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SERVICE CENTER. CLASSIFIED-HELP wanted. NMR ANALYSIS. Multinuclear. Multifield. Liquid or. Solid State. GLP Compliance. Spectral Data Services, Inc. ...
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NMR ANALYSIS Multinuclear Multifield Liquid o r S o l i d S t a t e GLP C o m p l i a n c e

Spectral Data Services, Inc. 818 Pioneer, Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 352-7084 Fax ( 2 1 7 ) 352-9748

LABORATORY SERVICE CENTER (Equipment, Materials, Services, Instruments for Leasing), Maximum space — 4 inches per advertisement. Column width, 2-3/16"; two column width, 4-9/16". Artwork accepted. No combination of directory rates with ROP advertising. Rates based on number of inches used within 12 months from first date of first insertion. Per inch: 1" — $185; 12" — $180; 24" — $175; 36" — $170; 48" — $165.

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1599 Post Road East P.O. Box 231 Westport, CT 06881 203-256-8211/FAX: 203-256-8175

CHEMIST Alcoa plant located in Little Rock area searching for degreed chemist with at least three years industrial experience to work in analytical laboratory. Ideal candidate possesses degree, quality and computer knowledge/skills and exposure to union environment. Position offers attractive total compensation and benefits package. Please send resume and salary requirements in complete confidence to: Alcoa Personnel Department P.O. Box 300 Bauxite, Arkansas 72015 Equal Opportunity Employer

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1599 Post Road East P.O. Box 231 Westport, CT 06881 203-256-8211 FAX: 203-256-8175

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Mail to: American Chemical Society, Public Communication, 1155 16th St., NW, Washington, DC 20036 Discounts for multiple copies available. Call 202/872-8729.

596 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 10, MAY 15, 1992