Laboratory Series 2012 - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Mar 29, 2013 - Advertisement. Previous Article · Next Article · Table of Contents. ACS Lecture/Laboratory Series 2012. Chem. Eng. News , 2012, 90 (26)...
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ACS Department of Professional Education is offering two courses in their Laboratory/Lecture series held at Axion Training Institute in Chicago, IL and are taught by President and Laboratory Director, Dr. Lee N. Polite.

ACS Lecture/Laboratory Series 2012

[Dr.] took the class step by step through the theory and most importantly the application of HPLC and related topics. It connected the dots so to speak and the instructor’s years of experience gave additional insight. Michael Gootee, Research Chemist

High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Fundamentals, Troubleshooting, and Method Development. Key topics include: learning the basic instrumentation for detectors, UV/VIS, photo diode array, mass spectrometer and fluorescence; Column selection and optimization; Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis; Troubleshooting HPLC Systems. 2012 Dates: September 24-28; November 12-16 Gas Chromatography: Fundamentals, Troubleshooting, and Method Development. Master the fundamentals of GC by: Participating in five hands-on laboratory sessions; Perform reference and literature searchers; Acquire specialized techniques based on your specific interests.



ACS Lecture/Lab Series

2012 Dates: October 22-29; December 10-14

Space in this course is strictly limited - don’t delay, register now at

American Chemical Society AxionJune2012.CEN.4chalf.indd 1 6/19/12 9:55:05 AM