Laboratory Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis for Students of

Laboratory Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis for Students of Pharmacy. Fourth edition (Bradley, Theodore J.) J. C. Krantz. J. Chem. Educ. , 1927...
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Recent Books Laboratory Manual of Qualitative Chemi- ATexthook of Organic Chemistry. Jmms SCHMIDT,Stuttgart. English translacal Analysis for Students of Pharmacy. tion by H. Gordon Rule, Edinburgh. THEODORE 1. BRADLEY,A.M., B.S.. Ph.G. Professor of Chemistry, MassaD. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1926. chusetts College of Pharmacy. Lea & xxiv 798 pp. 16 X 24 cm. $9.00. Febiger, Philadelphia. Fourth edition, 184 pp. 20 X 15 cm. 1926. vii This is a book suitable either as an $2.25. occasional reference book for a class in This b w k contains a short review of the elementary organic chemistry or as a fundamental concepts of matter and textbook for an advanced class. It fills energy along with a summary of the the place which would be occupied by an subjects of valence, atomic weight, nomen- English translation of Richter's "Organic clature, symbols, etc. The subject-matter Chemistry," if a good one were available. All the important divisions of organic of this section is treated as an introduction to the coursein qualitative analysis proper. chemistry are treated in a very excellent The tests far the metallic ions are studied manner. The chapters on the carbain the usual group method of qualitative hydrates, purines, terpenes, heterocyclic procedure. These are followed bya system- compounds, and chlorophyll are unusually atic scheme for the detection of the anions good. The treatment of such subjects as including a guide far the treatment of un- desmotropy, free radicals, and naturally known specimens and certain tests peculiar occurring drugs and dyes leaves nothing t o be desired. to the Pharmawpoeia. The outstanding characteristics of this The only glaring fault which occurs to treatise seem to be its simplicity . . of style an American user of the book is in the and arrangement, in addition to provisions treatment of petroleum and related subfor the develo~mentof self-reliance on the jects including cracking. It is stated, for part of the student by giving him the instance, that the most important places opportunity to complete equations in the in which petroleum occurs are Pennsyltext proper. The procedures outlined vania in North America and the region . for the analysis of unknown specimens are around Baku in Caucasia. concise and sufficiently adequate for a A future edition might he improved by course in applied chemistry. The tests taking into consideration developments in incorporated from the Pharmacopoeia organic chemistry which have taken place have been well chosen, although the re- outside of Germany. To cite only the viewer feels t h a t following each test, the simplest substances involved, we wuld equation and an explanation regarding list methane, methylene chloride, chlorothe test would be helpful to the student. form, products obtainable from ethylene Although this book is intended solely such as the chlorohydrin, the glycol, and for students of pharmacy, i t seems to the esters and ethers, the newer commer&l reviewer that the inclusion of a discussion alcohols such as isoprapyl, n-butyl, of the solubility product principle and secondary butyl, and tertiary butyl, and common ion effect wonld be a valuable ketene and urea. The only development addition from the point of view of chemical of this kind which i s considered in the education. J. C. K u n n , JR. present edition is the commercial prepara-

