Laboratory Glass Blowing. (Frary, Francis C.; Taylor, Cyril S.; Edwards

the author has also incorporated construc- tive ideas of his ... Inc., New York and. London. Second ... of being associated with research labora- tori...
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Boons creatinine. They represent a clear and judicial digest of the many conflicting observations and interpretations which have appeared since the separate determination of creatine and creatinine became possible in 1904. In this digest the author has also incorporated constructive ideas of his own; and the whole is welded into a presentation so finished and complete that future students and investigators should seldom need t o go elsewhere for facts or views about creatine and creatinine as found in the literature prior to 1926. OTTOFOLW


of being associated with research laboratories. The book, as a whole, is worthy of consideration. W. T . LEVI~T

A Textbook of Elementary Qualitative Ph.D., Analysis. CARLJ. ENGELDER, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York City, 1927. vi 211 pp. 15 X 22.75 cm. $2.25 net.


The book is built up, in the conventional style of other books on Qualitative AnLaboratory Glass Blowing. Published alysis, of four divisions: Part I, Theoretical; Part 11, Cation Analysis; Part formerly under the title of Laboratory Manual of Glass Blowing. FRANCIS 111, Anion Analysis; Part IV, Systematic C. FRARY, Dir. of Res., CYRIL S. Analysis. Part I consists of an outline (56 pages) TAYLOR,Phys. Chemist, J m l u s DAvm of the ionic theory, dealing with such EDWARDS,Asst. Dir. of Res., all of ohases as the mass law, ionization conAluminum Co. of America. McGrawHill Book Co.. Inc., New York and stants, solubility products, common ion effect, hydrolysis, amphoterism, complex London. Second edition. 1928. x ion formation, and distribution ratio. 116 pp. 30 figures. 20.5 X 14 cm. The presentation is wholly from the $1.50. classical standpoint of Arrhenius, and Messrs. Frary, Taylor, and Edwards no reference is made to the theory of comhave presented a revised and enlarged plete ionization with its apparent indictedition of a previous publication by ment of the whole principle of ionic equiFrancis C. Frary. The enlargement, librium. A certain explanation of the according t o the authors, consists of an situation seems desirable, for doubtless the introduction of methods for workmg Pyrex student will hear, sooner or later, that a reformation of this branch of chemical glass and for the making of various seals. The book consists of six chapters, the theory is impending. Parts I1 and 111 (77 pages) contain a first four of which are devoted to the most elementary details of working soft glass. number of general experiments to be perThere are several flaws of minor character formed by the student before undertaking in the authors' technic, principally in their an actual analysis. Unless the laboratory administration is unusually efficient and method of splicing or making joints. Their method of working large tubing is rigorous, the experimental part of the not given, although they state that cross work will become practically voluntary fires are useful for this purpose. The on the part of the student, for the results writer's impression has always been that are generally fully described in the discross fires were used principally for work- cussions which follow. A good feature is the inclusion in the body of the experiing lead glass. The last two chapters, as well as the mental directions of discussions of the appendix, contain some very useful in- theoretical aspects of the various reactions. The analytical procedures are the usual formation for the advanced technician and, possibly, for some professional glass- ones, and no new separation or test has blowers who have not had the advantage been noted. The nearest approach t o
