46 A
10 Exclusive Features Cat. N o . 1026 t a r g e Combination Utility and Burette C/amp
1—Strong as Steel Cat. No. 1040 Clamp Holder
2—Pressure Formed 7—Modern Styling 3—Greater Safety
Cat. N o . 1058 Double Burette Holder Cat. N o . 1030 3'prong universal Ciamp
6—Greater Flexibility for Intricate Setups
4—Greater Corrosion Resistance 5—Better Gripping Action
8—Individually Boxed 9—Neoprene Sleeves 10—Priced at Same Level as Ordinary Cast Zinc Clamps
Request a copy of bulletin describing this superb line of laboratory clamps. Write for details on new developments in clamping apparatus. Cat. N o . 1033 Large Extension Clamp
Cat. N o . 1042 Adjustable Clamp Holder
LABORATORY INDUSTRIES, INC. 4 7 1 0 W e s t N o r t h A v e . , C h i c a g o 3 9 , Illinois
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