Laboratory Manual of Explosive Chemistry (Olsen ... - ACS Publications

103 varied type fonts for emphasis and organization, photographs of absorption spectra of hemoglobin and derivatives, and the cogent treatment of such...
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varied type fonts for emphasis and organization, photographs of absorption spectra of hemoglobin and derivatives, and the cogent treatment of such topics as purine metabolism. The chapters on food and nutrition are significant because of theway in which they present the subject from the viewpoint of the inhabitants of the British Isles. The problems of supply, cost, and rationing are excellently set forth, from the standpoint of economics as well as protective nutrition. A brief appendix summarizes data on blwd, urine, and nutrition, and presents a rather complete "Conversion Table for Weights and Measures." Of the 95 publications listed in the bibliography the majority are, of course, of British origin, so that ~f r h l j text wrrr tlw t.xrlusive selection for a rlasi i n our country, a wpplm~mtaryam1 parallel lirt of Antrrican literature would be hrll>ful. Aside from thc prcsenmtion on page X l l of dctoxicated be&ic acid in glucosidi&nion with glucur&ic acid instead its ester, no errors have been detected. The newer id- of intermediary metabolism are hospitably included as possibilities with a typically English gallantry. The effects of the war in slowing the interchange of professional publications are shown in minor instances where the book is not strictly up to its dating, from the viewpoint of American research. The use of diphthongs in such words as "haemin" and "oestrone," and consistent "labour" and "honour," rather than confuse the reader, give him a "flavour" with his chemistry, and a diversion from his often flat American dialect. DAVIDLYMAN DAV~SON

LABORATORY MANUALOF EXPLOSIVECHEMISTRY.Allen L. Olsen, Instructor of Chemistry. Kansas State College, and John W. Greene, Head of Department of Chemical Engineering, Ransas State College. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 1943. vi 106 pp. 8figs. 13.5 X 21.5cm. 61.75. This is a manual for use in connection with the laboratory part of a short course in explosives such as might be given, in an ardinary college laboratory with but very little extra equipment, as part of the Engineering, Science, and Management War Training Program. I t contains about the minimum of directions and information, and is not sufficient hy itself without an instructor to work beside the student and without lectures to interpret and to explain the directions. The several chapters deal respectively with: I, Safety; 11, Propellants, Raw Materials; 111, Propellants, Nitrccellulox, and Smokeless Powder; IV, High Explosives; and V, Primen, Igniters, and Initiators. An appendix discusses sampling. Safety precautions are discussed adequately, hut no very dangerous experiments are described. Some might think that more explosive experiments ought to be included in the course, say, the lead plate test of detonators and determinations of explosion temperatures, of sensitivities in the drop test, and of velocities of detonation by the Dautriche method. Such experiments would supply interest-and discipline. Also lacking from the hook are chemical experiments with the lesser-known explosives, and instructions in the art of becoming acquainted with the properties of an explosive concerning whose peculiarities one has not been informed in advance. The book contains clear directions for the laboratory determinations usually made upon the powden and explosives which are in common use by the U. S. Army and Navy, and i t tells what the specificationsare for these materials. But the book does not in general explain the chemislry which is involved in the determinations or in general tell why the specifications are what they are. These matters presumably are covered in the lectures which accompany the laboratory course. The chemistry is immutable. let it be remembered. but the soecifications are subiect to change and repre'ent compromiws hctwwn two variables, be1 w e m what is desiwd und what n m y Iw n w r r d econonaically on TPNNIIY L. IJAVIS an indurtrial scale.

CHEB~IST~Y MADEEASY. Volume One-THE THEORYOR INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.x 184 pp. Volume Two--ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS IN INORGANIC 232 pp. Volume T h e - T H E ALIPHATICAND AROMATIC COMPOUNDS OR ORGANIC 256 pp. Volume Four--CnE~rc~Ls oa COMMERCE. viii 542 pp. Cornelia T. Snell and Fop& Dee Snell. D . Van Nostrand Company. Inc., New York, 1943. Each vol. 14 X 20.5 cm. Illustrated. $7.95 per set. According to the preface, these books are designed for the "man or woman who wishes a well-rounded scientific education by home study without a teacher." The authors have avoided a stiff and rigorous textbook treatment of chemistry by humanizing the subject with illustrations from everyday life, putting "first things first." and progressing step by step until this objective has been accomplished. The theory and underlying principles of chemistry are c o w e d in volume one. Simple experiments are discussed which may be performed by the reader. Each chapter is concluded by a set of test questions and each volume contains a final examination. Volume two continues the study of chemistry by introducing the more important elements and compounds, while volume three is devoted t o organic chemistry. The last volume differs f m the first three in that it is more of areference book containing a list of industrial chemical and commercial raw materials. It is included in the set that the reader may have a t hand an informational volume on the usefulness of materials. Excellent glossaries are a part of each text. The reviewer has found the style of these books such that the reader will enjoy his home study and will come away with a clear-cut picture of this interesting field of science and a definite amount of knowledge. GRETAOPPE







ORGANICCHEMISTRY.William T . Caldwell. Temple University, under the editorshin of Hermen T. Briscoc. Indiana Universitv. Houghton Mifflin 6ompany, Boston, 1943: x 763 pp. 15 j( 23.5 cm. $4.25. This book has been written with the purpose of providing in one text an adeouate treatment of orranic chemistrv for the beginning student, and is dr.igned to c n n y one who has a kuowledge of gcnrral inorganic chctnistry to a point nhcrc he can profitably u.c advanced texts denliug with specialired topics and the original literature of organic chemistm. The author's point of view is reflected in the editor's introduction. "The student of organic chemistry finds a vast collection of information . . . if his study is to be comprehensive in scope. It is no longer possible to place before him a simple outline the author need not apologize . . . for the quantity of material that he has ~rovided." The author's treatment is comprehensive, the b w k being of much greater length than the average introductory text. It is comparable in number of words to Whitmore's "Organic Chemistry," though written in textbook style rather than in an attempt to make of it another "one-volume Beilstein." - I t is easily read, and the degree of advancement of the student is keot in mind. However. because of its verv scooe and detail. it drhitely ttceds consider& "traching." ivithout this, even the good studerlr might become bogxed down by thc wealth of material offcred. It would be a Letter first text for those teachers who believe in a very comprehensive full-year course far seniors than for those who prefer that undergraduate organic chemistry be given in two years. It is only fair t o the author to say that the reviewer happens to prefer the latter plan, believing in a f i s t broad course in fundamentals followed by a second course of greater detail. The coverage of the book is excellent. Few topics, indeed, which an undergraduate should study are not well covered.








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