburgh, March 3 to 7. The Exposition of Modern Analyti­ cal Equipment, held in conjunction with the conference, has been expanded. New developments in instruments and equipment for the analyst will be shown.

Instrument Society of America's chemical and petroleum industry sym­ posium will be held at the Hotel DuPont in Wilmington, Del. on Feb. 3 and 4. Twelve technical papers are planned for the sessions, dealing with recent developments in process stream analyzers and maintenance of such in­ struments, analog computation in proc­ ess control problems, contracted instru­ ment maintenance, and other similar topics.

from Test-tube in 10-20 minutes! VACUUM SHUT-OFF STOPCOCK

Ninth Pittsburgh Conference March 3 to 7

ISA Instrumentation Sessions in Wilmington

Evaporate Multiple Fraction Cuts DIRECTLY THERMOMETER

The program also includes a banquet on Feb. 3 and a tour of the Tidewater Oil Refinery on Feb. 4. Advance regis­ tration for members is $8.00, for nonmembers $12. Charge for the banquet is $5.00, and the plant trip is $1.50. Banquet and plant trip reservations must be received in advance. Registration forms may be obtained from Bill Durkin, Fischer and Porter Co., 2011 Concord Pike, Wilmington 3, Del.

on Modern Methods of Analytical Chemistry are January 27 to 30. An

Air Pollution Course To Be Given


A Sturdy Ail-Purpose Variable Speed Shaker Designed for the Laboratory Bench, Cold-Room or Refrigerator THE IAB



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Send for Bulletin 3-2000






FEATURES! watt heater, Fenwall thermoreguSimultaneously evaporates 10 testlator, and dial thermometer. tubes, 16-20 mm dia. X 150 Connects to water aspirator for mm Ιοησ. vacuum. Furnished with shut-off Controlled vibration prevents and bleeder stopcocks. bumping during heating. Dimensions: 9" wide, 1 8 " high, Temperature range from —73° to and 1 6 " long. Weight: 35 lbs. 200° C. Controls include 500

LABORATORY GLASS AND INSTRUMENT CORP. 5 1 4 W. 147th St., N e w York 3 1 , Ν . Υ. See Our Booth No. 340 at the Chem. Show, New York Coliseum, Dec. 2 - 6 , 1 9 5 7 .







Send for Bulletin 2-3000

LABORATORY GLASS AND INSTRUMENT CORP. 5 1 4 W. 147th St., N e w York 3 1 , Ν . Υ. lee Our Booth N o . 340 at Ihe Chem. Show, New York Coliseum, Dec. S-6, 1957.

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