laboratory glass & instruments corp. - ACS Publications

of the Secretary. General of the Congress,is now pro- ceeding rapidly and the second and third volumes are expected earlythis year. The first volume, ...
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Rotary Evapo-Mix


Dealing with both theory and prin­ ciples as well as technique, this book with many references is valuable for both students and laboratory workers, and demonstrates importance of ab­ sorption measurements in industry and research. It is divided into three parts dealing with laws, applications, and techniques. The first part has been ex­ panded since I he first edition, to dis­ cuss effects of finite slit-width, meas­ urements on diffusing specimens, and total band intensity. The second part deals with absorption spectrophotom­ etry in investigation of chemical struc­ ture and application to chemic anal­ ysis. The third section covers pres­ ent-day instrumentation with emphasis on photoelectric uses, and wave length range from 0.1 to 100 μ is covered. Thirteen chapters are included in the three sections, followed by bibliography and author index.

FEATURES • C o n t r o l l e d circular v i b r a t i o n creates d e e p s w i r l i n g to prevent " b u m p i n g " d u r i n g h e a t i n g under vacuum.

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by eccentric motion of unit Arrows eccentric

A eta s do W i t h the Rotary Evapo-Mix it is possible to achieve in a single test t u b e e v a p o r a t i o n rates of water of 1.0 m l / m i n ; e t h o n a l , 4.2 m l / m i n ; m e t h o n a l , 4 . 5 m l / m i n ; e t h y l a c e t a t e , 7.2 m l / m i n ; a n d for acetone 10.0 m l / m î n ; w i t h a l l 10 test tubes a t t a c h e d , e v a p o r a t i o n rate d e creases a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 5 % . * Vacuum Manifoid only, made of pyrex-brand glass also available. Request Bulietin 3-2100 for complete details.

indicate motion or unit

• Internal v a r i a b l e v o l t a g e transformer controls v i b r a t i o n rate. • Simultaneously evaporates 10 test tubes or c e n t r i f u g e tubes, 16-25 mm diameter. • Connects to e f f i c i e n t water aspirator as vacuum source. • A u t o m a t i c t h e r m o r e g u l a t o r controls t e m p e r a t u r e of water b a t h . • Price complete $436.00*

FLASH EVAPORATORS For the evaporation of aqueous solutions, high boiling point solvents, strong acids, alkalis and radiactive materials without contaminating back-drip. PORTABLE MODEL



Publication of this book, delayed because of the death of the Secretary General of the Congress, is now proceeding rapidly and the second and third volumes are expected early this year. The first volume, bound in paper, has each speech or paper printed in the language used at time of presentation and includes Spanish, English, Italian, German, and French. In the opening address Dr. Stoll emphasized the tremendous changes in analytical chemistry during the last two decades and cautioned against over-specialization in teaching or studying. Most of the book consists of papers presented at the Congress and those not published here will be included in the second and third volumes. Laboratory Distillation Practice.

FEATURES · Glass-to-glass connections throughout the evaporating system prevent any possibility of contamination. Distillation occurs only within glass. * Balanced design permits smooth rotation without drag and larger output without loss of material. · High torque, totally enclosed motor. • Build it up with accessories for large scale work and temperature control. · Grows with your requirements. · Unit can be easily taken apart for cleaning. · Prices start from $148.45. delivery,


Apparatus Instruments

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U S. PATENT 2.Θ65,445

U N I V E R S A L MODEL Standard equipment in most laboratories. Pre­ ferred for permanent installations and for heavy duty operation, but with ail basic features of Portable Model. For continuous or batch opera­ tion, with easy conversion from one to the other. Model FE-2 Batch $215.50, Model FE-2C for con­ tinuous operation $330.00. Request Bulletin FE 1000 for details. notice. all prices F.O.B. Factory. All prices lubicci to change without




A. Coulson and E. F. G. Herington. χ + 166 pages. Interscience Pub­ lishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, Ν. Υ. 1958. $4.50.

U S PATENT 2,865,445



1028 pages. Proceedings of 15th In­ ternational Congress of Pure and Ap­ plied Chemistry, Lisbon, 8th to 16th Sept., 1956. Instituto Superior Téeino Lisboa, Portugal. 1957. Escudos 320 (three volumes).

LABORATORY GLASS & INSTRUMENTS CORP. 5 1 4 W . ! 4 7 » h STREET, Ν . Υ. 3 1 , Ν . Υ. Adirondack 4 - 2 6 2 6

B M , B? 1 on Readers' Service C a r d

Distillation methods and techniques are described in this book which the authors prepared as a supplement to textbooks. It presents principles on which fractional distillation is based; it describes construction and operation of selected equipment and offers guidance on application of distillation to batch operations Techniques of low tem­ perature, low pressure, azeotropic, ex­ tractive, and continuous fractional di=-