Laboratory Safety and Health - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Laboratory Safety and Health The authoritative Short Course sponsored by the American Chemical Society and taught by CERTIFIED SAFETY PROFESSIONALS April 28-30,1982—Boston, Massachusetts June 2-4,1982—Charleston, South Carolina July 19-21,1982-Chicago, Illinois September 10-12,1982—Kansas City, Missouri October 27-29,1982—Los Angeles, California


Professionals know there are man reasons to develop and maintai Itllll, an effective program for safety an< Sffl ^^ occupational health in the laboratory avoiding incidents that may cause ovei exposure or injury, preventing fires, meeting labc ratory standards, and complying with a wid variety of safety and health regulations.

This ACS course, profusely illustrated with slides and videc tapes, will provide you with the latest information on wha needs to be done and the ways to achieve effective result* You will have ample opportunity to ask questions about you own safety problems. In addition to a course manual, each participant will receiv a copy of the NAS/NRC book, Prudent Practices for Hah dling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories.

THE PROGRAM FIRST DAY Establishing and Maintaining a Laboratory Safety Program Hazard Identification and Control Measures Codes and Standards on Safety and Health Health Hazards of Chemicals—past and present concerns Monitoring and Limiting Exposures SECOND DAY Laboratory Ventilation Systems Eye, Face and Skin Protection Respiratory Protection Needs and Limitations Emergency Procedures for Chemical Spills THIRD DAY Flammable Hazards and Controls Chemical Storage Requirements and Systems Electrical Safety in the Laboratory Safe Handling of Compressed Gases Laboratory Waste Disposal Requirements Group Discussion of Safety and Health Problems

THE INSTRUCTORS Norman V. Steere, P.E., Laboratory Safety and Design Consultant, Norman V. Steere & Associates, Minneapolis, MN; Maurice Golden, P.E., Chemical Engineer, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY; Guest Lecturer: Linda L. Lewis, Research Chemist, The Monsanto Company, Texas City, TX.

HERE'S WHAT ENTHUSIASTIC PARTICIPANTS SAY ABOUT THE COURSE: "Excellent course, very informative, well-presented." "Well worth the time and money." "Excellent information and references." "Information given from instructors' own experience was invaluable."

REGISTRATION FEES Fees for the complete three day course are $515.00 for ACS members and $585.00 for non-members. Discounts of 15% are allowed for three or more registrants from the same organization.

Call collect (202) 872-4508 or send coupon for detailed information now! ACS Short Courses American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Please rush me additional information on the Laboratory Safety and Health Course. Name Employer's Name _ Employer's Address .

Business Phone No.

March 8, 1982 C&EN