Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Water, Waste Water and Soil

Jun 1, 1993 - Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Water, Waste Water and Soil, Second Edition (Rump, H. H.; Krist, H.) J. Chem. Educ. , 1993, 70 ...
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reviews Practicals in HI her Science Education: A Study of the Objectives andend-~ermsfor Practicals in Distance and Traditional Educational Settings Paul Anhur Kirschner. Uitgeverij Lemma BV, Box 3320,3502 GH, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1991. 206 pp. Figs. and tables 17.2 x 24.7 cm. This is the report of a n educational research project started i n 1986 a t the Dutch Open University. The research reported in this

book investigated the pmblems, premises, objectives, and educational theory underlying the use of practicals in science education. The work carried out nresents the results of studies on ~ emoirieal ~ specific lesrnmg objecLs for practieali at dltrerent types of institutions for hlgher education, namely vocational collages, traditional unwarsltw-i, and open umvwrities rhrnughout the world. ~~~~


Preparing Graduate Students to Teach Leo M Lambenand Stacey Lane Tee, Eo~torsAmencan Asso clatlon tor Hlgner Educaton. Washington, DC. 1993 xfv * 180 PP F as ano lames 21 6 x 27 9 cm $20 00 rnernbersS22 00 nonmembers PB. This volume is designed to describe and document the state of affairs in prepa"ng graduate students for college and university teaching responsibilities. To accomplish this goal, a National Survey of Teaching Assistant Training Programs and Practices was made, with the sponsorship of AAHE, CGS, and TIAA-CREF, in cwperation with graduate deans aemss the United States. This volume is based on the results of that survey. Chapter 1is a summary of the results of the survey and provides a helpful review of the centrality of the teaching assistantship in graduate education. The publication's main two chapters are devoted to abstracts of programs with successful and creative approaches to preparing students as teachers. Chapter I1 profiles 28 centralized programs in a graduate schwl, center for teaching excellence, English as a Second Language program, or similar central university office. Chapter 111 profiles 44 discipline-based programs i n the biological sciences, chemistry, English and composition, foreign languages, mathematics, psychology, the social sciences, and speech communication. The disciplinary editors far Chapter I11 were selected on the basis of their national reputation in TAdevelopment in their field and, in some eases, their involvements in AAHE's Teaching Initiative.

2D NMR Density Matrix and Product Operator Treatment Gheoqhe D Mateescu and Adrran Valenu PTR Prent ce-Ha I Englewood Clllfs. NJ. 1993 x + I95 pp Fogs and tables 15 9 This book constitutes a guide for the use of density matrix and product operator calculations in the description of multipulse NMR experiments. I t follows a step-by-step pmeedure that will enable readers with even a modest mathematical background to work out or create sequences of varying degrees of complexity.

Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Water, Waste Water and Soil, Second Edition H. H. Rump and H Krist. VCH: New Yo* NY, 1992. xi + 190 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.8 x 24.5 cm. $49.50 PB.

This laboratory manual provides practical descriptions of relatively simple chemical, microbiological, and soil science teehniques that can be carried out easily in technical laboratories. Emphasizing irrigation aspects and environmental protection, coverage presents concise discussions of uncomplicated analytical techniques, field and laharatmy measurements, methods for quality control and sampling, and guidelines for the interpretation of experimental results.

JapanesdEnglish EnglishIJapanese Glossary of Scientific and Technical Terms. Louise Watanabe Tung. Wiley: New Yo*, 1993. xxi 20.1 x 24.3 cm. $79.95.


Journal of Chemical Education

+ 1146 pp.