Laboratory Reagents, Inc

Gentlemen, please send us a free sample of (check one). (Please print.) Kel-Pak Powders #1. Kel-Pak Powders §2. Kel-Pak Powders #3. Write for a gener...
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Complete Electrophoresis Apparatus SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS Klett-Summerson Photoelectric ColorimetersColorimeters - Nephelometers - Fluorimeters Bio-Calorimeters - Comparators - Glass Stand­ ards - Glass Cells - Klett Reagents


M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO. 177 EAST 87TH S T R E E T NEW Y O R K Ν . Υ.

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New Kel-Pak Powders speed Kjeldahl work Kel-Pak Powders* are a precision blend of nitrogentesting chemicals in inert, foam-reducing poly­ ethylene packets. These new powders permit accurate Kjeldahl nitrogen determinations to be run in less time and w i t h greater safety at costs comparable w i t h con­ ventional methods. They do away with t h e need to stock, store, weigh, mix and measure out test chemicals. The airtight bags eliminate danger from handling toxic agents. The U. S. P. grade chemicals in Kel-Pak Powders are carefully ground, weighed and blended in large quantities. Then each batch is analyzed for quality and uniformity by a leading independent nonprofit research laboratory.

Kel-Pak Powders #1 (Kjeldahl M e t h o d ) . Each packet contains 9 9 grams KjSO.,, .08 gram CuS0 4 and .41 gram H g O . Kel-Pak Powders #2 ( G u n n i n g M e t h o d ) . Each packet contains 10 grams K»S0 4 and .3 gram CuS0 4 . Kel-Pak Powders #3 (Kjeldahl-Wilfarth-Gunning M e t h o d ) . T w o packets are used for each deter­ mination. Each packet contains 9 grams K.,S0 4 and 35 gram HgO. * registered trademark, patent pending

Kel-Pak Powders are available in three formulas identical to those used in leading laboratories everywhere. All conform t o A. O. A. C. standard methods.

Laboratory Reagents, Inc. 3030-C Main Street Kansas City, Missouri Gentlemen, please send us a free sample of (check one) (Please print.) Name and title. .

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Kel-Pok P o w d e r . #1


Kel-Pak Powders #2


Kel-Pak Powders #3


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