Mountain View, Calif. 94040. 4:10. Isolation and Identification of ... Crucible Steel Co., Hunter Research Laboratories, P. O. Box 988, Pittsburgh, Pa...
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PITTSBURGH CONFERENCE 3:50 Determination of Total Nitrogen in Water by Microcoulometric Titration. Robert Moore, James A. McNulty, Dohrmann Instruments Co., 1062 Linda Vista Ave., Mountain View, Calif. 94040 4:10 Isolation and Identification of the Contaminants in Dihydroquinine. Andrew P. Cheung, Allen Benitez, Peter Lim, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025 4:30 The Reaction of Thiolacetic Acid with Silver Ion. Sister Xavier Brady, Sister Simon Peter Garrity, Albertus Magnus College, New Haven Conn. 06511 4:50 Chemical Method for Refractory Nitrides. Oscar Menis, Simon A. Wicks, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 20234


Bomb Calorimeters by Minechem

Friday Afternoon A. W. Danko, Presiding

1:30 Trace Silica Analysis of High Purity Iron Oxides by X-Ray Fluorescence. R. E. Norwood, Minerals, Pigments and Metals Division, Charles Pfizer & Co., Inc., 640 North 13th St., Easton, Pa. 18042 1:50 Some Variables Affecting the X-Ray Fluorescence Solution Analysis of Titanium Alloys. George L. Vassilaros, Crucible Steel Co., Hunter Research Laboratories, P. O. Box 988, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230 2:10 X-Ray Analysis of Metallic Trace Elements in Poly­ mers. E. Davidson, R. E. Jones, Applied Research Lab­ oratories, P. O. Box 1710, Glendale, Calif. 91209 2:30 Determination of Inorganic Constituents of Coal by X-Ray Fluorescence. Charles H. Anderson, Robert E. Jones, Applied Research Laboratories, P. O. Box 1710, Glendale, Calif. 92107 3:10 X-Ray Fluorescence Determination of Yttrium Oxide in Rare Earth Oxide Mixtures. Theodore L. Smith, Lynn H. Hahn, D. B. James, Michigan Chemical Corp., 500 N. Bankson, St. Louis, Mich. 48880 3:30 X-Ray Excitation of Optical Fluorescence in Com­ pounds of the Rare Earth and Other Elements. Edward L. DeKalb, T. Taniguchi, Velmer A. Fassel, Iowa State Uni­ versity, Ames, Iowa 3:50 Direct Determination of Fractional Part Per Million Amounts of Rare Earths in Thorium—An X-Ray Excited Optical Fluorescence Method. T. R. Saranathan, Velmer A. Fassel, Edward L. DeKalb, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 4:10 Stainless Steel Analysis Using A Computer Coupled PW-1212 Automatic X-Ray Emission Spectrograph. R. Westberg, J. Croke, Philips Electronic Instruments, 750 South Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 10550


2:00 The Rapid Automatic Determination of Hydrogen in Metals Using Encapsulated Hydrogen Standards. F. Coe, British Welding Research Assoc, Abington Hall, Cambridge, England; R. Perriton, De La Rue Frigistor, Ltd., Langley, Buckinghamshire, England 2:20 The Semi-Continuous Monitoring of Ironmaking Sinter Feed Mixtures. G. White, British Iron and Steel Research Assoc, Hoyle Street, Sheffield, England 2:55 A Computer System for Automation of the Analytical Laboratory. C. H. Sederhold, P. J. Friedl, T. R. Lusebrink, IBM Scientific Center and IBM Research, 2670 Hanover St., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 3:15 The Image-Dissector Photomultiplier Tube as a De­ tector in Direct-Reading Analytical Emission Spectroscopy. D. W. Golightly, R. N. Kniseley, Velmer A. Fassel, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 3:35 Vest Pocket Laboratory. F. P. Byrne, F. R. Agnew, R. P. Goldstein, T. D. Kaczmarek, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa.

See us at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy Exhibition of Modern Laboratory Equipment

American Minechem Corporation Coraopolis, Pa. 15108


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